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Everything posted by macozar

  1. I understand clearely to athletes
  2. He knows it, but it dosn't matter when you are a troll LoL
  3. He really enjoys with it. I think that we need that the Games start now and to focus at the sport and try to forget all the noise around
  4. Sure. That's why aussies are contesting qualifying tournaments around the world. For example, just today the 3x3 OQT un Austria. It's only for cheating.
  5. Well, from my point if view, Olympics aren't more dangerous (with athletes vaccinated, of course) that, for example, EuroCup with 20,000 fans at the stadium from different countries across Europe, and lot of them without quarentine nor vaccine, but I can understand that you are explaining. I hope that Olympics will go ahead and we will able to celebrate that this happen with safety. P.S: I'm sorry if I can't explain well my point of view and for my grammar mistakes, it's difficult for me to argue in a different language.
  6. I'm agree with you. Zika and Covid are unparalleled. It only was an example of nolympics always take adventage of bad things about make some noise.
  7. I didn't say It. But host the Games, with a bubble and the vast majority of athletes vaccinated, isn't more dangerous that others events that are celebrating nowadays. And that nolympics are running a campaign against Olympics, includind LA and Paris, for example in some social networks as Twitter, I think that is obvious.
  8. Olympics are under attack. Covid is just an excuse when athletes will be vaccinated, as was zika in Rio. And Paris and LA will also suffer anothers problems that someone will want to take an adventage of it. Why? I don't know. By whom? I'm no sure about it. But the truth is that nolympics make a lot of noise, now and in the futuro they will do It.
  9. Are you unhappy about the Olympics go ahead? I'm so sorry, mate
  10. Thanks mate. I think that he's just a Trojan Horse about counter-olympics, lol
  11. Nadal is not sure, and it's just about season planning, not about pandemic (i'm from Spain). Furthermore, Nadal said exatcly the dame before Río and later he came. Hideki is a golf player, do you remember golf and zika in Rio? However, all athletes will be vaccinated, what is then the problem? If hoy hate Olympics, what are you doing here Orangehair?
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