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[OFF TOPIC] Language Thread

In Californian English, there’s a few Spanish words that have been “borrowed” and used in place of/or alternatively to their English counterparts.


For example, it’s pretty normal for an English speaker to greet another English speaker with “Hola.” Likewise, is not unusual to hear an English speaker use “gracias” instead of thank you. 

This could also be limited to communities with a large Hispanic/Latin American influence like mine.


I’m curious to know if this happens in other languages? Like would Spanish words sometimes times be used instead of/interchangeably in Brazilian Portuguese?

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[OFF TOPIC] Language Thread
On 04/04/2021 at 01:47, OlympicIRL said:

Yes!! That’s exactly it. So while most would pronounce “chairs” with a z sound at the end (chairz) the Chicano influence has led the s at the end to be pronounced with an s sound instead of z sound. And that is what I picked up on in your accent. That’s so cool that it’s a thing after all :) 

When listening to the video, I was trying to figure out if I did that or not. Apparently I do :d

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
3 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

If that were the case, then it should be trivially easy to organise recounts & ballot audits. Yet everywhere in the USA and even Burma now we see voting authorities & courts moving heaven & earth to prevent or forbid such recounts.

There were multiple recounts held in various states throughout the country during our last election. 

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
42 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

And I am assuming the vote is then stored digitally?

I believe the vote is counted digitally, and then the ballots are stored in the machine as a fail-safe/backup. I can’t remember much about how that part of the process works though, so I could be wrong.

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
7 minutes ago, Agger said:

I mean it's not just one or 2 elections at once. You have a ton of elected officials and then you have the propositions as well. When even political active people need to read guides to get who to vote for in down-ballot races there's a problem. Not to mention that several of those seats should never be appointed by an election.

See, as a Californian, that’s something I disagree with. Our system is one of the most democratic in world. It’s not without flaws, but I do take pride in it. I describe our system as for the people, of the people, beholden to the people. 


I will admit that I took 4-5 hours to research and read about the propositions during the last election. I do understand that there are people who don’t have time to do that though. 

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
7 minutes ago, Agger said:

Maybe the tedious and annoying thing is the massive ammount of votes at once?

I don’t quite get what you mean, but if your talking about turnout it was higher in 2020 than 2016 (or anytime since 1952). I’m sure mail ballots helped with that, but there was still plenty of people using the machines when I voted.

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
16 minutes ago, Federer91 said:

That is a stupid way to use the machine :d What's the point, when you are basically doing the same thing like with a paper ballot. Only difference is that instead of a pen, you have to go and print the ballot through the machine!?


Here it was like an ATM basically. You get a card, you slot it in the machine, it generates the ballot, you mark your choices, you click on Vote, it asks for confirmation, so you can check again your selection, Vote again and that's it.

It’s just a different way of doing things. I think it gives people more confidence in our system. 

There’s also an app that you can have on your phone, where you can make all your choices in advance, and then just load them onto the ballot the minute you get to the machine, and then cast your ballot. 

I found our paper ballots to be tedious and annoying. I found the machines to be a much more user friendly. All of the steps can be a little confusing, so that could definitely be streamlined or made more understandable in the future.

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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
44 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

That seems smart. So far machines are simply more unsafe than paper and one can wonder if that will really ever change. 

We only use machine generated ballots at our polling places in California, or at in least in LA County. 

When you get to the polling place, your identity is verified, and your given a blank ballot. You then put that ballot into the voting machine, and select the candidates (or yes/no answer) you want for each election. Then machine then prints out the ballot so you can view it over and make sure it’s correct. You then re-insert the ballot into the machine, and push a button to cast it.


Nothing about that process seemed worrying, questionable, or concerning when I cast my ballot. I felt pretty confident that my vote would be counted as I had cast it, and the process was relatively quick and easy. I filled out a paper ballot in 2018, and I much preferred using the machines in 2020. Our mail ballots are paper ballots though, so if people still prefer paper ballots they can use their mail ballot. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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[OFF TOPIC] Language Thread
On 19/02/2021 at 14:10, OlympicIRL said:

I did a quick re-listen of your last podcast to see what I could pick up on as “notheen” came to mind straight away :d

I just know you have a very clear accent and you pronounce most sounds really clearly. 
You pronounce the “s” sound very clearly at the beginning and at the end of words. Almost like a double “ss” if that makes sense. On the other hand you don’t stress vowel sounds too much.


And one word I noticed a difference in how I pronounce the word was “digress”. You said it like dig as in to dig a hole, whereas I pronounce it as die :d But I “die-gress”.


And that is my totally amateur take on your accent. You could have more fun analysing mine and trying to understand it :d 

Alright, some of this might be explained by part 3:


“You don’t stress the vowel sounds too much.” Yep, that’s vowel reduction, and I definitely do that. There’s some examples of that when the women is comparing Chicano English (which doesn’t have vowel reduction) to other SoCal English (which does have vowel reduction). 

Still didn’t say anything about the “s” sound you noticed. During the Chicano English segment they talk about something to do with the “s” sound. Is that what you were talking about, or something different?


So the digress thing might be related to the vowel position switching he was talking about. I generally say it as “die-gress” as well, but there are definitely people in SoCal who do say it as “dig-ress”  

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21 minutes ago, dcro said:

Have seen 4/8 Best Picture nominees so far. My rankings are as follows...


  • Sound of Metal
  • Promising Young Woman
  • Mank
  • The Trial of the Chicago 7


PYW notably went above my expectations, while the bottom two are just not worth it...

I really liked The Trial of the Chicago 7, but maybe it’s more domestically appealing than internationally appealing.


Here’s the full list of Best Picture noms:


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