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Everything posted by leli.

  1. winter coming soon right??
  2. a little rabbit, i'm almost sure. the other option is a little hare, but i'm still voting for rabbit
  3. oooh nice!! reminds me of when i met him in mine.. he was overly scared though :/
  4. haha thanks, glad you like them! hehe yes, i really do photography is part of my life basically ... thanks!
  5. progression of a sunset, that i called "i love. i have loved. i will love." ...i fear this will be my fav thread but don't worry i will contain myself and post just every now and then!
  6. oh gosh! Consider it done! Ahah ;D
  7. Oh my... can I move there?
  8. Thanks! I only heard about it but I never watched it. I will give it a try
  9. oh gosh please don't make me think about the craziness that would start here if that happened hahah btw, germany is leading now, and they're the favourites...
  10. thanks! --------------- @Bohemia yesss more Kodaline!
  11. i watch everything as long as there is a nice plot or something funny or I'm in the mood for it, from penny dreadful to mr robot to merlin and.. idk, friends, miranda... i'm ready to give a try to whatever you will suggest!
  12. movies / tv series suggestions? i've been watching something recently, but atm i feel like i need some new ideas/opinions! thanks in advance
  13. because i do love watching some of the players like De Cecco (amazing setter) and Solé, and i've been following them for a few years now; and also, i love Velasco too (i have great memories of his work with our NT when i was little)
  14. yay Italy (yay Gian!)! but I'm always torn when it comes to Italy vs Argentina tbh...
  15. "Lo sport mi ha insegnato a restare con i piedi per terra”. RIP.
  16. Oh I love Future Islands soo much!
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