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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Ali dobro sad mogu da idu u Japan na 3*. Da su prosli dalje ne bi otisli.
  2. Velika pobeda za Kolarica i Bastu E sad moraju da cekaju.
  3. Na prozivci 23. jula selektoru Zoranu Terziću trebalo bi da se jave igračice: Ognjenović , Antonijević, Živković, Mirković (dizači), Bjelica, Bošković, Malagurski (korektori), Popović, Pušić (libera), Rašić, Veljković, Stevanović, Aleksić (blokeri), Mihajlović, Blagojević, Malešević, Buša, Milenković, Lozo, Lazović (primači)
  4. I saw Russian, Chinese and Korean delegation this morning when I went to work, and they went to the competition
  5. ma ko je to upravo postao glavni favorit na sp? počinje na S a završava na a a nije Sirija
  6. A i ne mozete da ocekujete da se oni sad bore za visok plasman, malo niste realni Nikad nismo imali uspeha i sad malo bolji rezultati i odmah velika ocekivanja, polako.
  7. Pa i nisu bas u negativnom. Pre 10 dana su u Portugalu na 4* bili jako dobri, izgubili do Nemaca koji su se prosetali do sf i uzeli trece mesto i opet su osvojili jako dobar broj peona.
  8. Odlicno su igrali Kolaric i Basta drugi set. Naravno Italijani su prejaki, ali stvarno se vidi napredak. Nadam se da mogu da dobiju Cehe nekako na misice
  9. Samo da napomenem da Milica jako lose trci, to mora da popravi sto pre. U skoku u dalj pre svega moras da budes dobar sprinter. Nije za dz Ivana rekorderka Srbije na 60m.
  10. Ja koliko po snimku vidim Milicin skok je 100% regularan i ne vidim potrebu da se neko bavi spekulacijama. A i sami mozete da procenite da je to preko 6.60 A i lepo mere, od mesta gde se odrazila, samo ako se malo bolje pogleda snimak Evo covek je stavio palac na mestu gde se odrazila i to je procitao.
  11. Pa meri se od mesta gde prvo zgazis do mesta dokle skocis tj gde ti je poslednji trag
  12. SOPRON (FIBA U20 Women's European Championship 2018) - There was double cause for Iris Mbulito to celebrate at the FIBA U20 Women's European Championship after she added the MVP title to her winners medal. Having scored the game-winning basket in the pivotal 50-51 win during the Quarter-Finals against France, Mbulito then did even better in the title game. She pipped the impressive Ivana Raca, who was chosen as MVP in the Fan Vote. The Serbian forward was superb throughout and the main reason Serbia depart Sopron with a silver medal. She was joined in the All-Star Five by her teammate Ivana Katanic, and that meant a touch of deja vu for the Serbian captain, who took that honor in the same Arena last year at U18, when her team also finished on the second podium step. Netherlands took a medal for only the second time in their history at the event, landing the bronze, with Laura Westerik rewarded for her efforts at both ends of the court. Meanwhile, Germany's standout star Satou Sabally did not make the Quarter-Finals with her team, but her towering displays and eye-popping numbers made her impossible to ignore. She finished the tournament leading both the points and rebound categories, also with a tournament-best efficiency of 24.6.
  13. no medal for GB
  14. Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia regalated and Slovenia won silver last year
  15. And I thought that this will be his last season....
  16. Gold for Hungary, silver for Norway, bronze for South Korea (Russia 4.) Song Hye-soo from Korea MVP, Helena Paulo from Angola top goalscorer.
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