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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Continents are a matter of land, not population. Therefore Antarctica is a continent as well. And suddenly you apparently admit that there are at least 6? And that 8th "continent" is quite a myth. There's no doubt that plastic in the ocean is a massive problem, but there are no big islands or patches of plastic in the ocean? Most of the plastic is broken down into tiny bits (which in fact is a bigger problem than if we has these patches of big parts of plastic) The pictures of massive areas of waste are either from coastal areas or lakes (your last picture is from Bulgaria, I believe)
  2. You should brush up on your geography. There are 7 continents Also, it's 2 Americas in the qualifiers No cheating there...
  3. : Group C. Great group where we should be able to advance. France will be very hard to beat while Peru is the team that we hoped for while Australia is great to be against as well. : Group F. One of the toughest groups. Germany is surely a good candidate for the Championship. Mexico is beatable, but has made it through the group stage 6 times in a row. And South Korea is not to underestimate! Add the distances for the Swedish team and it's a tough situation. They can do it, but they need to be at their best!
  4. I honestly don't see what's so extremely confusing. If you care about the World Cup you can find the stages result pretty easily.
  5. Our top team is focusing on the Olympic qualification, but it is surely worrying that our 2nd best team isn't even good enough for the B division!
  6. It's rather interesting that you talk about continuing to discuss when you're keeping it alive right now...
  7. Denmark New Zealand 12 Great Britain 11 Lithuania 10 Indonesia 9 Estonia 8 Canada 7 Iran 6 Chile 5 Ireland 4 United States 3 Netherlands 2 Malta 1 Det var så det her fra Danmark. Held og lykke til de deltagende! ------------------------------------------------------------ That's it from us in Denmark. Good luck to the participants!
  8. Denmark Great Britain 11 Lithuania 10 Indonesia 9 Estonia 8 Canada 7 Iran 6 Chile 5 Ireland 4 United States 3 Netherlands 2 Malta 1
  9. Denmark God aften og tak for en god konkurrence! ------------------------------------------------------------ Good evening and thanks for a good contest! Lithuania 10 Indonesia 9 Estonia 8 Canada 7 Iran 6 Chile 5 Ireland 4 United States 3 Netherlands 2 Malta 1
  10. Sounds awesome. Fingers crossed! Loved Me and My Guitar. If your song is as good, it could get my vote!
  11. Barzagli. Was the situation that gave Forsberg a booking.
  12. I'm seeing comments about 2 possible penalties for Sweden due to hands.
  13. I'm sadly not able to watch the match, but I'm reading about 3 potential penalty kicks. What do people watching think?
  14. Except for the disrespect during the Swedish national anthem!
  15. Hey. We have a positive record against Italy!
  16. The Irish fans had some fun in Copenhagen!
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