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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Hmmm... That would put 9 teams in the final. It's frustrating that Canada had a better time than both USA and Italy, but they did finish 6th in their heat.
  2. That's great and all, but I wonder why. It'll just move Italy into the final. We'd need someone from heat 2 to get DSQ to make the final.
  3. Canada out by thousandths of a second, ugh. Always suspicious to me when the don't show replays of dsq or near dsq. Maybe I've just watched too much NHL.
  4. I'd like to see the replay on that. The second exchange for the USA looked a bit sketchy. Edit: Maybe it was the 3rd exchange.
  5. I also don't like fantasy (I'm more of a hard sci-fi guy myself) but GoT drew me in. It did spin its wheels for a while in the middle seasons and the ending was underwhelming. But there were some great stories along the way. I also think watching them without 1-2 years between seasons would help.
  6. Basically, it came down to De Grasse. He won 3/6 of the medals in athletics for Canada in Rio. He's been injured and hasn't really produced since then, so it just depended on whether he was back in form for Doha or not. He definitely seems to be, so going to Tokyo Canada has some good shots at some medals. Warner was expected, but Dunphee in race walking and Ahmed in the 5000 were surprises. Not huge shocks since both of them finished 4th in Rio, but they're still probably not favourites for medals next year. I'm happy with Canada's performance so far. Not just medals, but making finals and semis as well. The only disappointment, if you can call it that, is Warner. But with decathlon, anything can and often does happen.
  7. With Mayer out, that was Canada's only real shot at gold here. Unless the 4x100 M team can work magic, which is not impossible given De Grasse and Brown's performances in Doha so far. Still, it's a long shot. Sage Watson could put together a surprise tomorrow in the 400 hurdles since she's been having a great season, but even a medal for her would be incredible. 5 medals so far, and another 1 or 2 would be great leading to Tokyo. For years Canada had nothing in swimming or the track, and Rio gave us 6 medals in each. Canada just got their most medals at the swimming champs this year, and could tie their most in Doha with some break throughs (8 medals). So that's nice.
  8. I think Warner is on his way out. But at least we have LePage!
  9. To go with our 200 silvers from the PanAms.
  10. So basically it's a race for the medals in the 1500m. Whatever order Warner, Uibo and Kaul finish in, that's the medals most likely.
  11. Kind of sad to think that if Mayer didn't get injured Warner probably wouldn't even have gotten a medal here. Heck, Victor may have surpassed him.
  12. Unless Warner has a massive throw in his last try, they're basically tied going into the 1500m, but Kaul has a much better PB.
  13. I think that basically gives him the gold.
  14. Yeah, Warner, Uibo and Shkurenov are all pretty even in the remaining events and tied (or pretty much tied) right now. It'll be an interesting finish for sure.
  15. Kaul is only favoured to win by 45 points right now, but Warner has thrown javelin much better this season than they predict (using his PB overall score). So anything can happen.
  16. There always seems to be someone who steps up against Warner. He had a disappointing discus and pv. But who knows how it'll end.
  17. Whenever heptathlon is going on, they show it all. We're lucky to get a highlight of decathlon or any other event. It's odd to me that they choose heptathlon over any other to showcase every time.
  18. Nedow squeaks into the shotput final on his last throw!
  19. Lepage just dropped out of contention for bronze with discus.
  20. In all seriousness, Warner needed to crush that 400m to have any chance at beating Mayer. He'll need a great hurdles tomorrow because javelin, discus and pole vault will hurt him.
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