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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. I wanna go to disco with Mauritius and Guinea Bissau - they are full of energy
  2. I hope not Maria Curie Sklodowska. She is polish hahahhaha
  3. But she looks elegant singing La Marseillaise. Class. chic.
  4. So Paris didn't bother with controlling the weather and clouds.
  5. For me too much fire after this news about arsonist and train from today.
  6. This was hard time for religious countries ;p typical french videos
  7. not my taste, but impressive part... Paris burning once again.
  8. Both brothers together (united) will be more interesting
  9. I more still into the outfits the origin once - I enjoy this moment - cause few years and all delegation from muslin countries will be in one dark hijab. and etc. I admire diversity until I can.
  10. However, cabaret is a cultural phenomenon associated with France and Paris. But I thought they would go for something solemn and heavy.
  11. Hahaha I was worried for a moment that this guy on the roof is a terrorist.
  12. But looks great that people are waching this from their houses too.
  13. This African clothes are really interesting as always.
  14. Brisbane do better wanna see :D I will sell a liver to visit OG there haha
  15. could be a little chaos for visiting live and I think hard to enjoy so far as person there - in TV covarage looks better.
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