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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Topicmaster1010 in Cross-Country Skiing   
    Liliane Gagnon finished 2nd in the U23 World Cup Standings. Sonjaa Schmidt finished 5th and Alison Mackie finished 8th.
  2. Love
    Surlympics reacted to Josh in Curling   
    Team Homan win back-to-back golds at the Women’s Curling World Championships, defeating Switzerland 7-3 in the final! 
  3. Wow!
    Surlympics got a reaction from orangeman in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  4. Love
    Surlympics reacted to Josh in Judo   
    Gold for Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard at the Tbilisi GS! 
  5. Wow!
    Surlympics got a reaction from Topicmaster1010 in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  6. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from Josh in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  7. Wow!
    Surlympics got a reaction from james89 in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  8. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from intoronto in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  9. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Topicmaster1010 in Canada's 2026 Olympics Qualification Discussion   
    There were 3 male jumpers at the junior world championships. None qualified for the 2nd round. Hopefully we can see them in the world cup or even the Continental cup soon
  10. Haha
    Surlympics reacted to JockCartier in Canada's 2026 Olympics Qualification Discussion   
    Can’t you get 32 in freestyle if you qualify for aerials mixed team?
    Too bad we don’t even have any male ski jumpers too defend our legendary mixed team medal 😭😂
  11. Love
    Surlympics reacted to intoronto in Canada's 2026 Olympics Qualification Discussion   
    The FIS has released quota simulations for all its disciplines atm. For :
    Alpine skiing:  8 men 5 women (13 athletes). Same total in Beijing, but the genders are flipped this time around (5 men and 8 women in 2022) Cross-country skiing: 5 men 6 women (11 athletes) +2 from Beijing. 10 quota per gender left, the women are 7th on the allocation list, men 10th. The spots are reserved for countries not qualifying anyone yet, but managed to score under 300 points at a WC next season. This is unlikely, and we may get 2 more quotas. Ski jumping: 3 women, down 1 from Beijing. No men.  Freestyle skiing: Currently have 20 men and 19 women with quotas. Only discipline without a full quota is the women's slopestyle with 3. Maximum total is 30, so NINE athletes will need to be cut to get down to this number, which will represent a decline of two from 2022, where the maximum was 32. Its possible an athlete triples up in halfpipe/big air/slopestyle, which could help reduce numbers).  Snowboard (total: 18 athletes), down from 23 in Beijing  Halfpipe: 2 women PGS: 2 men and 2 women SS/BA: 4 men and 2 women SC: 3 men and 3 women   
    Overall - 6 from Beijing
  12. Like
    Surlympics reacted to NearPup in Biathlon   
    The IBU has published the ranking after the final race and you are correct!
  13. Love
    Surlympics reacted to JockCartier in Biathlon   
    Well, it was not pretty... but I think we have men's and women's teams in the Olympics!

    Final races with Nations Cups implications went today.

    Men: Only two raced, Pletz (75th) and Connelly (95th), but fortunately Kazahkstan didn't have much of a day and only made up 40 points... so Canada finished 20th with a 156 point cushion

    Women: Paradis had a very good day, finishing 36th! Hopefully she can keep building on that. Lunder was 58th, Moser 76th, and Peiffer 99th. The women finished 16th overall in the Nations Cup
  14. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Topicmaster1010 in Freestyle skiing   
    At this time last week, we had one world championship medal this year in winter Olympic events. Now we're at 20.
  15. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from Safe Dragonfly in Freestyle skiing   
    And it's Gold!!
  16. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from intoronto in Freestyle skiing   
    And it's Gold!!
  17. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from orangeman in Freestyle skiing   
    And it's Gold!!
  18. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from orangeman in Freestyle skiing   
    Megan oldham wins bronze in women's slopestyle!!
  19. Love
    Surlympics got a reaction from james89 in Freestyle skiing   
    And it's Gold!!
  20. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Josh in Freestyle skiing   
    Bronze for Megan Oldham in women's slopestyle at the Freestyle Ski/Snowboard World Championships! 
  21. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from Josh in Snowboarding   
    Gold for Liam !!
  22. Like
    Surlympics got a reaction from Topicmaster1010 in Freestyle skiing   
    Hoffos wins silver in women's ski cross!!
  23. Haha
    Surlympics reacted to Josh in Freestyle skiing   
    3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours isn't doing me any good, clearly 
  24. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Topicmaster1010 in Snowboarding   
    4th different Canadian to win a slopestyle/big air World Cup/World Championship event this year
  25. Like
    Surlympics reacted to Josh in Snowboarding   
    Gold for Liam Brearley in men’s slopestyle at the World Championships!
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