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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Spain joins the medal table in the very last event. Medals for 20 nations.
  2. Commonwealth Games? Maybe they wish to humiliate the Aussies.
  3. Men's madison - 1 team abouf to get lapped after 105 laps. Women's madison - 8 teams get lapped after 20 laps.
  4. He ouldn't walk by himself and shortly after collapsed onto a carpet.
  5. Meh, this last to fast final format kils all excitement...
  6. According to the announcer, Ter Mors is racing against Britannia Bowie.
  7. Interesting that Portugal has never even competed at an Olympic track cycling competition. Even Guam did... Oliveira brothers are really exciting for them.
  8. Leung managed to collect a grand total of 3 points before the points race. How depressing is that?
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