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Totallympics World Class
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
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GoHungary!'s Achievements

  1. Holy moly!
  2. Crazy days we are living...
  3. No words really. Absolute disaster.
  4. Still huge death rate and the number of new cases went up again if I'm not mistaken...
  5. That death number is more than scary... In one day... madness.
  6. 1st death as a result of coronavirus in Hungary.
  7. 30 cases in Hungary as of now - 5 new just this evening.
  8. 2 Iranian student tested positive.
  9. Hats off to Spain for the outstanding performance in team sports lately.
  10. Nagyszerű hír, nem semmi teljesítmény 3 "echte" portugál ellen!
  11. If I'm dreaming pls do not wake me up! Hoooly...
  12. Lőrincz Tamás világbajnok technikai (8-0) tussal! Ez igen, gratula!
  13. This is one of my least favourite sport. After Rio I really cannot take this sport seriously. Cheating paradise.
  14. I really don't fancy this. Awful both style and color-wise. :S
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