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Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo

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Everything posted by Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo

  1. Greetings to all from eurosport Italy! (yes, i'm a commentator!)
  2. In Italy, hype is high, but not for olympic themselves. Itay is hater's reign, when north is against south, catholic are against atheist, right is against left, a city is against near city. So, attention is all for chaacter players, like Sinner, Tamberi, Paltrinieri, and viper's nest that is women volleyballl team. And, in Italy no one knows great champions like Ganna, Dell'Aquila, or Tita. Yes, that's incredible but there is a lot of people that hate Sinner, or Tamberi, or Paltrinieri. Women's volleyball team needs a dedicate chapter. Players hated one each other, there are clans, family stories, horny stories, and poor old men Velasco trying to sew everithing. Italy is potentially better team of the world, but for example, lead Monica Di Gennaro probably will play olympic final against... his husband, Santarelli, Turkey's coach.
  3. Vande Velde. Uman shit, child rapist. swimmers. Confirmed doped. Edwin N'gapeth. Three criminal convictions.
  4. Sports to watch: all of them, but cycling track, volleyball, swimming, basketball, sailing are my favourites. sport to avoid: breaking, skateboarding, equestrian dressage. I have to see much more of 11 hours for day!
  5. 1. I'll work on a sport tv network. So i'll watch the games in a tv studio...tallking about Paris2024 2. Hard to say. Before Tokyo, i was a Japan supporter, but 2020 games was a great disappointmen for me. HUN, is friendly.
  6. For me, this is best site schedule:
  7. When i can found list of rider with MER? In this way, we can also answer at @konig
  8. Here we're not discuss on war reason, on who is in right and who is in wrong (for me, both are in wrong, but my opinion count 0). We'are discuss if athlete should be punished for actions of politicians. And my answer is not, never. Athletes made their jobs, plane their dreams, and stop. IOC have to be neutral, like Switzerland, about this. IOC don't have to be neutral for other cases, like doping, or corruption scandal.
  9. It's a mistake in men's -60: MGL had already a quota with Ariunbold ENKHTAIVAN, so next in ranking is QUVATOV (TJK). He is in Continental Quota list; next one is Carlino (ITA).
  10. Can i say that trials are a stupid way of selecting? A little flu is enough for throw away a carreer. Much better first two qualified by trials, and one choice.
  11. Fantasy? New Caldedonia is not France, Tibet is not China, Malvinas is not UK. There are invaders, in peace or in violence. Real problem of Russia is doping, especially after Sochi 2014. But is not the only ones. We are still waiting for Fuentes lists (Spain), we are still waiting for disqualify of 24 chinese swimmers
  12. Caledonian are asking for indipendence, or more autonomy. Is in state of emergency just now. Many nations are evacuating citizens from New Caledonia. And is just one case.
  13. Absolutely unfair for Ukrainian affair. There are many wars in the world. GB had Malvinas and Gibraltar, France invaded New Caledonia, China occupy Tibet. Palestina and Israel are in war, both should be excluded. Sport and politics must be divided, and athletes have to compete in peace. Absolutely rigth for state doping. But China also have state doping, with many swimmers tested positive.
  15. Seriuosly, for Italy, wihtout theft like Chamizo, are expected about 45 medals. The real problem is how many golds! Cause 45 medals witch 10 golds is no good, 45 medals with 20 golds is fantastic!
  16. For Oceania and Africa is not a reallocation. They don't respect elegibility criteria, because are not listed in qualification ranking
  17. Recap for 50m3pW: There are 5 quotas for ranking. BEER (GER), GRUNDSOE (DEN), UNGERRANK (AUT) are safe. For other 2 places: BRABCOVA (CZE) Take her spot, unless GAMBARO (ITA) is 21th or better AND VUKOJEVIC (SBR) is in top8. KUHARIC (SLO) Take her spot if GAMBARO (ita) is 45th or worst, and Vukojevic (SRB) is 32th or worst GAMBARO (ITA) take her spot if is 44th or better, and Vukojevic not finish 13 positions above her, or finish in 21th or better VUKOJEVIC (SRB) take her spot if she finish in top8, or finish in 31th position or better with Gambaro finish 45th or worst. For universally quota, Johanna PINEDA (ESA) is only shooter with rquirements
  18. Today in 50 m 3PW, how many qualificated for tomorrow?
  19. @dobar_73yes, but has to overcome both Kuharic and Gambaro. She need a top15.
  20. yes
  21. No, i try to explane. Quotas by ranking are probably 5. - one by ranking - two are returned from oceania (in case olivia cartwright finish over 50th in Munich) - one is returned from Africa (in case Ahlzaraa Shaban finish over 50th in Munich) - one is returned from China. China has decided to send Han and Zhang, not Miao). Now, Gambaro is sixth, but the fifth, Kuharic, has no free spot and have to discard 250 points. Today, Kuharic have 5178, Gambaro 5040: so, for italian is enough a 44th place, with slovenian not better of 38th. In other way, Gambaro has 7 positions of advantage. @Robertino @phelps @copravolley
  22. Is not true. Sorry for my bad english, but Gambaro is probably in with ranking. Gambaro is in if: 1) Neither australian nor Egyptian finish in the top50 in Muchen; 2) Gambaro finish before slovenian, or just below if both are over 30th position.
  23. It's a mistake. in 49ers, place for development nations is for Brazil. "the quota shall be realocated at development nations NOT ALREADY QUALIFICATED, like is Brazil. In other ways wold be written NOT THEREFORE QUALIFICATED. It's time to wake up for our olympic comitee.
  24. Is 3+1, but +1 is BRA, the highest ranked developing nations. Last chance is last chance, calculated after all
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