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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. and they had a great match against no2 at world tour rankings, lost 2-1 (21-11, 17-21, 15-12)
  2. Stefan Basta i Lazar Kolarić, ostvarili su još jedan sjajan rezultat, pa će, posle “Katar Opena 2016.” igrati i u glavnom žrebu “Sjamen Opena 2016.” u Kini. Basta i Kolarić (13. nosioci u kvalifikacijama) su, rano jutros po našem vremenu, u 1. kolu kvalifikacija pobedili Murakamija i Šimicua iz Japana (20. nosioci) sa 2:0, po setovima 21:13 i 21:18, posle 36 minuta igre, a zatim su u 2. kolu savladali favorizovane Norvežane, Hordvika i Uskena (4. nosioci) sa 2:0, po setovima 21:16 i 21:17, posle 37 minuta igre. Basta i Kolarić će danas saznati rivale u grupi, a mečevi će se igrati u sredu i četvrtak, 13. i 14. aprila.
  3. contact Sindo to send you or just open thread, i belive he or some of moderators will add it
  4. 2 quotas
  5. yes if you don't have song right now, you can post in until Tuesday
  6. jel su ovo sve B norme? (osim 400m mesovito)
  7. because they can draw Croatia and qualify, doesn't necessary need to win
  8. 90s had at least some variety before Grand took over
  9. Which do you think was the best and worst decade for music in your country and why? For the best i am not sure but the worst 2000s certainly (one dominant genre with little alternative and media space for others)
  10. btw is Bahrain team made of Bahrainians or they did shopping like Qatar?
  11. they should use candidat city logo (don;t know why IOC doesn't allow it), it's the best of all what is presented so far
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