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Paralympic Sports Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games


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Nations Athletes Total
:AUS Australia 3 1 4
:BEL Belgium 1 - 1
:BHU Bhutan 1 - 1
:BRA Brazil 3 3 6
:CAN Canada - 1 1
:CHI Chile - 1 1
:CHN China 6 7 13
:COL Colombia - 1 1
:CRC Costa Rica 1 - 1
:CZE Czech Republic 2 2 4
:FIN Finland 1 - 1
:FRA France 3 1 4
:GER Germany 1 - 1
:GBR Great Britain 3 4 7
:GRE Greece - 1 1
:HKG Hong Kong 1 - 1
:HUN Hungary 1 - 1
:IND India 4 1 5
:IRI Iran 4 2 6
:IRQ Iraq 1 1 2
:IRL Ireland - 1 1
:ITA Italy 3 5 8
:JPN Japan 3 3 6
:LAT Latvia - 1 1
:MAS Malaysia 2 - 2
:MEX Mexico 2 - 2
:MGL Mongolia 1 1 2
:POL Poland 1 1 2
:ROU Romania 1 - 1
:RPC RPC 6 5 11
:SGP Singapore - 1 1
:SVK Slovakia 3 - 3
:SLO Slovenia 1 - 1
:RSA South Africa 2 - 2
:KOR South Korea 2 4 6
:ESP Spain - 1 1
:SRI Sri Lanka 1 - 1
:SWE Sweden - 1 1
:THA Thailand 3 2 5
:TUR Turkey 6 5 11
:UKR Ukraine 1 1 2
:USA United States 5 2 7
  79 60 139
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Nations Athletes Total
:ALG Algeria 13 8 21
:ANG Angola 1 1 2
:ARG Argentina 6 6 12
:ARM Armenia 1 - 1
:AUS Australia 21 15 36
:AUT Austria 2 1 3
:AZE Azerbaijan 9 3 12
:BRN Bahrain 1 1 2
:BLR Belarus 2 2 4
:BEL Belgium 2 2 4
:BEN Benin 1 1 2
:BER Bermuda - 1 1
:BHU Bhutan 1 1 2
:BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 - 1
:BOT Botswana 1 1 2
:BRA Brazil 41 24 65
:BRU Brunei 1 1 2
:BUL Bulgaria 2 1 3
:BUR Burkina Faso 1 1 2
:BDI Burundi 1 1 2
:CAM Cambodia 1 - 1
:CMR Cameroon 1 1 2
:CAN Canada 9 7 16
:CPV Cape Verde 1 1 2
:CAF Central African Republic - 1 1
:CHI Chile 1 1 2
:CHN China 25 26 51
:TPE Chinese Taipei 1 1 2
:COL Colombia 10 9 19
:CGO Congo 1 1 2
:CRC Costa Rica 2 1 3
:CIV Côte d'Ivoire 1 1 2
:CRO Croatia 8 2 10
:CUB Cuba 6 2 8
:CYP Cyprus 1 - 1
:CZE Czech Republic 3 3 6
:COD D.R. Congo 1 1 2
:DEN Denmark 2 2 4
:DOM Dominican Republic 1 1 2
:ECU Ecuador 5 3 8
:EGY Egypt 2 1 3
:ESA El Salvador 1 1 2
:EST Estonia 1 - 1
:ETH Ethiopia 2 1 3
:FAR Faroe Islands 1 - 1
:FIJ Fiji 2 - 2
:FIN Finland 4 2 6
:FRA France 15 7 22
:GAB Gabon 1 1 2
:GAM Gambia 1 1 2
:GEO Georgia 1 - 1
:GER Germany 13 14 27
:GHA Ghana 1 - 1
:GBR Great Britain 27 23 50
:GRE Greece 13 3 16
:GRN Grenada - 1 1
:GUA Guateamala 1 1 2
:GUI Guinea 1 1 2
:GBS Guinea-Bissau 1 1 2
:HAI Haiti 1 - 1
:HON Honduras 1 - 1
:HKG Hong Kong 1 1 2
:HUN Hungary 1 3 4
:ISL Iceland 1 1 2
:IND India 20 4 24
:INA Indonesia 3 4 7
:IRI Iran 14 2 16
:IRQ Iraq 6 1 7
:IRL Ireland 4 4 8
:ISR Israel 1 - 1
:ITA Italy 5 6 11
:JAM Jamaica 1 1 2
:JPN Japan 26 20 46
:JOR Jordan 1 - 1
:KAZ Kazakhstan 1 1 2
:KEN Kenya 4 3 7
:KUW Kuwait 2 1 3
:KGZ Kyrgyzstan 1 - 1
:LAO Laos 1 - 1
:LAT Latvia 2 2 4
:LBN Lebanon 1 - 1
:LES Lesotho - 1 1
:LBR Liberia 1 1 2
:LBA Libya 1 - 1
:LTU Lithuania 2 1 3
:LUX Luxembourg 1 - 1
:MAD Madagascar - 1 1
:MAW Malawi - 1 1
:MAS Malaysia 4 1 5
:MDV Maldives 1 1 2
:MLI Mali 1 1 2
:MLT Malta 1 - 1
:MRI Mauritius 1 3 4
:MEX Mexico 12 12 24
:MDA Moldova 1 1 2
:MGL Mongolia 1 1 2
:MNE Montenegro 1 1 2
:MAR Morocco 11 7 18
:MOZ Mozambique 1 1 2
:NAM Namibia 2 1 3
:NED Netherlands 6 11 17
:NZL New Zealand 2 6 8
:NCA Nicaragua 1 1 2
:NIG Niger 1 1 2
:NGR Nigeria 1 4 5
:NOR Norway 1 2 3
:OMA Oman 2 1 3
:PAK Pakistan 1 1 2
:PLE Palestine 1 - 1
:PAN Panama 1 1 2
:PNG Papua New Guinea 1 1 2
:PAR Paraguay - 1 1
:PER Peru 3 1 4
:PHI Philippines 1 1 2
:POL Poland 21 14 35
:POR Portugal 6 4 10
:PUR Puerto Rico 1 1 2
:QAT Qatar 1 1 2
:IPC Refugee Paralympic Team 1 1 2
:ROU Romania 1 1 2
:RPC RPC 40 27 67
:RWA Rwanda 1 1 2
:STP São Tomé and Príncipe 1 - 1
:KSA Saudi Arabia 4 1 5
:SEN Senegal 1 1 2
:SRB Serbia 3 1 4
:SLE Sierra Leone 1 1 2
:SGP Singapore 1 - 1
:SVK Slovakia 3 - 3
:SLO Slovenia 1 - 1
:SOL Solomon Islands - 1 1
:SOM Somalia 1 - 1
:RSA South Africa 11 7 18
:KOR South Korea 1 1 2
:ESP Spain 11 11 22
:SRI Sri Lanka 5 1 6
:SWE Sweden 2 1 3
:SUI Switzerland 3 5 8
:SYR Syria 1 - 1
:TJK Tajikistan 1 - 1
:TAN Tanzania 1 1 2
:THA Thailand 9 4 13
:TOG Togo - 1 1
:TUN Tunisia 10 13 23
:TUR Turkey 2 7 9
:UGA Uganda 1 1 2
:UKR Ukraine 15 15 30
:UAE United Arab Emirates 2 3 5
:USA United States 37 27 64
:UZB Uzbekistan 8 8 16
:VEN Venezuela 6 10 16
:VIE Vietnam 1 1 2
:ISV Virgin Islands - 1 1
:YEM Yemen 1 1 2
:ZAM Zambia - 1 1
:ZIM Zimbabwe - 2 2
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Nations Athletes Total
:AUS Australia 1 1 2
:BRA Brazil 1 - 1
:CAN Canada - 1 1
:CHN China 2 7 9
:TPE Chinese Taipei 1 - 1
:DEN Denmark - 1 1
:EGY Egypt 1 - 1
:FRA France 4 2 6
:GER Germany 3 3 6
:GBR Great Britain 4 - 4
:HKG Hong Kong 2 - 2
:IND India 5 2 7
:INA Indonesia 5 2 7
:ISR Israel - 1 1
:JPN Japan 5 8 13
:MAS Malaysia 2 - 2
:NED Netherlands - 1 1
:NOR Norway - 1 1
:PER Peru - 1 1
:POL Poland 1 - 1
:POR Portugal - 1 1
:RPC RPC - 1 1
:KOR South Korea 5 2 7
:SUI Switzerland - 2 2
:THA Thailand 3 4 7
:TUR Turkey - 2 2
:UGA Uganda - 1 1
:UKR Ukraine 1 - 1
  46 44 90
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Nations Athletes Total
:ARG Argentina 3 2 5
:AUS Australia 2 1 3
:BEL Belgium 1 - 1
:BRA Brazil 6 5 11
:CAN Canada 3 1 4
:CHN China 3 2 5
:COL Colombia 2 1 3
:CRO Croatia 1 - 1
:CZE Czech Republic 1 1 2
:FRA France 2 1 3
:GER Germany 1 - 1
:GBR Great Britain 6 3 9
:GRE Greece 1 2 3
:HKG Hong Kong 3 4 7
:ISR Israel 1 - 1
:JPN Japan 7 3 10
:MAS Malaysia 1 - 1
:MEX Mexico 1 - 1
:NED Netherlands 1 - 1
:POR Portugal 7 3 10
:RPC RPC 5 3 8
:SVK Slovakia 5 2 7
:KOR South Korea 5 2 7
:SWE Sweden - 1 1
:THA Thailand 6 4 10
  74 41 115
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Nations Athletes Total
:ARG Argentina 2 - 2
:AUS Australia 2 2 4
:AUT Austria 1 - 1
:BLR Belarus 1 - 1
:BRA Brazil 4 3 7
:CAN Canada 1 2 3
:CHI Chile - 1 1
:CHN China 1 2 3
:FRA France 2 1 3
:GER Germany 1 4 5
:GBR Great Britain 4 4 8
:HUN Hungary 4 2 6
:IND India - 1 1
:IRI Iran 1 1 2
:IRL Ireland 1 - 1
:ISR Israel - 1 1
:ITA Italy 1 2 3
:JPN Japan 3 3 6
:KAZ Kazakhstan 1 - 1
:NZL New Zealand 2 - 2
:POL Poland 1 2 3
:POR Portugal 2 - 2
:IPC Refugee Paralympic Team 1 - 1
:RPC RPC 4 3 7
:ESP Spain 4 1 5
:SWE Sweden - 1 1
:UKR Ukraine 2 2 4
:USA United States 1 1 2
:UZB Uzbekistan 2 1 3
  49 40 89
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Nations Athletes Total
:ARG Argentina 2 1 3
:AUS Australia 7 5 12
:AUT Austria 4 2 6
:BEL Belgium 6 2 8
:BRA Brazil 3 2 5
:CAN Canada 5 4 9
:CHN China 5 5 10
:COL Colombia 4 2 6
:CRC Costa Rica 1 - 1
:CUB Cuba 1 - 1
:CZE Czech Republic 3 1 4
:DEN Denmark 1 - 1
:FIN Finland 2 - 2
:FRA France 8 3 11
:GER Germany 7 6 13
:GHA Ghana 1 - 1
:GBR Great Britain 8 6 14
:GRE Greece 1 1 2
:GUY Guyana 1 - 1
:HUN Hungary 2 - 2
:INA Indonesia 1 - 1
:IRI Iran 1 - 1
:IRL Ireland 3 2 5
:ITA Italy 8 3 11
:JPN Japan 2 2 4
:MAS Malaysia 3 1 4
:MAR Morocco 1 - 1
:NED Netherlands 6 5 11
:NZL New Zealand 2 4 6
:NOR Norway - 1 1
:PER Peru 1 - 1
:POL Poland 4 3 7
:POR Portugal 2 - 2
:ROU Romania 2 - 2
:RPC RPC 5 3 8
:SRB Serbia 1 - 1
:SGP Singapore 1 - 1
:SVK Slovakia 3 1 4
:SLO Slovenia 1 - 1
:RSA South Africa 2 1 3
:KOR South Korea 1 2 3
:ESP Spain 10 - 10
:SWE Sweden 2 2 4
:SUI Switzerland 3 2 5
:THA Thailand 1 - 1
:UKR Ukraine 1 - 1
:UAE United Arab Emirates 1 - 1
:USA United States 9 7 16
:VEN Venezuela 1 - 1
  150 79 229
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Nations Athletes Total
:AUS Australia - 4 4
:AUT Austria 2 2 4
:BEL Belgium 1 3 4
:BRA Brazil 2 - 2
:CAN Canada - 4 4
:CZE Czech Republic - 1 1
:DEN Denmark 1 3 4
:FIN Finland - 2 2
:FRA France 1 3 4
:GER Germany 1 3 4
:GBR Great Britain 1 3 4
:HKG Hong Kong - 2 2
:IRL Ireland 1 3 4
:ITA Italy - 4 4
:JPN Japan 4 - 4
:LAT Latvia 1 - 1
:MEX Mexico 1 - 1
:NED Netherlands 1 3 4
:NOR Norway 1 1 2
:POR Portugal - 1 1
:RPC RPC 2 2 4
:KSA Saudi Arabia 1 - 1
:SGP Singapore 1 2 3
:RSA South Africa - 2 2
:SWE Sweden - 2 2
:SUI Switzerland - 1 1
:USA United States - 4 4
  22 55 77
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Nations Athletes Total
:ALG Algeria 6 - 6
:AUS Australia - 6 6
:BEL Belgium 6 - 6
:BRA Brazil 6 6 12
:CAN Canada - 6 6
:CHN China 6 4 10
:EGY Egypt - 6 6
:GER Germany 6 - 6
:ISR Israel - 6 6
:JPN Japan 6 6 12
:LTU Lithuania 6 - 6
:RPC RPC - 6 6
:TUR Turkey 6 6 12
:UKR Ukraine 6 - 6
:USA United States 6 6 12
  60 58 118
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