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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2023

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Just now, heywoodu said:

Malta :hyper: 


Definitely my favourite of all Mediterranean islands with weird isolate languages!

They felt bad seeing get eliminated from the team event like that :p

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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11 minutes ago, Werloc said:

I was really scared when I saw how overwhelmingly impactful the topic of religion is in the United States. I've watched this Youtube video recently discussing LGBT and the conversation was completely derailed by Catholicism. 


Here in Lithuania, older generation is religious mostly, but I personally don't know anybody going to church on a Sunday. Although, Catholicism is really used as a scapegoat to hate on all of the minorities in the country, because people don't want to take accountability of their own hateful feelings/thoughts and choose to hide behind the 'Bible said so'... 


It's really annoying how you can be an absolute awful prick just because of your religious beliefs. 

Yeah, here in Florida, if you're LGBT they do not want to hear from you

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Just now, dezbee2008 said:

Yeah, here in Florida, if you're LGBT they do not want to hear from you

I'll send literally every positive vibe I have.


Florida politics are pretty polar opposite of everything I stand for at the moment. Hopefully it cools down at some point

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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:MLT Malta Calling! :MLT       


:HUN HUN - 12 Points              

:ITA ITA - 11 Points              

:GER GER - 10 Points            

:ROU ROU - 9 Points             

:CZE CZE - 8 Points             

:NED NED - 7 Points             

:IRL IRL - 6 Points             

:BRA BRA - 5 Points             

:GBR GBR - 4 Points             

:DEN DEN - 3 Points             

:CAN CAN - 2 Points             

:SWE SWE - 1 Points            



“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Team Event : On The Bubble - 25th Vote


11. :KAZ / :CZE - 14.1 

12. :ROU / :SWE - 13.3

13. :ARG / :ESP - 13.1 (Eliminated)


Remember: Pairs are awarded a point each time one member appears in a juries' votes. If both members score points, the pair receives an additional 0.1 points. The the first elimination will occur after the 20th vote in the Grand Final. One pair will be eliminated on each subsequent vote. There will be on update on the bottom three pairs after each vote from now on. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Thank you :MLT, :SVK is on the cock @hckošice

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Current Standings (25/36)
  1 :SLO Slovenia 57   19 :GER Germany 91  
  2 :ITA Italy 101 20 :CZE Czechia 82  
  3 :SRB Serbia 33 21 :ESP Spain 66  
  4 :MDA Moldova 43 22 :CHN China 34  
  5 :POL Poland 36 23 :USA United States 41  
  6 :IND India 24 24 :NZL New Zealand 6  
  7 :GRE Greece 63 25 :MLT Malta 69  
  8 :MEX Mexico 84 26 :SVK Slovakia 32  
  9 :ISR Israel 0 27 :CRO Croatia 83  
  10 :ROU Romania 51 28 :TUR Turkiye 13  
  11 :BRA Brazil 70 29 :NED Netherlands 52  
  12 :DEN Denmark 65 30 :HUN Hungary 97  
  13 :KAZ Kazakhstan 9 31 :LTU Lithuania 44  
  14 :FRA France 35 32 :CAN Canada 81  
  15 :ARG Argentina 62 33 :IRL Ireland 70  
  16 :CHI Chile 32 34 :POR Portugal 49  
  17 :GBR Great Britain 123 35 :SWE Sweden 73  
  18 :UKR Ukraine 68 36 :INA Indonesia 11  



Current Top 5 Positions

1st :GBR Great Britain 123
2nd :ITA Italy 101
3rd :HUN Hungary 97
4th :GER Germany 91
5th :MEX Mexico 84
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Just now, Olympian1010 said:

Thank you :MLT, :SVK is on the cock @hckošice

Sure. give me a minute young boy

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