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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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Well, that hurts.

I mean, the same parliment has said it's ilegal, but they don't hurts. Catalonya is now independent.


So now the waiting game starts, would any other country legitimaze them? (I mean, except Venezuela, of course)

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So... how long until Spain will declare war to Catalonia ? :cry:

My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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Well I really don't think we are going to take the army to the streets.


I mean all the people voting yes today will end up in jail because it was ilegal. So then is going to be how Catalonyan pro-independence people react to that. In their world they are a independent country, but in reality the goverment is aproving one of the laws in the spanish constitution that's going to allow to the goverment to take control of Catalonya, disolve their parlament and make elections this January.

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Here you can follow the situation in Catalonia


My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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13 minutes ago, Jur said:

Well I really don't think we are going to take the army to the streets.


I mean all the people voting yes today will end up in jail because it was ilegal. So then is going to be how Catalonyan pro-independence people react to that. In their world they are a independent country, but in reality the goverment is aproving one of the laws in the spanish constitution that's going to allow to the goverment to take control of Catalonya, disolve their parlament and make elections this January.

In our reality Kosovo is Serbian southern province, but in real world..... 


European countries started all this mess after recognision of ilegal independence of Kosovo. 


The question is, is Basque country is next?

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