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Men's Curling WCF European Championship B - Division 2021


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Qualified Nations

  • AUT.gif Austria
  • BLR.gif Belarus
  • BEL.gif Belgium
  • BUL.gif Bulgaria
  • ENG.gif England
  • EST.gif Estonia
  • FRA.gif France
  • HUN.gif Hungary
  • LAT.gif Latvia
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • RUS.gif Russia
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • TUR.gif Turkey
  • WAL.gif Wales


        Competition Format


        November 20th - November 25th, 2021
16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st Nation from each Group will qualify for the Semifinal, the 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quartelfinals, the 7th and 8th Nations will qualify for the Relegation Round

Knockout Round
        November 26th - November 27th, 2011
10 Nations, Relegation Round,
Semifinals Qualification, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Men's Curling WCF European Championship 2021 Champion
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Road to the Men's Curling WCF World Championship 2022


The 1st and 2nd Nations will qualify for the Men's Curling WCF World Championship Championship 2022.

Nations already Qualified for the Men's Curling WCF World Championship 2022


  • KOR.gif South Korea


        Road to the Men's Curling WCF Qualification World Championship 2022



The 1st and 2nd Nations and Finland will qualify for the Men's Curling WCF Qualification World Championship Championship 2022.

Nations already Qualified for the Men's Curling WCF Qualification World Championship 2022

  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • JPN.gif Japan


Road to the Men's Curling WCF World Championship Divison B 2022


The 15th and 16th Nations will relegate for the Men's Curling WCF World Championship Championship Divison C 2022.

Nations already Qualified for the Men's Curling WCF World Championship 2022
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Preliminary Round
        November 20th - November 25th, 2021
10 Nations, Round-Robin, the 1st and 2nd Nations will qualify for the Upper Semifinal

Group A

  • AUT.gif Austria
  • BUL.gif Bulgaria
  • ENG.gif England
  • FRA.gif France
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
  • TUR.gif Turkey
  • WAL.gif Wales

Group B

  • BLR.gif Belarus
  • BEL.gif Belgium
  • EST.gif Estonia
  • HUN.gif Hungary
  • LAT.gif Latvia
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • RUS.gif Russia
  • ESP.gif Spain


Group A
Central European Time (GMT +1)
Slovenia SLO.gif 4 - 10 SVK.gif Slovakia
November 20th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Austria AUT.gif 8 - 9 ENG.gif England
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Turkey TUR.gif 11 - 1 BUL.gif Bulgaria
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
France FRA.gif 4 - 5 WAL.gif Wales
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Austria AUT.gif 4 - 3 FRA.gif France
November 21st 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Bulgaria BUL.gif 6 - 4 SVK.gif Slovakia
November 21st 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Turkey TUR.gif 6 - 7 ENG.gif England
November 21st 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Wales WAL.gif 9 - 1 SLO.gif Slovenia
November 21st 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Turkey TUR.gif  10 - 7 WAL.gif Wales
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
France FRA.gif  6 - 4 SVK.gif Slovakia
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovenia SLO.gif 8 - 5 BUL.gif Bulgaria
November 22nd 2021, h. 16:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Wales WAL.gif 4 - 9 AUT.gif Austria
November 22nd 2021, h. 20:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
France FRA.gif  3 - 8 ENG.gif England
November 22nd 2021, h. 20:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
England ENG.gif  5 - 9 SVK.gif Slovakia
November 23rd 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Turkey TUR.gif  8 - 3 FRA.gif France
November 23rd 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovenia SLO.gif 3 - 7 AUT.gif Austria
November 23rd 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Bulgaria BUL.gif 3 - 7 WAL.gif Wales
November 23rd 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovakia SVK.gif 2 - 5 AUT.gif Austria
November 22nd 2021, h. 20:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Bulgaria BUL.gif  6 - 7 FRA.gif France
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Austria AUT.gif  2 - 10 TUR.gif Turkey
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovakia SVK.gif 9 - 5 WAL.gif Wales
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
England ENG.gif  7 - 10 SLO.gif Slovenia
November 24th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovenia SLO.gif  3 - 6 TUR.gif Turkey
November 25th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Wales WAL.gif  9 - 4 ENG.gif England
November 25th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Austria AUT.gif 8 - 3 BUL.gif Bulgaria
November 25th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
France FRA.gif 8 - 1 SLO.gif Slovenia
November 25th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
England ENG.gif  8 - 2 BUL.gif Bulgaria
November 25th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Slovakia SVK.gif 3 - 8 TUR.gif Turkey
November 25th 2021, h. 99:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Group A Final Standing
TUR.gif Turkey
AUT.gif Austria
WAL.gif Wales
ENG.gif England
FRA.gif France
SVK.gif Slovakia
SLO.gif Slovenia
BUL.gif Bulgaria

Group B
Central European Time (GMT +1)
Spain ESP.gif 7 - 2 EST.gif Estonia
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belgium BEL.gif 3 - 7 HUN.gif Hungary
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Latvia LAT.gif 7 - 4 BLR.gif Belarus
November 20th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Lithuania LTU.gif 2 - 8 RUS.gif Russia
November 20th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Estonia EST.gif 9 - 2 HUN.gif Hungary
November 21st 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Spain ESP.gif 7 - 3 BEL.gifBelgium
November 21st 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belarus BLR.gif 4 - 10 RUS.gif Russia
November 21st 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Lithuania LTU.gif 8 - 4 LAT.gifLatvia
November 21st 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Russia RUS.gif 8 - 4 LAT.gifLatvia
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Hungary HUN.gif 6 - 7 ESP.gif Spain
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belarus BLR.gif 8 - 5 LTU.gifLithuania
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belgium BEL.gif 6 - 9 EST.gif Estonia
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Latvia LAT.gif  7 - 1 BEL.gifBelgium
November 22nd 2021, h. 20:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Russia RUS.gif 11 - 3 EST.gif Estonia
November 22nd 2021, h. 20:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Lithuania LTU.gif  6 - 10 BEL.gifBelgium
November 23rd 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Spain ESP.gif 6 - 10 RUS.gif Russia
November 23rd 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Latvia LAT.gif 11 - 6 HUN.gif Hungary
November 23rd 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Estonia EST.gif9 - 6 BLR.gif Belarus
November 23rd 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belgium BEL.gif 9 - 1 BLR.gif Belarus
November 22nd 2021, h. 12:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Estonia EST.gif  8 - 6 LTU.gifLithuania
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Spain ESP.gif 8 - 3 LAT.gifLatvia
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Russia RUS.gif 9 - 3 HUN.gif Hungary
November 24th 2021, h. 09:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Lithuania LTU.gif 4 - 11 ESP.gif Spain
November 24th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Hungary HUN.gif 8 - 5 BLR.gif Belarus
November 24th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belgium BEL.gif  6 - 9 RUS.gif Russia
November 25th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Hungary HUN.gif 11 - 8 LTU.gifLithuania
November 25th 2021, h. 14:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Belarus BLR.gif 6 - 10 ESP.gif Spain
November 25th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Latvia LAT.gif  8 - 7 EST.gif Estonia
November 25th 2021, h. 19:00, Hakons Hall Sportssenter-Olympiaparken, Lillehamer
Group B Final Standing
RUS.gif Russia
ESP.gif Spain
LAT.gif Latvia
EST.gif Estonia
HUN.gif Hungary
BEL.gif Belgium
BLR.gif Belarus
LTU.gif Lithuania
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    • Unlock Amazing Savings at Temu with Coupon Code ACR767201: Save Up to $100on Your Purchase Are you ready for incredible savings on your next Temu shopping spree? For September and October 2024, Temu is offering a range of fantastic discounts to new customers using the exclusive coupon code ACR767201. Whether you're looking to save $100, $90, $70, or $50 on your order, this code has you covered. Read on to discover how you can maximize your savings with this special offer and enjoy the best deals Temu has to offer. How to Use the ACR767201 Code For New Customers Only: 1.      Download the Temu App or Visit the Website: Start by downloading the Temu app from the App Store or Google Play, or visit the Temu website. If you’re new to Temu, create an account to access the special promotions. 2.      Shop and Add Items to Your Cart: Browse Temu’s extensive product selection, including fashion, electronics, home essentials, and more. Add your desired items to your cart. The more you add, the greater your savings potential with the coupon code. 3.      Proceed to Checkout: Once you’ve selected your items, go to your cart and click on the checkout button. Enter your shipping details and move on to the payment section. 4.      Apply the Coupon Code: On the checkout page, locate the “Promo Code” or “Coupon Code” field. Enter ACR767201 and click “Apply” or “Redeem.” Depending on your total order amount, the code will unlock one of the following discounts: o    $100Off: Apply the code on orders of $200 or more to receive $100off. This is the highest discount available, so make sure your cart meets the minimum purchase requirement for this incredible savings. o    $90 Off: For orders of $180 or more, you’ll receive $90 off. This is a substantial discount that lets you save big while shopping for your favorite items. o    $70 Off: If your order total reaches $140 or more, you’ll get $70 off. Perfect for those who want to enjoy significant savings without reaching the highest threshold. o    $50 Off: On orders of $100or more, the code provides $50 off. This is a fantastic discount for new customers looking to save on their first purchase. 5.      Review Your Savings: After applying the coupon code, check your updated order summary to confirm that the discount has been applied correctly. Make sure the final total reflects the savings before completing your purchase. 6.      Complete Your Purchase: Choose your payment method and finalize your order. Your discount will be applied, allowing you to enjoy substantial savings on your Temu purchase. Additional Offers for New Customers Along with the $100, $90, $70, and $50 discounts available with code ACR767201, Temu is offering several other exciting promotions this fall: ·         Free Shipping: Enjoy free shipping on your first order over $50. Combine this with your discount to maximize savings. ·         Limited-Time Flash Sales: Look out for flash sales offering up to 80% off on select items. These sales are perfect for scoring additional deals. ·         Bundle Offers: Take advantage of special bundles and product sets curated specifically for new customers. These deals offer extra value and savings. ·         Extra 20% Off: New customers can enjoy an additional 20% off select items. This discount can be combined with your coupon code for even greater savings. Tips for Maximizing Your Savings ·         Verify Code Validity: Ensure that the coupon code ACR767201 is valid and hasn’t expired. The offer is available for September and October 2024, so be sure to use it within this timeframe. ·         Meet Minimum Purchase Requirements: To receive the highest discounts, ensure your order meets the minimum purchase requirements ($200 for $100off, $180 for $90 off, $140 for $70 off, and $100for $50 off). ·         Combine Offers: Look for additional promotions and discounts available on Temu’s website or app. Combining offers can lead to even greater savings. Conclusion With the exclusive coupon code ACR767201, new customers can enjoy incredible savings of up to $100on their next Temu purchase. Whether you’re shopping for fashion, electronics, or home goods, this code offers a range of discounts to suit your needs. Don’t miss out on these amazing deals—use code ACR767201 today and start shopping with Temu’s best offers for September and October 2024. Happy shopping!  
    • Exclusive Offer for New Temu Customers: Save $100with Coupon Code ACR767201 – September & October 2024 Welcome to Temu, where exciting deals await you! If you're new to Temu, there's never been a better time to start shopping. For September and October 2024, we’re offering a special promotion just for you. Use the exclusive coupon code ACR767201 to receive a fantastic $100off your first purchase. Plus, explore other incredible offers tailored to new customers. Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of this amazing opportunity. How to Use the ACR767201 Code For New Customers Only: 1.      Download the Temu App or Visit the Website: Begin your Temu journey by downloading the Temu app from the App Store or Google Play, or visit the Temu website. Create a new account to start shopping and take advantage of this exclusive offer. 2.      Browse and Select Your Items: Explore Temu’s extensive catalog, which includes the latest trends in fashion, cutting-edge electronics, home essentials, and more. Add your desired items to your cart, ensuring that your total order amount is at least $100to qualify for the $100discount. 3.      Proceed to Checkout: Once you’ve added all your items to the cart, go to the checkout page. Enter your shipping details and move to the payment section. 4.      Apply the Coupon Code: On the checkout page, find the “Promo Code” or “Coupon Code” field. Enter ACR767201 into this field and click “Apply” or “Redeem.” The $100discount will be applied to your order total. 5.      Review Your Savings: After applying the coupon code, review your order summary to confirm that the $100discount has been correctly applied. Ensure that the final total reflects your savings before completing the purchase. 6.      Complete Your Purchase: Choose your preferred payment method and finalize your order. Your discount will be reflected in the final amount, giving you substantial savings on your first Temu purchase. Exclusive Offers for New Customers In addition to the $100discount with code ACR767201, new customers can enjoy a range of exciting promotions this fall: ·         Welcome Discount: In addition to the $100off, new customers can enjoy an extra 20% discount on select items. Look for “New Customer” deals throughout the site for additional savings. ·         Limited-Time Flash Sales: Keep an eye out for flash sales offering up to 80% off on popular products. These limited-time offers provide substantial discounts on a variety of items. ·         Free Shipping on Your First Order: New customers receive free shipping on orders over $50. Combine this with your $100discount for even greater savings. ·         Exclusive Bundles and Sets: Take advantage of special bundle deals and product sets curated specifically for new customers. These offers can help you get more value for your money. ·         Buy More, Save More: New customers can enjoy additional discounts when purchasing multiple items or larger quantities. Check Temu’s website for details on these bulk-buy savings. Tips for New Customers ·         Verify Code Validity: Ensure that the coupon code ACR767201 is valid and hasn’t expired. This offer is available for September and October 2024, so use it within these months. ·         Meet the Minimum Purchase Requirement: The $100discount requires a minimum purchase of $100. Make sure your cart meets this requirement to apply the code successfully. ·         Explore Other Promotions: Check out Temu’s website or app for other new customer promotions, such as flash sales, bundle deals, and extra discounts. Conclusion The exclusive coupon code ACR767201 provides an incredible $100off your first Temu purchase, making it the perfect time for new customers to explore Temu’s offerings. Along with this substantial discount, you can enjoy additional benefits like extra savings on select items, free shipping, and special new customer deals. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get the best products at unbeatable prices. Use code ACR767201 today and start your Temu shopping experience with a bang. Happy shopping!
    • Unlock Exclusive $100Savings at Temu with Coupon Code ACR767201: September & October 2024 Special Offer Welcome to the exciting September and October promotions at Temu! Whether you're a new shopper, a loyal returning customer, or an influencer ready to share amazing deals with your followers, we have a special offer just for you. By using the exclusive coupon code ACR767201, you can enjoy a fantastic $100 discount on your next purchase. Dive into the details of this offer and discover how you can maximize your savings and make the most of Temu’s exciting September and October deals. How to Redeem the ACR767201 Code For New and Existing Customers: 1.      Download the Temu App or Visit the Website: Begin by downloading the Temu app from the App Store or Google Play, or head to the Temu website. New customers should sign up for an account, while existing customers can log in to their existing accounts. 2.      Browse and Add Items to Your Cart: Explore Temu’s extensive range of products. From the latest fashion trends to cutting-edge electronics and home essentials, Temu offers something for everyone. Add your desired items to your cart, ensuring that your total order is at least $100to qualify for the discount. 3.      Proceed to Checkout: After adding items to your cart, go to your cart and click on the checkout button. Enter your shipping details and continue to the payment section. 4.      Enter the Coupon Code: On the checkout page, locate the “Promo Code” or “Coupon Code” field. Enter ACR767201 into this field and click “Apply” or “Redeem.” The $100discount will be automatically applied to your order total. 5.      Review and Confirm Your Savings: After applying the coupon code, review your updated order summary to ensure the $100discount has been applied correctly. Check the final total before completing your purchase. 6.      Complete Your Purchase: Select your payment method and finalize your order. Your discount will be reflected in the final amount, allowing you to enjoy substantial savings. Exciting September and October Offers In addition to the $100discount with the code ACR767201, Temu is offering some exciting promotions this fall: ·         Seasonal Sales: Enjoy up to 70% off on selected items across various categories, including fashion, electronics, and home goods. Don’t miss these limited-time sales for even more savings. ·         Buy More, Save More: Take advantage of additional discounts when you purchase in bulk or buy multiple items. Look out for special bundle deals and multi-buy offers throughout September and October. ·         Flash Deals: Stay tuned for flash sales with unbeatable discounts on popular products. Check Temu’s website or app regularly to catch these time-sensitive offers. ·         Free Shipping: For a limited time, Temu is offering free shipping on orders over $50. Combine this with your $100discount for even greater savings. Special Opportunity for Influencers Influencers, this is your chance to shine and share an amazing deal with your audience: ·         Promote the Code: Share the exclusive coupon code ACR767201 with your followers on social media, blogs, or YouTube. Highlight the $100discount and the exciting fall promotions available at Temu. ·         Create Engaging Content: Craft compelling posts, stories, or videos showcasing how to use the coupon code, featuring Temu’s best products, or documenting your own shopping experience. ·         Collaborate for Additional Benefits: Explore potential collaboration opportunities with Temu for further promotions or affiliate programs. This can enhance your content and provide additional perks for both you and your audience. Tips for Maximizing Your Savings ·         Verify Code Validity: Ensure that the coupon code ACR767201 is still valid and hasn’t expired. The offer is valid for September and October 2024, so make sure to use it within this period. ·         Meet the Minimum Purchase Requirement: The $100discount requires a minimum purchase of $100. Make sure your cart meets this requirement to apply the code successfully. ·         Combine Offers: Take advantage of Temu’s seasonal sales, free shipping, and other promotions in addition to your coupon code for maximum savings. Conclusion The exclusive coupon code ACR767201 offers a fantastic opportunity to save $100on your next Temu purchase during September and October 2024. With additional seasonal offers, discounts, and free shipping, there has never been a better time to shop at Temu. Whether you’re a new customer, a loyal shopper, or an influencer sharing the deal, use the code ACR767201 to make the most of these incredible savings. Happy shopping, and enjoy the best Temu has to offer this fall!
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