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Everything posted by Quasit

  1. If any of you wants to play this weekend, Saturday 9th or Sunday 10th, please let me know. @Olympian1010 @hckosice @Dolby @Wanderer
  2. And that's it also for this week. On our first two nights we had... ...mrv86 as our first contestant with 32,000 points. He risked it all on the thirteenth question... mrv86 ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ ...Vojthas with 1,000 points, sadly the sexuality of plants was too much to handle... Vojthas ♦ P t s . 1 , 0 0 0 ♦ and OlympicIRL just now with another 32,000. OlympicIRL ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ Hope you enjoyed, until next time.
  3. @OlympicIRL You are most welcome and I'm sure this was not your last appearance. Enjoy your winnings, you will come back stronger I feel.
  4. That means you leave the game with 32,000 points, same as mrv86 last night. TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ I hope you still had fun and enjoyed it and once again I apologise for the internet cut-off. That wasn't planned but I'll have to hire someone for that position.
  5. @OlympicIRL Destroy All Monsters sounds like the most recent one ... but it was from 1968. Mechagodzilla made his debut in 1974! Pts. 125,000 Which of these Godzilla films was originally released in 1974, later than the other three? ♦ A: Destroy All Monsters ♦ B: King Kong vs. Godzilla ♦ C: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla ♦ D: Invasion of Astro-Monster
  6. King Kong 1962, Astro-Monster 1965.
  7. Usually I would stall you a little but since you said "final answer" I have no other choice. Pts. 125,000 Which of these Godzilla films was originally released in 1974, later than the other three? ♦ A: Destroy All Monsters ♦ B: King Kong vs. Godzilla ♦ C: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla ♦ D: Invasion of Astro-Monster
  8. @OlympicIRL One hundread and twenty five thousand... Pts. 125,000 Which of these Godzilla films was originally released in 1974, later than the other three? ♦ A: Destroy All Monsters ♦ B: King Kong vs. Godzilla ♦ C: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla ♦ D: Invasion of Astro-Monster
  9. Haha, who knows. Maybe the next ones will appear easier to you. You're on your own now. It is either risk and it goes well or not or you can stop at 64,000 and step up on the leader board. X X X Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 ♦ Pts. 64,000 10 ♦ Pts. 32,000 9 ♦ Pts. 16,000 8 ♦ Pts. 8,000 7 ♦ Pts. 4,000 6 ♦ Pts. 2,000 5 ♦ Pts. 1,000 4 ♦ Pts. 500 3 ♦ Pts. 300 2 ♦ Pts. 200 1 ♦ Pts. 100
  10. @OlympicIRL And I'll make it short here. The precept "ora et labora" goes back to the Rule of Saint Benedict! Pts. 64,000 The precept "ora et labora" goes back to the 6th century Rule of ...? ♦ A: Saint Augustine ♦ B: Saint Benedict ♦ C: ♦ D: ♦ P t s . 6 4 , 0 0 0 ♦
  11. As you're left with no other option than to choose either, let's log it in. Pts. 64,000 The precept "ora et labora" goes back to the 6th century Rule of ...? ♦ A: Saint Augustine ♦ B: Saint Benedict ♦ C: ♦ D:
  12. Hmmmm, let's see if that'll help you. Pts. 64,000 The precept "ora et labora" goes back to the 6th century Rule of ...? ♦ A: Saint Augustine ♦ B: Saint Benedict ♦ C: ♦ D:
  13. @OlympicIRL You're down to your 50:50 and 64,000 not yet won. Here's your second shot at it. Pts. 64,000 The precept "ora et labora" goes back to the 6th century Rule of ...? ♦ A: Saint Augustine ♦ B: Saint Benedict ♦ C: Saint Francis ♦ D: Saint Albert
  14. It's an approximate here, our heart beats 60-100 times a minute. Roughly 100,000 a day and in a lifespan of 70 years it would be 2.5 billion times. Pts. 64,000 In an average human lifetime of 70 years, approximately how often does the heart beat? ♦ A: 250 million times ♦ B: 2.5 billion times ♦ C: 40 billion times ♦ D: 1.5 trillion times
  15. I'm afraid no calculator. But sure, we can arrange a new question for you. Any guess?
  16. Now it looks like you're make it suspenseful.
  17. @OlympicIRL Awesome. Then let's have a look at question 11 right away. You do have 2 lifelines remaining. A wrong answer won't drop you down. Here it is: Pts. 64,000 In an average human lifetime of 70 years, approximately how often does the heart beat? ♦ A: 250 million times ♦ B: 2.5 billion times ♦ C: 40 billion times ♦ D: 1.5 trillion times
  18. @OlympicIRL Okay, let's make this official. With mrv's help you made it to 32,000, so that's guaranteed. Pts. 32,000 Kala namak ...? ♦ A: is an Indonesian honorific ♦ B: blows in the Kalahari ♦ C: requires 32 cards ♦ D: seasons dishes ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ And it looks like we can resume immediately if you're ready.
  19. Give me 2-3 minutes, it should work again.
  20. Not for that long, I was about to log in. We'll solve that mystery at least. You're right, Kala Namak is a type of black salt harvested in the Himalayas. You are on Pts. 32,000 and I hope to be back soon, otherwise we'll have to resume tomorrow. Sorry about that...
  21. Sorry, have to interrupt for the moment. Internet stopped working on my PC.
  22. That makes D your final decision?
  23. 50:50 X Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 ♦ Pts. 16,000 8 ♦ Pts. 8,000 7 ♦ Pts. 4,000 6 ♦ Pts. 2,000 5 ♦ Pts. 1,000 4 ♦ Pts. 500 3 ♦ Pts. 300 2 ♦ Pts. 200 1 ♦ Pts. 100
  24. You may discuss with @mrv86 then.
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