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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. My prediction is the number of competitors in the Russian team will be somewhere between 1 and 300. I'm sure of this.
  2. They said the same the day before the IWF announced the last Russian lifters had failed tests
  3. Russia media reporting Russian weightlifter Ruslan Albegov failed a drug test at London 2012,
  4. This is so obviously a pointless rule that won't hold up that I;m wondering if the IOC have a legal trick hidden here?
  5. News that has leaked so far confirms 2008 Weighlifting 2012 Athletics At the moment we only have 57 names to be revealed
  6. Anybody know how to remove quotes you added by mistake?
  7. Decision on Russia athletics and Rio to come at !0am London Time - 12 Moscow time.
  8. Skeleton is included under bobsleigh since they are in one federation
  9. " Lithuanian marathon runner Zivile Balciunaite has been banned for eight years after testing positive for meldonium in April. "
  10. He was ranked 93 at the time of qualification and everybody up to 89 (who wanted to go to Rio) has qualified for Rio. 90,91.92 were from countries who already have maximum quota so Evans was called up. Unfortunately he has a shoulder injury and "personal problems"
  11. Well there's still a doubt on whether Parchment or Ortega will be in Rio... Omoregie and Belocian were very closely matched as juniors but he has a tendency to clip hurdles this year. Yesterday was a clean run. By the way Fearon is a Winter Olympian at bobsleigh and European Championship medallist at the sport
  12. Dan Evans of Great Britain invited to play in Rio - but turned down the chance.
  13. Only 2. I did check before I wrote that though. 13.25 was the exact time needed to reach last year's World Championship final
  14. The ultimate in bad timing David Omoregie 13.25 for the 110m hurdles today. Maybe a good enough time for the Olympic final - but 5 days too late as he did not have a qualifying time before now
  15. There is a story in the Russian press about a draft letter from the head of the US Anti-Doping Travis Tygart. The letter was due to be released after the release of the McLaren Report but has been leaked. It says that USADA "request the removal of the Russian team from both the Rio Olympics and Paralympics" because "the McLaren report has proven Russia has broken the Olympic Charter and the rules of the IOC and WADA". It goes to say that it has proved the Russian Ministry of Sport and other parts of the Russian government interfered with the anti-doping system. If this is genuine (and we don't know know it is yet) then this story just got very, very serious for Russia.
  16. Romania and Belarus have been banned from Rio for "systematic doping" New allocations will be revealed on Monday
  17. Brazil and Ireland inherit their places
  18. AIBA confirm tripartite places in the men's tournament to Fiji, Jordan, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Zambia
  19. New withdrawals Men Jordan Speith Angelo Que KT Kim Victor Dubuisson
  20. It's fairly certain who he is. A runner who has been successful in a minor way in international competition. But it is not somebody who has won medals at Olympic or world level. Name will revealed in next few weeks or months.
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