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[PREDICTION CONTEST] Water Polo at the World Aquatics Championships 2017

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  On 7/20/2017 at 10:33 PM, tuniscof said:



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Provisional Standing after Day 1


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 Federer91 :BUL 62 62                            
2 bestmen :ALG 60 60                            
2 Maйкл :SRB 60 60                            
4 SteveParker :ITA 59 59                            
5 Crolympic :CRO 56 56                            
5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 56 56                            
5 vlad :ROU 56 56                            
8 crovitalci :CRO 55 55                            
8 Dunadan :ITA 55 55                            
10 dcro :CRO 53 53                            
10 tuniscof :TUN 53 53                            
12 George_D :GRE 52 52                            
13 titicow :BRA 51 51                            
14 africaboy :ROU 50 50                            
15 mrv86 :MEX 49 49                            
15 heywoodu :NED 49 49                            
15 rybak :POL 49 49                            
18 Pablita* :ITA 48 48                            
19 mihamiha :SLO 47 47                            
20 hckosice :SVK 46 46                            
21 Henry_Leon :ITA 45 45                            
22 lapaj :HUN 44 44                            
23 juliosilva* :BRA 43 43                            
23 Ufilov :POL 43 43                            
25 vinipereira :BRA 42 42                            
26 ady48 :ROU 41 41                            
27 Dolby :IND 40 40                            
28 hoversaBR :BRA 38 38                            
29 NikolaB :SRB 36 36                            



01: Women's Preliminary Round, July 16th

02: Men's Preliminary Round, July 17th

03: Women's Preliminary Round, July 18th

04: Men's Preliminary Round, July 19th

05: Women's Preliminary Round, July 20th

06: Men's Preliminary Round, July 21st

07: Women's Playoff Round, July 22nd

08: Men's Playoff Round, July 23rd

09: Women's Quarterfinals, July 24th

10: Men's Quarterfinals, July 25th

11: Women's Semifinals, July 26th

12: Men's Semifinals, July 27th

13: Women's Bronze Medal Match, Women's Gold Medal Match, July 28th

14: Men's Bronze Medal Match, Men's Gold Medal Match, July 29th



*= using Jolly

Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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Provisional Standing after Day 2


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 Dunadan :ITA 112 55 57                          
2 Federer91 :BUL 108 62 46                          
2 rybak :POL 108 49 59                          
4 Maйкл :SRB 107 60 47                          
5 dcro :CRO 106 53 53                          
5 George_D :GRE 106 52 54                          
7 CiroMennella99 :ITA 105 56 49                          
8 tuniscof :TUN 104 53 51                          
9 bestmen :ALG 103 60 43                          
10 mrv86 :MEX 101 49 52                          
10 africaboy :ROU 101 50 51                          
12 Crolympic :CRO 99 56 43                          
13 crovitalci :CRO 98 55 43                          
13 SteveParker :ITA 98 59 39                          
13 heywoodu :NED 98 49 49                          
16 juliosilva* :BRA 96 43 53                          
17 Pablita* :ITA 95 48 47                          
17 vlad :ROU 95 56 39                          
19 hckosice :SVK 94 46 48                          
20 titicow :BRA 92 51 41                          
21 mihamiha :SLO 91 47 44                          
22 lapaj :HUN 90 44 46                          
22 ady48 :ROU 90 41 49                          
24 Dolby :IND 89 40 49                          
24 Henry_Leon :ITA 89 45 44                          
26 vinipereira :BRA 87 42 45                          
27 Ufilov :POL 85 43 42                          
27 NikolaB :SRB 85 36 49                          
29 hoversaBR :BRA 84 38 46                          



01: Women's Preliminary Round, July 16th

02: Men's Preliminary Round, July 17th

03: Women's Preliminary Round, July 18th

04: Men's Preliminary Round, July 19th

05: Women's Preliminary Round, July 20th

06: Men's Preliminary Round, July 21st

07: Women's Playoff Round, July 22nd

08: Men's Playoff Round, July 23rd

09: Women's Quarterfinals, July 24th

10: Men's Quarterfinals, July 25th

11: Women's Semifinals, July 26th

12: Men's Semifinals, July 27th

13: Women's Bronze Medal Match, Women's Gold Medal Match, July 28th

14: Men's Bronze Medal Match, Men's Gold Medal Match, July 29th



*= using Jolly

Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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Provisional Standing after Day 3


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 George_D :GRE 164 52 54 58                        
2 dcro :CRO 159 53 53 53                        
2 Dunadan :ITA 159 55 57 47                        
4 africaboy :ROU 158 50 51 57                        
5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 154 56 49 49                        
6 rybak :POL 153 49 59 45                        
7 Federer91 :BUL 152 62 46 44                        
8 tuniscof :TUN 149 53 51 45                        
9 bestmen :ALG 148 60 43 45                        
9 crovitalci :CRO 148 55 43 50                        
9 mihamiha :SLO 148 47 44 57                        
12 juliosilva* :BRA 147 43 53 51                        
12 mrv86 :MEX 147 49 52 46                        
12 heywoodu :NED 147 49 49 49                        
12 Maйкл :SRB 147 60 47 40                        
16 lapaj :HUN 146 44 46 56                        
17 Crolympic :CRO 145 56 43 46                        
17 Pablita* :ITA 145 48 47 50                        
19 titicow :BRA 144 51 41 52                        
19 SteveParker :ITA 144 59 39 46                        
21 hckosice :SVK 143 46 48 49                        
22 ady48 :ROU 141 41 49 51                        
23 Henry_Leon :ITA 140 45 44 51                        
24 hoversaBR :BRA 137 38 46 53                        
24 Dolby :IND 137 40 49 48                        
24 vlad :ROU 137 56 39 42                        
27 NikolaB :SRB 135 36 49 50                        
28 vinipereira :BRA 133 42 45 46                        
28 Ufilov :POL 133 43 42 48                        



01: Women's Preliminary Round, July 16th

02: Men's Preliminary Round, July 17th

03: Women's Preliminary Round, July 18th

04: Men's Preliminary Round, July 19th

05: Women's Preliminary Round, July 20th

06: Men's Preliminary Round, July 21st

07: Women's Playoff Round, July 22nd

08: Men's Playoff Round, July 23rd

09: Women's Quarterfinals, July 24th

10: Men's Quarterfinals, July 25th

11: Women's Semifinals, July 26th

12: Men's Semifinals, July 27th

13: Women's Bronze Medal Match, Women's Gold Medal Match, July 28th

14: Men's Bronze Medal Match, Men's Gold Medal Match, July 29th



*= using Jolly

Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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Provisional Standing after Day 4


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 George_D :GRE 202 52 54 58 38                      
2 Federer91 :BUL 201 62 46 44 49                      
3 crovitalci :CRO 199 55 43 50 51                      
3 Dunadan :ITA 199 55 57 47 40                      
5 dcro :CRO 198 53 53 53 39                      
5 Maйкл :SRB 198 60 47 40 51                      
7 africaboy :ROU 197 50 51 57 39                      
8 Pablita* :ITA 193 48 47 50 48                      
8 mihamiha :SLO 193 47 44 57 45                      
10 CiroMennella99 :ITA 191 56 49 49 37                      
11 bestmen :ALG 190 60 43 45 42                      
12 rybak :POL 189 49 59 45 36                      
13 lapaj :HUN 187 44 46 56 41                      
14 Crolympic :CRO 186 56 43 46 41                      
15 mrv86 :MEX 185 49 52 46 38                      
16 juliosilva* :BRA 184 43 53 51 37                      
16 heywoodu :NED 184 49 49 49 37                      
16 tuniscof :TUN 184 53 51 45 35                      
19 hckosice :SVK 183 46 48 49 40                      
20 titicow :BRA 181 51 41 52 37                      
21 ady48 :ROU 180 41 49 51 39                      
22 NikolaB :SRB 179 36 49 50 44                      
23 SteveParker :ITA 178 59 39 46 34                      
24 hoversaBR :BRA 176 38 46 53 39                      
25 Dolby :IND 174 40 49 48 37                      
25 Henry_Leon :ITA 174 45 44 51 34                      
27 vinipereira :BRA 172 42 45 46 39                      
28 vlad :ROU 171 56 39 42 34                      
29 Ufilov :POL 170 43 42 48 37                      



01: Women's Preliminary Round, July 16th

02: Men's Preliminary Round, July 17th

03: Women's Preliminary Round, July 18th

04: Men's Preliminary Round, July 19th

05: Women's Preliminary Round, July 20th

06: Men's Preliminary Round, July 21st

07: Women's Playoff Round, July 22nd

08: Men's Playoff Round, July 23rd

09: Women's Quarterfinals, July 24th

10: Men's Quarterfinals, July 25th

11: Women's Semifinals, July 26th

12: Men's Semifinals, July 27th

13: Women's Bronze Medal Match, Women's Gold Medal Match, July 28th

14: Men's Bronze Medal Match, Men's Gold Medal Match, July 29th



*= using Jolly

Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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Provisional Standing after Day 5


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 Maйкл :SRB 257 60 47 40 51 59                    
2 dcro :CRO 255 53 53 53 39 57                    
2 George_D :GRE 255 52 54 58 38 53                    
2 africaboy :ROU 255 50 51 57 39 58                    
5 Dunadan :ITA 254 55 57 47 40 55                    
6 Crolympic :CRO 244 56 43 46 41 58                    
7 Federer91 :BUL 239 62 46 44 49 38                    
7 rybak :POL 239 49 59 45 36 50                    
9 juliosilva* :BRA 238 43 53 51 37 54                    
10 SteveParker :ITA 236 59 39 46 34 58                    
10 tuniscof :TUN 236 53 51 45 35 52                    
12 hoversaBR :BRA 235 38 46 53 39 59                    
12 crovitalci :CRO 235 55 43 50 51 36                    
14 mrv86 :MEX 234 49 52 46 38 49                    
15 lapaj :HUN 232 44 46 56 41 45                    
15 Pablita* :ITA 232 48 47 50 48 39                    
15 mihamiha :SLO 232 47 44 57 45 39                    
18 ady48 :ROU 231 41 49 51 39 51                    
19 titicow :BRA 230 51 41 52 37 49                    
19 CiroMennella99 :ITA 230 56 49 49 37 39                    
21 NikolaB :SRB 228 36 49 50 44 49                    
22 bestmen :ALG 226 60 43 45 42 36                    
23 vinipereira :BRA 222 42 45 46 39 50                    
24 heywoodu :NED 221 49 49 49 37 37                    
24 Ufilov :POL 221 43 42 48 37 51                    
26 Henry_Leon :ITA 218 45 44 51 34 44                    
27 hckosice :SVK 212 46 48 49 40 29                    
28 vlad :ROU 205 56 39 42 34 34                    
29 Dolby :IND 204 40 49 48 37 30                    



01: Women's Preliminary Round, July 16th

02: Men's Preliminary Round, July 17th

03: Women's Preliminary Round, July 18th

04: Men's Preliminary Round, July 19th

05: Women's Preliminary Round, July 20th

06: Men's Preliminary Round, July 21st

07: Women's Playoff Round, July 22nd

08: Men's Playoff Round, July 23rd

09: Women's Quarterfinals, July 24th

10: Men's Quarterfinals, July 25th

11: Women's Semifinals, July 26th

12: Men's Semifinals, July 27th

13: Women's Bronze Medal Match, Women's Gold Medal Match, July 28th

14: Men's Bronze Medal Match, Men's Gold Medal Match, July 29th



*= using Jolly

Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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