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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games

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  1. Now it has gone offline... Guess no point watching with this disastrous stream
  2. Unfortunately there might not be live stream of shooting due to faulty internet at Baku. Pray they can fix the issue in 20 min.
  3. Hingis/Federer confirmed. Link -
  4. Any live telecast for Archery?
  5. Thanks guys. It is really surprising that no women out here.
  6. There's wrestling world cup as well....though none of the rio bound wrestlers have been sent...
  7. Rohan faces Dodig in Quarters. If they beat them, Rohan will be in top 10 according to my calculations. Dodig will drop points as he is defending champion and he will also past Soares. Then only Vasselin can come ahead of Rohan if they win French Open. So he should finish 9th or 10th. if Rohan loses, then Dodig and Vasselin should not win French Open for Rohan to be 10th.
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