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Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018

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Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018


JPN.gif Various Cities (JPN) - 2 August 2018 - 12 August 2018 JPN.gif




Official Website 112255r04u4pz70n9mu99d.png
Programme 114826ez87b86sig8ubgz8.png
Results System 112255r04u4pz70n9mu99d.png
Results Database 160706oyh04y5y4bzsnssy.png
Facebook Page 000832qcaljaxz2cfx2jfq.png
Discussion Thread 160706oyh04y5y4bzsnssy.png
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Qualified Nations

  • AUS.gif Australia
  • BOT.gif Botswana
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CHN.gif China
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • MEX.gif Mexico
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • PHI.gif Philippines
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico
  • RSA.gif South Africa
  • USA.gif United States
  • VEN.gif Venezuela


Competition Format


Preliminary Round
August 2nd - August 9th, 2018
16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Upper Quarterfinals, the 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Lower Quarterfinals, the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Nations from each Group will qualify for the 9th-16th Places Quarterfinals
Knockout Round
August 10th - August 12th, 2018
16 Nations, Placement Matches, Upper Quarterfinals, Lower Quarterfinals, Upper Semifinals, Lower Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018 Champion
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Qualification Format






Women's Softball ABSA African Championship 2018
January 12th - January 14th, 2018
4 Nations, the 1st and 2nd Nations will qualify for the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018

Registered Nations
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • BOT.gif Botswana (Women's Softball ABSA African Championship 2018)
  • LES.gif Lesotho (Women's Softball ABSA African Championship 2018)
  • RSA.gif South Africa (Women's Softball ABSA African Championship 2018)
  • ZIM.gif Zimbabwe (Women's Softball ABSA African Championship 2018)






Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017
August 4th - August 13th, 2017
20 Nations, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Nations will qualify for the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018

Registered Nations
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • ARG.gif Argentina (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • ARU.gif Aruba (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • BAH.gif Bahamas (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • BRA.gif Brazil (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • IVB.gif British Virgin Islands (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • CAN.gif Canada (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • COL.gif Colombia (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • CUB.gif Cuba (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • CUR.gif Curacao (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • DOM.gif Dominican Republic (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • ESA.gif El Salvador (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • GUA.gif Guatemala (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • JAM.gif Jamaica (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • MEX.gif Mexico (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • PAN.gif Panama (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • PER.gif Peru (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • TCI.gif Turks and Caicos Islands (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • USA.gif United States (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)
  • VEN.gif Venezuela (Women's Softball CONPASA American Championship 2017)






Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017
November 29th - December 4th, 2017
12 Nations, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd not already qualified Nations will qualify for the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018

Registered Nations
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • CHN.gif China (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • HKG.gif Hong Kong (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • IND.gif India (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • INA.gif Indonesia (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • IRI.gif Iran (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • JPN.gif Japan (Host Nation)
  • PAK.gif Pakistan (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • PHI.gif Philippines (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • SGP.gif Singapore (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • KOR.gif South Korea (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)
  • THA.gif Thailand (Women's Softball SCA Asian Championship 2017)






Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017
June 25th - July 1st, 2017
23 Nations, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations will qualify for the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018

Registered Nations
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • AUT.gif Austria (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • BEL.gif Belgium (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • BUL.gif Bulgaria (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • CRO.gif Croatia (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • CZE.gif Czech Republic (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • DEN.gif Denmark (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • FRA.gif France (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • GER.gif Germany (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • GBR.gif Great Britain (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • GRE.gif Greece (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • HUN.gif Hungary (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • IRL.gif Ireland (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • ISR.gif Israel (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • ITA.gif Italy (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • LTU.gif Lithuania (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • NED.gif Netherlands (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • POL.gif Poland (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • RUS.gif Russia (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • SVK.gif Slovakia (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • ESP.gif Spain (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • SWE.gif Sweden (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • SUI.gif Switzerland (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)
  • UKR.gif Ukraine (Women's Softball ESF European Championship 2017)





Registered Nations
Qualified, Eliminated, In Progress


  • AUS.gif Australia (Automatic Qualification)
  • NZL.gif New Zealand (Automatic Qualification)
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Preliminary Round
August 2nd - August 9th, 2018
16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Upper Quarterfinals, the 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Lower Quarterfinals, the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Nations from each Group will qualify for the 9th-16th Places Quarterfinals

Group A

  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • MEX.gif Mexico
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • PHI.gif Philippines
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico
  • RSA.gif South Africa
  • USA.gif United States

Group B

  • AUS.gif Australia
  • BOT.gif Botswana
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CHN.gif China
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • VEN.gif Venezuela


Group A
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


South Africa RSA.gif 0 - 21 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
4 Innings
August 3rd 2018, h. 10:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


United States USA.gif 5 - 2 MEX.gif Mexico
August 3rd 2018, h. 12:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Philippines PHI.gif 10 - 0 RSA.gif South Africa
4 Innings
August 3rd 2018, h. 15:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Puerto Rico PUR.gif 6 - 5 NED.gif Netherlands
August 3rd 2018, h. 15:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


New Zealand NZL.gif 4 - 7 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
August 3rd 2018, h. 18:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Puerto Rico PUR.gif 9 - 0 RSA.gif South Africa
5 Innings
August 4th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Philippines PHI.gif 0 - 2 MEX.gif Mexico
August 4th 2018, h. 12:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 0 - 7 USA.gif United States
5 Innings
August 4th 2018, h. 15:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


New Zealand NZL.gif 5 - 10 NED.gif Netherlands
August 4th 2018, h. 18:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Puerto Rico PUR.gif 3 - 0 PHI.gif Philippines
August 4th 2018, h. 18:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


United States USA.gif 11 - 4 NED.gif Netherlands
4 Innings
August 5th 2018, h. 10:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 11 - 12 PUR.gif Puerto Rico
August 5th 2018, h. 12:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Netherlands NED.gif 4 - 5 PHI.gif Philippines
August 5th 2018, h. 15:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Mexico MEX.gif 8 - 0 RSA.gif South Africa
5 Innings
August 5th 2018, h. 15:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


United States USA.gif 7 - 0 NZL.gif New Zealand
5 Innings
August 5th 2018, h. 18:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Mexico MEX.gif 0 - 9 PUR.gif Puerto Rico
6 Innings
August 6th 2018, h. 10:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


South Africa RSA.gif 0 - 6 NZL.gif New Zealand
August 6th 2018, h. 12:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Netherlands NED.gif 6 - 5 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
August 6th 2018, h. 15:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Philippines PHI.gif 0 - 12 USA.gif United States
4 Innings
August 6th 2018, h. 18:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Puerto Rico PUR.gif 4 - 1 NZL.gif New Zealand
August 7th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 9 - 7 PHI.gif Philippines
August 7th 2018, h. 12:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Mexico MEX.gif 1 - 0 NED.gif Netherlands
August 7th 2018, h. 12:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


United States USA.gif 7 - 0 RSA.gif South Africa
5 Innings
August 7th 2018, h. 15:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Mexico MEX.gif 1 - 0 NZL.gif New Zealand
August 7th 2018, h. 18:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


United States USA.gif 8 - 1 PUR.gif Puerto Rico
5 Innings
August 8th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 3 - 4 MEX.gif Mexico
August 8th 2018, h. 12:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


South Africa RSA.gif 1 - 11 NED.gif Netherlands5 Innings
August 9th 2018, h. 14:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


New Zealand NZL.gif 2 - 0 PHI.gif PhilippinesAugust 9th 2018, h. 14:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Group A Final Standing


USA.gif United States
PUR.gif Puerto Rico
MEX.gif Mexico
NED.gif Netherlands
TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
NZL.gif New Zealand
PHI.gif Philippines
RSA.gif South Africa


Group B
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Japan JPN.gif 9 - 0 ITA.gif Italy
6 Innings
August 2nd 2018, h. 20:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Australia AUS.gif 7 - 1 VEN.gif Venezuela
August 3rd 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Canada CAN.gif 7 - 0 GBR.gif Great Britain
5 Innings
August 3rd 2018, h. 12:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Australia AUS.gif 0 - 1 CHN.gif China
August 3rd 2018, h. 15:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Venezuela VEN.gif 0 - 7 CAN.gif Canada
6 Innings
August 3rd 2018, h. 18:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Botswana BOT.gif 0 - 20 JPN.gif Japan
3 Innings
August 3rd 2018, h. 19:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Italy ITA.gif 2 - 3 AUS.gif Australia
August 4th 2018, h. 10:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


China CHN.gif 1 - 0 GBR.gif Great Britain
August 4th 2018, h. 12:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Botswana BOT.gif 0 - 8 VEN.gif Venezuela
August 4th 2018, h. 14:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Canada CAN.gif 1 - 0 ITA.gif Italy
August 4th 2018, h. 15:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Japan JPN.gif 5 - 0 CHN.gif China
August 4th 2018, h. 19:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Italy ITA.gif 8 - 0 BOT.gif Botswana
5 Innings
August 5th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Australia AUS.gif 2 - 0 CAN.gif Canada
August 5th 2018, h. 14:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Venezuela VEN.gif 0 - 6 CHN.gif China
August 5th 2018, h. 18:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Great Britain GBR.gif 0 - 6 JPN.gif Japan
August 5th 2018, h. 19:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Australia AUS.gif 14 - 0 BOT.gif Botswana
4 Innings
August 6th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


China CHN.gif 0 - 7 CAN.gif Canada
6 Innings
August 6th 2018, h. 12:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Italy ITA.gif 1 - 0 GBR.gif Great Britain
August 6th 2018, h. 15:30, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Japan JPN.gif 7 - 2 VEN.gif Venezuela
August 6th 2018, h. 19:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Botswana BOT.gif 0 - 10 GBR.gif Great Britain
4 Innings
August 7th 2018, h. 10:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Venezuela VEN.gif 1 - 3 ITA.gif Italy
August 7th 2018, h. 15:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


China CHN.gif 15 - 1 BOT.gif Botswana
4 Innings
August 7th 2018, h. 15:30, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Great Britain GBR.gif 0 - 11 AUS.gif Australia
5 Innings
August 7th 2018, h. 18:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City


Canada CAN.gif 0 - 2 JPN.gif Japan
August 7th 2018, h. 19:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Canada CAN.gif 22 - 0 BOT.gif Botswana
3 Innings
August 8th 2018, h. 15:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Italy ITA.gif 7 - 0 CHN.gif China
5 Innings
August 8th 2018, h. 17:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Great Britain GBR.gif 5 - 2 VEN.gif Venezuela
August 9th 2018, h. 17:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Japan JPN.gif 9 - 1 AUS.gif Australia
6 Innings
August 9th 2018, h. 20:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Group B Final Standing


JPN.gif Japan
AUS.gif Australia
CAN.gif Canada
ITA.gif Italy
CHN.gif China
GBR.gif Great Britain
VEN.gif Venezuela
BOT.gif Botswana
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Knockout Round
August 10th - August 12th, 2018
16 Nations, Placement Matches, Upper Quarterfinals, Lower Quarterfinals, Lower Semifinals, Lower Semifinal, Upper Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Women's Softball WBSC World Championship 2018 Champion


  • AUS.gif Australia
  • BOT.gif Botswana
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • CHN.gif China
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • GBR.gif Great Britain
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • MEX.gif Mexico
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • PHI.gif Philippines
  • PUR.gif Puerto Rico
  • RSA.gif South Africa
  • USA.gif United States
  • VEN.gif Venezuela


9th-16th Places Quarterfinals
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 8 - 1 BOT.gif Botswana
6 Innings
August 10th 2018, h. 10:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City

Philippines PHI.gif 1 - 2 GBR.gif Great Britain
August 10th 2018, h. 14:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City

New Zealand NZL.gif 0 - 4 VEN.gif Venezuela
August 10th 2018, h. 14:00, NASPA Stadium, Narita City
South Africa RSA.gif 0 - 3 CHN.gif China
August 10th 2018, h. 10:00, Zett. A. Ball Park, Ichihara City


Lower Quarterfinals
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Mexico MEX.gif 1 - 0 ITA.gif Italy
9 Innings
August 10th 2018, h. 10:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba

Netherlands NED.gif 1 - 8 CAN.gif Canada
5 Innings
August 10th 2018, h. 12:30, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


Upper Quarterfinals
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


United States USA.gif 3 - 1 AUS.gif Australia
August 10th 2018, h. 15:30, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba
Puerto Rico PUR.gif 0 - 7 JPN.gif Japan
6 Innings
August 10th 2018, h. 19:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


Lower Semifinals
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Australia AUS.gif 2 - 1 MEX.gif Mexico
8 Innings
August 11th 2018, h. 09:30, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba

Puerto Rico PUR.gif 4 - 10 CAN.gif Canada
August 11th 2018, h. 12:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


9th-12th Places Semifinals
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 13 - 11 GBR.gif Great Britain
August 11th 2018, h. 10:00, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City
Venezuela VEN.gif 2 - 8 CHN.gif China
August 11th 2018, h. 13:15, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Lower Semifinal
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Australia AUS.gif 0 - 12 CAN.gif Canada
August 11th 2018, h. 15:30, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


9th Place Match
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 6 - 4 CHN.gif China
August 11th 2018, h. 16:30, Akitsu Stadium, Narashino City


Upper Semifinal
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


United States USA.gif 4 - 3 JPN.gif Japan
8 Innings
August 11th 2018, h. 19:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


Bronze Medal Match
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


Japan JPN.gif 3 - 0 CAN.gif Canada
August 12th 2018, h. 14:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba


Gold Medal Match
Japan Standard Time (GMT +9)


United States USA.gif 7 - 6 JPN.gif Japan
10 Innings
August 12th 2018, h. 19:00, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba
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Women's Tournament
Final Results


USA.gif United States


JPN.gif Japan


CAN.gif Canada


Puerto Rico
Chinese Taipei
Great Britain
New Zealand
South Africa
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