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125,000 and still a 50:50 if you need it for this question:






Pts. 125,000


Which of these classifies as an example for nekton?



  A: Honey and tree gum   B: Whales and sharks
  C: Anodes and cathodes     D: Corpses and mummies



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1 minute ago, OlympicIRL said:

Ok, now one of the wheels has come off and I'm swerving into the gravel :d. I have never heard of nekton. Can I have a 50:50 please?



Pts. 125,000


Which of these classifies as an example for nekton?



  A:   B: Whales and sharks       
  C: Anodes and cathodes     D:



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I am going to play. I think C is a con to make me think it sounds like electron, proton, neutron, etc because I have never heard of it. And I can't think what it relates to whales and sharks but hey-ho, let's go with that. B: final answer. I am dreading the backlash now if it does turn out to be anodes and cathodes :red:



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Pts. 125,000


Which of these classifies as an example for nekton?



  A:   B: Whales and sharks       
  C: Anodes and cathodes     D:


125,000 or 32,000?

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We all know what plankton is. Small organisms unable to propel themselves, depending on the motion of water.

Nekton is that swims freely, from Greek nekton = swimming. Therefore, whales and sharks fit the bill.



Pts. 125,000


Which of these classifies as an example for nekton?



  A:   B: Whales and sharks       
  C: Anodes and cathodes     D:



♦           P t s .  1 2 5 , 0 0 0           



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