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  1. Then we will go for three lifelines here. 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 I also apologise if I appear a bit slow at first. Gotta handle all these panels. Let's go.
  2. Alright then but before we must do something. I will offer two way of playing this, just like in some countries the actual show does the same. You can either choose the classic way of playing. That means 3 lifelines and safety after Q5 and Q10. You can also go a bit riskier and go for 4 lifelines but the downside is, the safety net after Q10 won't exist. 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 You can choose 50:50, Expert and Switch regardless. 50:50 will eliminate two incorrect choices. The "Expert" here will be @Olympian1010. You can ask him on a question if you're not sure. Switch means you can switch for a different question. Team was originally supposed as an "extended expert" but as we only have Olympian today, he will be the expert twice for you if you want to go for the riskier way. That is now up to you.
  3. Awesome. No problem at all. As a lawyer I assume you had to give advice to someone just now?
  4. It is soon time for our first quiz night and the first contestants are on their way! So, what will happen? Well, I don't know. Anything can happen. What's certain is, we will play a stack of questions in "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" format. That means a maximum of 15 questions, objectively and subjectively going from easy to difficult and specific. You receive a question with 4 choices. Only one of them is the right answer. Contestants can at any time give an answer, drop out with the amounts of points won (yes, simply points) or use a lifeline if they need help answering a question. More into that once we start our first game. Questions were made by me, for the most part, but we will also have questions by @OlympicIRL. A small panel below the question will show if it was a question by OlympicIRL. He also looked through every single question I made, which is why he can't be part of the expert team as a lifeline. Now, without further ado, let's get ready for our first contestant. And he's from Mexico, welcome mrv86! mrv86 ♦ ♦ Mexico @mrv86 Let me know whenever you are ready.
  5. Hello Totallympics and Happy New Year! Tonight, around 8-9 pm CET, we will start our first runs with @mrv86, followed by @Vojthas. For those who want to get involved, there is still time to support @Olympian1010and become part of the audience/expert lifeline to help contestants on specific questions.
  6. No problem, we'll have more days.
  7. Yes, that is allowed. Except you can't be an expert on your own run.
  8. I'll set the start for a run or two on Saturday, 2nd January 2021. I may have one person a day or a bunch as a "full episode", it depends. First, let me know if you express interest and want a run. Also, you may raise if you want to be part of an expert team. It'll be for the "Expert" lifeline where a contestant can ask the group for help.
  9. Pts. 500,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 500,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 ♦ Pts. 1 Million 14 ♦ Pts. 500,000 13 ♦ Pts. 250,000 12 ♦ Pts. 125,000 11 ♦ Pts. 64,000 10 ♦ Pts. 32,000 9 ♦ Pts. 16,000 8 ♦ Pts. 8,000 7 ♦ Pts. 4,000 6 ♦ Pts. 2,000 5 ♦ Pts. 1,000 4 ♦ Pts. 500 3 ♦ Pts. 300 2 ♦ Pts. 200 1 ♦ Pts. 100 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 ♦ Pts. 1 Million 14 ♦ Pts. 500,000 13 ♦ Pts. 250,000 12 ♦ Pts. 125,000 11 ♦ Pts. 64,000 10 ♦ Pts. 32,000 9 ♦ Pts. 16,000 8 ♦ Pts. 8,000 7 ♦ Pts. 4,000 6 ♦ Pts. 2,000 5 ♦ Pts. 1,000 4 ♦ Pts. 500 3 ♦ Pts. 300 2 ♦ Pts. 200 1 ♦ Pts. 100 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 Player ♦ ♦ Country ♦ P t s . 1 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 2 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 3 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 5 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 1 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 4 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 8 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 1 6 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 6 4 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ P t s . 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 5 0 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 1 , 0 0 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 1 6 , 0 0 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 ♦ TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 1 M I L L I O N ♦ [hide] Question by OlympicIRL Pts. 100 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 200 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 300 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 500 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 1,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 2,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 4,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 8,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 16,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 32,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 64,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 125,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 250,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 500,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 1 Million Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 100 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 200 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 300 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 500 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 1,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 2,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 4,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 8,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 16,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 32,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 64,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 125,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 250,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 500,000 Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... Pts. 1 Million Question? ...? ♦ A: ... ♦ B: ... ♦ C: ... ♦ D: ... [/hide]
  10. Of course. I never do a quiz without it.
  11. I am also currently working on a Millionaire-based quiz for those who are interested. Not sure when exactly but I may possibly arrange my first quiz night next week, before 2021. Season 1 #Run Player Lifelines Winnings Reached Notes Date 1 mrv86 3 Pts. 32,000 Q13 first 250,000 question 2nd January 2021 2 Vojthas 3 Pts. 1,000 Q9 2nd-3rd January 2021 3 OlympicIRL 3 Pts. 32,000 Q12 3rd January 2021 4 hckosice 3 Pts. 64,000 Q12 first to stop 9th January 2021 5 Olympian1010 4 Pts. 1,000 Q10 first risk format player 9th-10th January 2021 6 toulousain 3 Pts. 250,000 Q14 first 500,000 question 17th January 2021 7 Wumo 3 Pts. 250,000 Q14 first 10 questions without lifelines 30th January 2021 Season 2 #Run Player Lifelines Winnings Reached Notes Date 8 hckosice (II) 3 Pts. 1,000 Q9 first to return 10th April 2021 9 mrv86 (II) 3 Pts. 32,000 Q14 highest loss (-218,000) 10th-11th April 2021 10 heywoodu 3 Pts. 32,000 Q11 16th April 2021 11 Olympian1010 (II) 4 Pts. 1,000 Q8 first to use lifeline in lower tier 16th April 2021 12 Wumo (II) 3 Pts. 64,000 Q12 interrupted game 24th April - 1st May 2021 13 OlympicIRL (II) 3 Pts. 125,000 Q13 5th June 2021 Season 3 #Run Player Lifelines Winnings Reached Notes Date 14 mrv86 (III) 3 Pts. 1 Million Q15 Halloween Special first 12 questions without lifelines first to see final question first to use lifeline on final question first millionaire 31st October 2021 15 hckosice (III) 3 Pts. 125,000 Q13 Sports Special 12th November 2021 16 Wumo (III) 3 Pts. 125,000 Q13 Sports Special 26th November 2021 17 heywoodu (II) 3 Pts. 1,000 Q9 11th December 2021 18 Olympian1010 (III) 3 Pts. 1,000 Q8 18th December 2021 19 Sindo 4 Pts. 32,000 Q11 Christmas Special, "Jump" lifeline 24th December 2021 20 OlympicIRL (III) 4 Pts. 250,000 Q14 Christmas Special, "Double Dip" lifeline 27th December 2021 --- --- --- --- --- ---
  12. [LOGO] I thought it would be nice to have a thread for anything quiz-related as some people seem interested into quizzing. You can do your own quizzes here or share other quizzes across the world wide web.
  13. I'm kinda surprised nothing was done do Taekwondo, like going from 8 to 10 events or even a mixed team like in Judo. Taekwondo has always been a good option for smaller/new nations to win medals.
  14. Looks even better than last year, the presentation.
  15. WTA or not, how can you allow yourself to waste such a lead? Unbelieavable.
  16. I was hoping for Tsitsipas to win but yes, Nadal - Djokovic will be much more exciting than the forgettable US Open.
  17.ých_olympijských_hrách_2016 Jolien D'Hooreová, Anna van der Breggenová, does this even make sense? Also, seems like Chinese names are spelled in a totally different way in Slovak. Shi Jinglin becomes Š' Ťing-lin.
  18. Congrats to @OlympicIRL for the win as well as him and @mrv86 organising it, was pretty fun. My original first choice would have been Belgium but I never bothered to ask for it because I thought surely somebody took it already. South Korea and Mali were my initial choices I requested which were taken and ended up with Khadja Nin instead. Thanks to everyone who liked the Burundian entry, I think I wouldn't have made it as far with my other choices. Although to be honest it was annoying losing to North Macedonia. Alternate choices:
  19. I'm surprised you say that. If you knew about my favourite songs/pieces ever, you'd attest me a weird taste in music. My taste totally depends on rhythm and how catchy the instruments/basslines and vocals are. That's why I find something to my likings from any genre but my main three would be European dance/trance/techno from the late 90s/early 2000s, power metal and a mix of ambience and (modern) classic. I figured I had more chances making the KO stages with the latter style but I could have had fun with other entries.
  20. First Crucible maximum break in 8 years by John Higgins.
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