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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Big step for GB. Meanwhile, Italy is now in second place, and they are now the only nation who received points from everyone after lunch.
  2. Here's something. Azerbaijan hasn't received a single point after Serbia's votes before coffee break this morning (6 hours ago). And it's not like they have very few points (39)
  3. Oh yeah, finally some nice points. Thanks Moldova Meanwhile, what is happening with Italy and Algeria after the break? Incredible.
  4. A whole bunch of countries seems to be on a streak at the moment. Chile, Indonesia, Algeria.
  5. So with this gold Tunisia is no longer like Netherlands in song contests.
  6. I've made a chart about leader's average score per jury (compared to average scores of previous winners). At one point (between 5th and 7th vote) GB was ever more dominant than Ireland in 2014! But now they are behind both Ireland's winners.
  7. Also, in this second session, the leader's average has dropped from 8 to 6.69. Even so, GB is on the road to score more than 200 points at the end.
  8. USA shouldn't have 3 bronze medals, considering that their first medal came from Croatia.
  9. Croatia Croatia Jury Scorecard: Indonesia 12 Ireland 11 United States 10 Great Britain 9 Lithuania 8 Argentina 7 Malta 6 Slovenia 5 Bulgaria 4 Algeria 3 New Zealand 2 Chile 1 Tetap Dalam Jiwa! To je bilo sve od Hrvatske, vidimo se sljedećom prilikom! - Tetap Dalam Jiwa! That would be all from Croatia, see you next time!
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