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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Ah, no. They will be attempting to get ride of the “Providence Plantations” part of the name. They did have a referendum on this in 2010 I believe, and vast majority of Rhode Islanders voted to keep the name then.
  2. Poll inaccuracies boils down to demographics more than bias (though there could very well be some). It has to do with who is chooses to take part in the poll, and how they are contacted. There can also be situations where only the most motivated and involved voters bother to respond to polls.
  3. Another vote monitor there is the referendum on wether or not to change the name of the state. The full name of the state is currently “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations”
  4. That comes down to the fears early Americans had of centralized power. Under our original governing document (the Articles of Confederation), the national government has basically zero power. It couldn’t tax, it couldn’t raise an army without states’ consent, etc. While the Constitution gave the federal government broader powers, the states still retained a good amount. 10th Amendment further maintains that any powers not explicitly given to the federal governments under the Constitution, remained as powers granted to the states. That’s why states have different voting laws, drug laws, healthcare laws, etc.
  5. Even early, I think the numbers are looking great for Trump.
  6. It’s really starting to look like Trump will win Florida again...
  7. Quand C’est - Stromae This isn’t originally the song I was going to present in this edition of the Festival of Music, but it was just impossible to pass on the opportunity. This song comes Stromae’s album Racine Carrée, and was later released as a single in 2015. Racine Carrée is, in my opinion, one of the greatest albums and musical works in history. Stromae really experiments with what electronic music can be. He takes electronic music/EDM, and mixes it with rap, pop, African rhythms/hymns, bossa nova, etc. He also provides stirring and provocative commentary on a multitude of social issues. This song, Quand C’est is a lament on cancer. The lyrics compare cancer to a serial criminal and visuals are reminiscent of video game depictions of grotesque/sci-fi type monsters.
  8. For context, the U.S. got 6th last year at the Pan American Games. We did beat Cuba in the group stage, but then lost the match for 5th place to them. Mexico also finished ahead of us in 4th. Puerto Rico did finish behind us in 7th, but we never played them directly. Handball is not well known in the U.S. at all. In fact, most people confuse the sport for a children’s game known as “handball/wallball”, or for a minor sport (similar to squash, racquetball, basque pelota) also known as “handball.”
  9. Here’s a recap on the early hours of Election Day.
  10. Tomorrow, my country decides it’s future.
  11. It’s been reported that there’s been a mass shooting in Vienna
  12. Alright, someone deserves a gold medal in sculpture...
  13. there a city in Colombia that isn’t interested in/hasn’t hosted a multi-sport games
  14. No, there are still many respectable publications. If I see Reuters or AP pick up that story; then I’ll entertain the idea of someone using a body double. Those organizations don’t have a favored candidate. Reuters and the AP rank dead center in every measure of political slant done by organizations that measure those metrics. I really shouldn’t have to spend my time defending honest journalists against some of the garbage shared on here, but “history repeats itself” is working hard to make 2020 look more like 1938, so here I am. It’s honestly amazing how many of the users on here who preach cynicism aren’t cynical about stories that agree with their opinion. When an honest reporter writes a fair and fact-filled story, that’s some “government fed lie,” but when a political pundit/commentator (whose only aim is to sell their political ideology at all costs) writes an insane conspiratorial story that basically lacks any evidence, or only quotes people from one side of the political spectrum, or includes doctored information; that’s a “hard truth.”
  15. Back to ye old flat stages I see At least we get to visit Andorra in a major event for once. This year’s route was so good. It created fantastic racing. This map doesn’t leave me with a lot of hope for next year’s route.
  16. I didn’t believe the rumors Melania used a body double (which turned out to be false of course) and the odds are Kamala isn’t either. Also, again, can we not share opinion sites as a source of news. No self-respecting, honest to journalist is going to title an actual story “Holy Crap...”
  17. Texas Republicans are appealing to a federal judge to throw out 100,000+ ballots cast through curbside voting in Harris County (Houston area).
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