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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Quasit

  1. I hope you're enjoying. Now, would you like the safety net on Pts. 32,000 or the 4th lifeline? The good news for you is, you'll have a spread of advice today. You can select one of the experts on the regular expert lifeline. If you were to choose the 4th, then all of them can discuss with you on a question.
  2. Good evening. So, you've been working on questions as well and you've checked most of mine - with the exception of today's stack. Clearly, if it goes wrong, it's on me. How did you experience the first night yesterday?
  3. Our second night and a shorter episode today but not less of a cracker as we have @OlympicIRL in the Hot Seat today. We welcome the initiator of TISC and three-time TISC, two-time TOISC winner from Ireland. OlympicIRL ♦ ♦ Ireland Let us know when you are ready!
  4. @Olympian1010 @mrv86 @dcro The experts are needed for OlympicIRL's run later in about 1 hour.
  5. As a bonus, I'm throwing in an inofficial final question. You rarely get to see them in the actual show. This one wouldn't have appeared in mrv's or Vojthas' original stack but it would have been a switch question, if anyone ever got to that position. Pts. 1 Million In Hungarian, the names of which two countries differentiate in just one consonant and one vowel? ♦ A: Hungary & Italy ♦ B: Italy & Russia ♦ C: Russia & Poland ♦ D: Poland & Hungary
  6. Protesting on the first day already?
  7. You just have to let me know that you're interested (which I see you are) and we'll arrange a quiz day/night. I won't be doing this every day though, it took 5 hours for two people. So probably on specific days.
  8. Indeed, you will have a choice between two tomorrow which makes it more beneficial, depending on the question.
  9. My bad actually, we should have assessed your strong fields beforehand to give an idea on when to seek your help but then again, for the moment, you're the only expert lifeline anyway.
  10. That leaves us with 32,000 and 1,000 points for today. Tomorrow night, it will be @OlympicIRL's run.
  11. That's a good way remembering it. Like I said, I had no idea between stamen and pistil myself if it were my question.
  12. Well, what I've seen is we had three honest players today. It was pretty fun and interesting. I do hope that @Olympian1010 continues to contribute, it was difficult past Q7 and it can happen.
  13. @Vojthas That means you leave with 1,000 Points today but it was a tough question. TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 1 , 0 0 0 ♦
  14. @VojthasI'm sorry but we were all wrong. It was the other. Pts. 16,000 What is the male part of a flower called? ♦ A: Carpel ♦ B: Pistil ♦ C: Sepal ♦ D: Stamen Question by OlympicIRL
  15. I had no idea myself at the time.
  16. Pts. 16,000 What is the male part of a flower called? ♦ A: Carpel ♦ B: Pistil ♦ C: Sepal ♦ D: Stamen Question by OlympicIRL
  17. @Vojthas Does this help you?
  18. He should be back from skating, then go ahead.
  19. @Vojthas Question number 9... Pts. 16,000 What is the male part of a flower called? ♦ A: Carpel ♦ B: Pistil ♦ C: Sepal ♦ D: Stamen Question by OlympicIRL
  20. Pts. 8,000 Which fruit precedes "Pi" to form the name of a single-board computer often used to promote teaching of basic computer science? ♦ A: Raspberry ♦ B: ♦ C: Blackberry ♦ D: Question by OlympicIRL It IS Raspberry. Pts. 8,000 Which fruit precedes "Pi" to form the name of a single-board computer often used to promote teaching of basic computer science? ♦ A: Raspberry ♦ B: ♦ C: Blackberry ♦ D: Question by OlympicIRL
  21. @Vojthas First time it's used, here you go: Pts. 8,000 Which fruit precedes "Pi" to form the name of a single-board computer often used to promote teaching of basic computer science? ♦ A: Raspberry ♦ B: ♦ C: Blackberry ♦ D: Question by OlympicIRL
  22. @Vojthas Let's move up to 8,000: Pts. 8,000 Which fruit precedes "Pi" to form the name of a single-board computer often used to promote teaching of basic computer science? ♦ A: Raspberry ♦ B: Blueberry ♦ C: Blackberry ♦ D: Strawberry Question by OlympicIRL
  23. Don't seem like that's much of a problem to you. Pts. 4,000 What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts? ♦ A: Atmosphere ♦ B: Russian Federation ♦ C: Catholic Church ♦ D: Human brain And it isn't! Pts. 4,000 What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts? ♦ A: Atmosphere ♦ B: Russian Federation ♦ C: Catholic Church ♦ D: Human brain
  24. @Vojthas 4,000 next... Pts. 4,000 What consists of 9 krais and 46 oblasts? ♦ A: Atmosphere ♦ B: Russian Federation ♦ C: Catholic Church ♦ D: Human brain
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