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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by justony

  1. To be honest, so far I haven't paid so much attention to who is going to beat us. 😄 But after last TISC contest, we are used to it. 😋
  2. I am aware my song was not so great, but this is quite a shock, they finished last. Even that "animal cruelty" song, if you like, got more points.
  3. EUROVISION STYLE AFTER 29/39 JURIES 1 96 21 40 2 88 22 40 3 84 23 40 4 78 24 37 5 73 25 34 6 71 26 33 7 64 27 33 8 56 28 33 9 53 29 31 10 52 30 28 11 51 31 25 12 50 32 24 13 50 33 23 14 49 34 21 15 48 35 21 16 47 36 14 17 47 37 14 18 42 38 7 19 41 39 4 20 40
  4. While we are having this long break, tell me, is anybody going to run tomorrow on Wings for Life World Run? Finally, we can run in Ljubljana after 5 years of absence. I will attack this interesting format, when you don't know where is finish line, for third time, and last year, we ran with my friends virtually.
  5. Current standings after 19/39 (Eurovision style) This is probably most tied contest in history. 1. 70 2. 65 3. 57 4. 57 5. 46 6. 44 7. 43 8. 40 9. 40 10. 38 11. 38 12. 36 13. 33 14. 32 15. 30 16. 29 17. 29 18. 27 19. 26 20. 26 21. 25 22. 24 23. 23 24. 22 25. 21 26. 20 27. 20 28. 19 29. 19 30. 19 31. 15 32. 14 33. 14 34. 12 35. 10 36. 7 37. 5 38. 4 39. 3
  6. Slovenia 1st Colombia Colombia 12 Kazakhstan 11 Spain 10 Tunisia 9 Mexico 8 Ireland 7 India 6 United States 5 Malta 4 Great Britain 3 Greece 2 Serbia 1 Čestitke vsem udeleženim in najlepša hvala @Vektorza čudovito prireditev. Imejte se lepo ! Congratulations to all participants and thank you very much @Vektor for a wonderful show. Have fun!
  7. Any thoughts about 12 points? Maybe France, China again, what do you say? Tell me, I forgot who did I gave my "douze" points.
  8. Slovenia 2nd Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 11 Spain 10 Tunisia 9 Mexico 8 Ireland 7 India 6 United States 5 Malta 4 Great Britain 3 Greece 2 Serbia 1
  9. Ok, looks like it is not so hard, are you ready for next one, by the way, tell me how many of you are surprised I am sending my votes in live? I know I am.
  10. Slovenia Dobrodošli prijatelji športa in dobre glasbe, poseben pozdrav tudi našim dragim sosedom na vzhodu. Žal mi je, ker smo vas včeraj porazili v hokeju. Vesel sem, da lahko zopet podelim točke v imenu Slovenije, čeprav je vsakič težje zaradi kvalitete glasbe. Greetings friends of sports and good music, very special welcome also to our neighbours on the east. Sorry for beating you yesterday in hockey. I am glad to give Slovenian points once again, though it is always harder for the quality of music. 3rd Spain 4th Tunisia 5th Mexico Spain 10 Tunisia 9 Mexico 8 Ireland 7 India 6 United States 5 Malta 4 Great Britain 3 Greece 2 Serbia 1
  11. Thank you and , now everybody, a little patience, I am writing on Chrome, but will cast my votes through Firefox, so I am already confused.
  12. Current standings (Eurovision voting: 12-10-8-... you know the drill) 1. 33 2. 31 3. 31 4. 30 5. 27 6. 25 7. 22 8. 21 9. 21 10. 20 11. 19 12. 17 13. 16 14. 16 15. 14 16. 14 17. 14 18. 13 19. 13 20. , 12 22. 11 23. , , , 10 27. 8 28. 8 29. 8 30. , 6 32. 5 33. 4 34. , 2 36. 1 - , , 0
  13. And even in Hungarian language we have to walk behind fellow Slovaks.
  14. This was truly fun, I had the privilege to commentate Tour de Hongrie last year (though only from studio), so my memories on land of our neighbours are truly magnificent. You can really be proud on your presentation.
  15. Finally, after 6 years, we are coming back to elite, albeit through weak tournament.
  16. Would like to have a few days more time, it has been very chaotic last two weeks, all happening at once.
  17. 1-2-3-4-7, OK, will take it. 😃
  18. Wait, no one is interested in supremacy, not even @hckošice . On our national TV it was told Austria has a record with 1-2-3-4 win in Thunder Bay 1980, so hoping to better that. Gremo naši orli
  19. This is bad decision also for Slovenia, hosting Division 1A. Austria and France were opponents, which sold most tickets.
  20. Today another chapter of stupidity, called Team Event. vs once again, just because no one have time or energy to organize qualifying runs for all nations.
  21. Because Meribel track was not ready on time.
  22. Great, so with Tschofenig partly another gold medal for us, since he comes from just across the border.
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