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[OFF TOPIC] Russia-Ukraine War


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Incredible that ukraine has accused Russia yesterday about this missile....while they did they  launched it 



This strategy : push other countries / nato to join the war ....this is a crime , 2 inocent civilians have died , how can you launch 1 missile in the opposit way of war 

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22 hours ago, bestmen said:

Incredible that ukraine has accused Russia yesterday about this missile....while they did they  launched it 



This strategy : push other countries / nato to join the war ....this is a crime , 2 inocent civilians have died , how can you launch 1 missile in the opposit way of war 

Yeah sure. Ukraine certainly wants to start WW3!

By all means it was a faulty Anti-Air missile. A mistake and a tragedy.

Ruling it out is the wrong response from Zelenskyy but talking about a false flag attack is rather stupid.

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3 hours ago, bestmen said:

Oooooooh zelensky insists that missile failed on poland was not ukranian 




This is what replyed Biden :lol:



First time I agree with you. Shame on Ukrainę, that they cannot said the truth about that. They want include us to this war.

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Zelensky is arrogant egoist ,he doesn't accept advice of others doesn't  look for peace , he tries to keep this war long as much as possible , playing the victim  and role of hero  in his castle sheltred from bombs 

while poor people are dying ...let's fight he says 

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There is another pipeline of Russian Gas called Brotherhood , it throughs ukraine :lol: for 1,5 billion $ per year:lol: europe has never stopped getting the Russian Gas like they say in medias :lol:







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