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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. well, Ireland is not mentioned there, but the article claims 11 european markets, so who know ? Anyway, you still have time, In the coming days there will be more informations I believe, so you can still wait a bit and see. or do you think the price will raise every day coming to the games ?
  2. Roglic does not look good at all, Van Aert new team GC leader ?
  4. I just found in our medias that In SVK it will be Eurosport 1 & 2 (Czech versions and commentary) and everything else in their platform : Eurosport Player. and obviously the main events in our public TV, RTVS 2 (aiming for Slovak athletes and the most important sports, Canoe Slalom, Canoe Sprint, Athletics) In the article I also found this: Olympijské hry v Tokiu 2020 bude možné sledovať na Discovery + v Dánsku, Fínsku, Taliansku, Holandsku, Nórsku, Švédsku, Španielsku a Veľkej Británii. Na všetkých ostatných európskych trhoch s výnimkou Ruska budú Letné olympijské hry Tokio 2020 k dispozícii na Eurosporte. Translation: The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be available at Discovery + in Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom. In all other European markets except Russia, the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics will be available on Eurosport.
  5. Team Slovakia 2 (1+1) MEN'S 200m Butterfly: Richard Nagy 400m Individual Medley: Richard Nagy WOMEN'S 100m Breaststroke: Andrea Podmaníková 200m Breaststroke: Andrea Podmaníková ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other Sports Introductions Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Canoeing Slalom, Canoeing Sprint, Road Cycling, Golf, Artistic Gymnastics, Shooting, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wrestling As I already reported in the Team Size Thread FINA last night assigned to sort of Universality invitations for Swimmers with OST, since Slovakia did not qualify any swimmer directly by OQT FINA invited 2 Slovak Swimmers (1 per gender) in 4 events (2 per Gender) Richard Nagy (200m Butterfly, 400m Individual Medley) among Mens will return to the Olympics after Rio 2016 (9th in the 400m IM, he was the first non qualified to the final there. btw many will remember he competed in Rio also in the Marathon Swimming competition). Andrea Podmaníková (100m Breaststroke, 200m Breaststroke) among Women. Andrea will experience her Olympic debut. and will compete in both W breaststroke events. Podmaníková on her instagram, this morning : "Mom, I made it !"
  6. I guess they called it "Universality" invitations just because of no Slovak swimmer achieved the OQT. But both invited swimmers have OST in both events. In fact 7 Slovak swimmers achieved OST in different events this cycle, FINA picked the two (M+W) with the closest times to OQT, and allowed them to race in 2 events each. But I am not very familiar with the whole swimming qualification format, this is just what I understood from our medias, NOC and Slovak Swimming sites.
  7. @Benolympique (41) +2 This morning when our Swimming Federation leaders opened their notebook, found a late night email from FINA in which was written that qualified...ehm...qualified based on the Universality quotas for "developing" (lol) swimming countries, well, rather, Invited to compete at the Olympics. And by this FINA assigned to 2 Athletes quotas (1 per gender) in 4 events (2 per Gender) Richard Nagy (200m Butterfly, 400m Individual Medley) among Mens will return to the Olympics after Rio 2016 (9th in the 400m IM, he was the first non qualified to the final there. btw many will remember he competed in Rio also in the Marathon Swimming competition). Andrea Podmaníková (100m Breaststroke, 200m Breaststroke) among Women. Andrea will experience her Olympic debut. and will compete in both W breaststroke events. Our NOC explained that Swimming quotas, invitations or re-allocations are automatically added to the team. So thanks god, we just made it to the 40 athletes barrier however it is still 6 less athletes that our smallest delegation ever from London 2012...
  8. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 40th and 41st Qualified Athletes Richard NAGY - SWIMMING (M 200m BUTTERFLY, M 400m INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY) ----------------------------------- Andrea PODMANÍKOVÁ - SWIMMING (W 100m BREASTSTROKE, W 200m BREASTSTROKE) Do Tokia aj plavci Nagy a Podmaníková Slovenská výprava sa rozrástla na 41 športovcov Slovenské bazénové plávanie napokon bude mať svoje zastúpenie na olympijských hrách 2020. Ani jeden z reprezentantov síce nesplnil kvalifikačný A-limit, no Richard Nagy s Andreou Podmaníkovou budú v Tokiu štartovať vďaka pozvánke od Medzinárodnej plaveckej federácie (FINA). Obaja slovenskí športovci sa predstavia v dvoch disciplínach. Podmaníková pri olympijskom debute bude štartovať na 100 a 200 m prsia. Nagy, ktorý sa zúčastnil aj na OH 2016 v Riu de Janeiro, absolvuje 400 m polohové preteky a 200 m motýlik. V Brazílii na polohovke vytvoril časom 4:13,87 nový národný rekord a obsadil konečné deviate miesto. Od postupu medzi elitnú osmičku ho vtedy delilo 33 stotín. Podmaníkovej, ktorá trénuje v USA, sa splnil sen. „Vo štvrtok podvečer som sa dozvedela jednu z najkrajších správ. Správu, ktorú stále spracovávam. Aj keď s odretými ušami a B-limitom som sa aj s Richardom Nagyom kvalifikovala na tohtoročné OH. Som hrdá a odhodlaná reprezentovať Slovensko v Tokiu. Chcela by som sa poďakovať všetkým ľuďom, ktorí sa podieľali na mojej ceste a tak aj prispeli k dosiahnutiu môjho sna. NC State Swimming and Diving, Pirana Sport Club Topoľčany, Jánovi Čerňanovi, Vladimírovi Železníkovi, Petrovi Kupcovi, Petrovi Bielikovi, Petrovi Kuračkovi, Steveovi Collinsovi, SMU Women's Swimming a Diving, Slovenskej plaveckej federácii i ďalším. Taktiež ďakujem všetkým, ktorí mi fandili a verili aj v nepriaznivých momentoch,“ uviedla Podmaníková pre oficiálnu webovú stránku Slovenskej plaveckej federácie (SPF). Nagy si v Riu pri premiére pod piatimi kruhmi vyskúšal aj súťaž v diaľkovom plávaní, na 10 km trati skončil dvadsiaty. „Som rád, že sa to opäť podarilo. Je škoda, že tentokrát to nebolo cez A limit a doteraz som na to potvrdenie čakal, ale vyšlo to, teším sa a hurá do poslednej fázy tréningu,“ uviedol prostredníctvom sociálnej siete. Radosť zo zisku dvoch olympijských miesteniek neskrýval ani prezident SPF Ivan Šulek. „S veľkým potešením som prijal správu od FINA v nočných hodinách, že účasť na OH v Tokiu má potvrdenú aj jeden muž a jedna žena zo Slovenska. Andrea Podmaniková a Richard Nagy sa najviac priblížili k A-limitu. Veľmi by som si želal, ak by FINA posunula do Tokia ešte aspoň dvoch plavcov so splneným limitom, nie je to však v našich rukách.“
  9. no, I would never have had such a dull haircut in my life.
  10. It was already announced in our site that got the second quota to form the mixed relay, Varga is now first on the reserve post, but it looks no more declined quotas are announced so far, obviously it still can change to the games (injuries, late withdrawal or using only relay athletes)
  11. Stage 7 Friday - July 2nd, 2021 h. 11:15 (GMT +2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vierzon - Le Creusot 249.1km - Medium Mountain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. will explode its medal tally history in Tokyo
  13. Kevin Young time send to the oblivion. Warholm new WR 46.70 in M 400m Hurdles
  14. If true then it is really bad luck for her, it came half day too late. Our Team was today officially approved and finalised by the NOC general assembly. As far I understood correctly, the only exceptions being allowed to be added to the team now are only by eventual re-allocation in Triathlon (only for M event Richard Varga) and MTB Cycling (only for M Cross-country)..but looks unlikely.. and the only relaxed rules are for any eventual invitation we may receive in Swimming, because somehow FINA forget about Slovakia it appears, we did not receive any charity invitation or information so far it looks like we are going for the first time to not have any swimmer at the Olympics. 20 years afte Moravcová won 2 silvers in Sydney but yeah...not like it will be even noticed in the country, so ...
  15. super nice pb for Kate grace, but yeah, too late dear Kate, now we are a week after
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