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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. A big story on Totallympics. Norway and their asthma medication. Who can forget. Pts. 2,000 In February 2018, the national team of Norway reportedly sent over 6,000 doses of what to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang? ♦ A: Vitamin preparation ♦ B: Asthma medication ♦ C: Insulin injections ♦ D: Aphrodisiac
  2. @VojthasWe're getting more serious now... Pts. 2,000 In February 2018, the national team of Norway reportedly sent over 6,000 doses of what to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang? ♦ A: Vitamin preparation ♦ B: Asthma medication ♦ C: Insulin injections ♦ D: Aphrodisiac
  3. Your maths hasn't failed you. 1,000 points! Pts. 1,000 How many seconds are in one hour? ♦ A: 360 ♦ B: 3600 ♦ C: 36000 ♦ D: 360000 Question by OlympicIRL
  4. @VojthasOnly this one question and 1,000 points will be guaranteed: Pts. 1,000 How many seconds are in one hour? ♦ A: 360 ♦ B: 3600 ♦ C: 36000 ♦ D: 360000 Question by OlympicIRL
  5. Yes, for this Olympian1010 isn't needed yet. Correct. Pts. 500 What do you show if you can prove you are a legal, permanent citizen of the USA? ♦ A: Green card ♦ B: Yellow stone ♦ C: Red button ♦ D: Blueprint
  6. @Vojthas Pts. 500 What do you show if you can prove you are a legal, permanent citizen of the USA? ♦ A: Green card ♦ B: Yellow stone ♦ C: Red button ♦ D: Blueprint
  7. Exact. Pts. 300 What, preceding -atic, turns a supporter into an extremist? ♦ A: Fan ♦ B: Lover ♦ C: Devotee ♦ D: Groupie
  8. @Vojthas Let's speed up a bit. Pts. 300 What, preceding -atic, turns a supporter into an extremist? ♦ A: Fan ♦ B: Lover ♦ C: Devotee ♦ D: Groupie
  9. Of course. Pts. 200 What do married couples usually spend together right after the nuptials? ♦ A: Toffeeplanet ♦ B: Honeymoon ♦ C: Caramelsun ♦ D: Maplesyrupstar
  10. @Vojthas Pts. 200 What do married couples usually spend together right after the nuptials? ♦ A: Toffeeplanet ♦ B: Honeymoon ♦ C: Caramelsun ♦ D: Maplesyrupstar
  11. And it is a wise decision. Pts. 100 What consists of multiple electric sockets? ♦ A: Power strip ♦ B: Moebius strip ♦ C: Comic strip ♦ D: Coastal strip
  12. @Vojthas Pts. 100 What consists of multiple electric sockets? ♦ A: Power strip ♦ B: Moebius strip ♦ C: Comic strip ♦ D: Coastal strip
  13. Then sight tight, here we go.
  14. Then just as mrv86, you shall keep your second net. 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 Are you ready?
  15. That's a funny thought. So, any plans on how you want to shape your run? You also get the choice between 3 and 4 lifelines, meaning Olympian's advice once or twice. You've seen it doesn't always work out but it depends on the question.
  16. @Vojthas From our first Pts. 32,000 winner on to the first European player, Vojthas from Poland. Vojthas ♦ ♦ Poland You are known here for your podcasts and general work around the forum, right?
  17. @Vojthas And we will make a smooth transition over to you in a couple of minutes. Stay tuned. @mrv86 Thank you for playing and being our first contestant.
  18. @mrv86 But that means as our first contestant you do leave with a respectable five-figure sum. TOTAL WINNINGS ♦ P t s . 3 2 , 0 0 0 ♦
  19. Well, that was unfortunate and you do get to take that 50:50 with you. But here's the good news. If I do more in the future, I will not limit by a one-time appearance. Generally, the only ones who are allowed to return in the actual show are celebrities - and on totallympics I guess everyone's a celebrity here.
  20. He was King of Lombardy and Venetia. Franz Josef was born in 1830.
  21. @mrv86 And in 1838, the last ruler to be crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy was Ferdinand I of Austria... Pts. 250,000 In 1838, who was the last ruler to be crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy? ♦ A: Franz Joseph I ♦ B: Umberto I ♦ C: Ferdinand I ♦ D: Napoleon Bonaparte
  22. I do not think I can stop you so I'll take it. Pts. 250,000 In 1838, who was the last ruler to be crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy? ♦ A: Franz Joseph I ♦ B: Umberto I ♦ C: Ferdinand I ♦ D: Napoleon Bonaparte
  23. @mrv86 Well, that goes better than expected in between. Only 2 questions away from the final question. It's getting rather dark in here. Pts. 250,000 In 1838, who was the last ruler to be crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy? ♦ A: Franz Joseph I ♦ B: Umberto I ♦ C: Ferdinand I ♦ D: Napoleon Bonaparte
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