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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Sweden is in the semifinals!
  2. That’s what I thought. I have never though that Finns are dirty.
  3. Are the Finns very dirty today?
  4. Van Der Poel is talking about to retire. He is not sure he will skating next season.
  5. I’m almost more happy with Elvira’s silver than Van Der Poel’s gold today. Are things doing better for Sweden in Biathlon now? Hope so.
  7. Mondo so close 6.19 again. But not yet!
  8. Yes, We will see. I will be very suprised if Karlsson is in the swedish team .
  9. You can’t be serious? You think 1,2km and 1,5km is big difference but not 1,5km and 5km or more? So you think 1,5km from 1,2km will affect the pure sprinters but not 5km or more to 1,5km for long distance specialists? Hmm. Agree with the difference between classic and skating tough.
  10. So the reigning world champions in Women team sprint has no chance because they are pure sprinters? Or have the format drastically changed since World Championships 2021?
  11. Haha Sweden competely sucks at biathlon and cross-country skiing(not counting sprint) and still leads the medal count. But it will not be any medal record for Sweden if not biathlon and cross-country start to deliver. Norway or ROC to win the medal count.
  12. Haha Sweden against Canada. Good luck Swedish girls you gonna need it badly. How much in score for Canada? 20-0?
  13. Ah I get it now. But still can’t be compared to long distance. The loop is still 1,5. Can Johaug who compete in 5 km or more handle it? Still it’s not the same as go for 5km.
  14. Still big difference between a loop on 5km and 1,5km.
  15. Where do you get that info from? My scource says the team sprint loop is 1,5km.
  16. It is 6km for each skier. It’s still sprint since they go 1-2km each lap. Do you really think Johaug, Karlsson ect can act as it is distance race? So Karlsson should be in the team ahead of Sundling, Dahlqvist or even Ribom? Are you serious?
  17. Is Johaug even considered to go the team sprint? Even if you are the best long distance skier it doesn’t mean you are the best in sprint. The same for the Finns. Why didn’t they take part in the individual sprint if they are so good and considered favorites? Btw Karlsson will not go for Sweden in the team sprint. You need to see the difference between long distance and sprint. I don’t count out any team but for now Sweden and USA should be the favorites
  18. @Fly_like_a_don @JonPhi I’m talking about Women’s TEAM SPRINT. Are Norway, Russia and Finland better than Sweden and USA? I don’t think so. At least they haven’t show that yet.
  19. Is it really true? Sweden has one silver unlike Norway.
  20. Is it me or will the Women’s team sprint be a epic fight between Sweden and USA?
  21. RONNIE HELLSTRÖM has passed away this Sunday morning . He was 72 years old. The Swedish Football icon is considered as one of Sweden’s best GK ever. RIP LEGEND!
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