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Everything posted by amen09

  1. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 24 Tunisia 36 Italy 45 Romania 45 Ireland 11 137 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 5 51 France 61 Colombia 9 131 New Zealand 67 Denmark 39 Greece 55 Spain 10 120 Canada 104 Slovenia 4 54 Great Britain 8 73 Netherlands 73 United States 7 140 Iran 31 Mexico 70 Uruguay 23 Estonia 6 49 Portugal 12 57 Serbia 33 Argentina 119 Chile 39 Poland 76 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 46 Algeria 2 10 Croatia 1 73 Slovakia 58 Brazil 3 90 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 140 2 Ireland 137 3 Colombia 131 4 Spain 120 5 Argentina 119
  2. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 1 24 Tunisia 3 36 Italy 45 Romania 9 45 Ireland 126 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 46 France 61 Colombia 10 122 New Zealand 67 Denmark 39 Greece 55 Spain 8 110 Canada 104 Slovenia 50 Great Britain 11 65 Netherlands 73 United States 12 133 Iran 31 Mexico 70 Uruguay 23 Estonia 4 43 Portugal 45 Serbia 33 Argentina 119 Chile 39 Poland 5 76 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 46 Algeria 8 Croatia 7 72 Slovakia 2 58 Brazil 6 87 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 133 2 Ireland 126 3 Colombia 122 4 Argentina 119 5 Spain 110
  3. Slovenia United States 12 Great Britain 11 Colombia 10 Romania 9 Spain 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Poland 5 Estonia 4 Tunisia 3 Slovakia 2 Lithuania 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation
  4. Slovenia Great Britain 11 Colombia 10 Romania 9 Spain 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Poland 5 Estonia 4 Tunisia 3 Slovakia 2 Lithuania 1
  5. Slovenia Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation Colombia 10 Romania 9 Spain 8 Croatia 7 Brazil 6 Poland 5 Estonia 4 Tunisia 3 Slovakia 2 Lithuania 1
  6. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 23 Tunisia 33 Italy 45 Romania 4 36 Ireland 10 126 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 46 France 5 61 Colombia 6 112 New Zealand 67 Denmark 7 39 Greece 55 Spain 102 Canada 1 104 Slovenia 50 Great Britain 54 Netherlands 2 73 United States 121 Iran 31 Mexico 9 70 Uruguay 23 Estonia 39 Portugal 45 Serbia 33 Argentina 8 119 Chile 39 Poland 3 71 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 46 Algeria 8 Croatia 65 Slovakia 12 56 Brazil 11 81 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 Ireland 126 2 United States 121 3 Argentina 119 4 Colombia 112 5 Canada 104
  7. Spain Slovakia 12 Brazil 11 Ireland 10 Mexico 9 Argentina 8 Denmark 7 Colombia 6 France 5 Romania 4 Poland 3 Netherlands 2 Canada 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation
  8. Spain Brazil 11 Ireland 10 Mexico 9 Argentina 8 Denmark 7 Colombia 6 France 5 Romania 4 Poland 3 Netherlands 2 Canada 1
  9. Spain Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation Ireland 10 Mexico 9 Argentina 8 Denmark 7 Colombia 6 France 5 Romania 4 Poland 3 Netherlands 2 Canada 1
  10. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 10 23 Tunisia 33 Italy 45 Romania 32 Ireland 4 116 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 1 46 France 56 Colombia 106 New Zealand 12 67 Denmark 32 Greece 55 Spain 102 Canada 7 103 Slovenia 50 Great Britain 11 54 Netherlands 2 71 United States 3 121 Iran 6 31 Mexico 61 Uruguay 23 Estonia 8 39 Portugal 45 Serbia 33 Argentina 111 Chile 5 39 Poland 68 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 9 46 Algeria 8 Croatia 65 Slovakia 44 Brazil 70 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 121 2 Ireland 116 3 Argentina 111 4 Colombia 106 5 Canada 103
  11. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 33 Italy 45 Romania 32 Ireland 9 112 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 1 45 France 8 56 Colombia 106 New Zealand 10 55 Denmark 32 Greece 55 Spain 4 102 Canada 96 Slovenia 3 50 Great Britain 43 Netherlands 5 69 United States 7 118 Iran 25 Mexico 61 Uruguay 23 Estonia 31 Portugal 45 Serbia 33 Argentina 12 111 Chile 34 Poland 68 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 2 37 Algeria 8 Croatia 6 65 Slovakia 44 Brazil 11 70 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 118 2 Ireland 112 3 Argentina 111 4 Colombia 106 5 Spain 102
  12. Colombia Argentina 12 Brazil 11 New Zealand 10 Ireland 9 France 8 United States 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Spain 4 Slovenia 3 Indonesia 2 Malta 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation
  13. Colombia Brazil 11 New Zealand 10 Ireland 9 France 8 United States 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Spain 4 Slovenia 3 Indonesia 2 Malta 1
  14. Colombia Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation New Zealand 10 Ireland 9 France 8 United States 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Spain 4 Slovenia 3 Indonesia 2 Malta 1
  15. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 8 33 Italy 6 45 Romania 32 Ireland 103 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 44 France 48 Colombia 12 106 New Zealand 45 Denmark 32 Greece 55 Spain 10 98 Canada 7 96 Slovenia 47 Great Britain 11 43 Netherlands 64 United States 5 111 Iran 25 Mexico 61 Uruguay 9 23 Estonia 31 Portugal 45 Serbia 1 33 Argentina 3 99 Chile 34 Poland 68 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 35 Algeria 8 Croatia 4 59 Slovakia 44 Brazil 2 59 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 111 2 Colombia 106 3 Ireland 103 4 Argentina 99 5 Spain 98
  16. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 25 Italy 1 39 Romania 32 Ireland 8 103 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 44 France 48 Colombia 5 94 New Zealand 10 45 Denmark 32 Greece 55 Spain 4 88 Canada 12 89 Slovenia 47 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 3 64 United States 9 106 Iran 25 Mexico 61 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 45 Serbia 32 Argentina 11 96 Chile 34 Poland 2 68 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 35 Algeria 8 Croatia 7 55 Slovakia 44 Brazil 6 57 Current Top 5 Positions Ireland and United States reach 100 points at the same time ! Canada take the 5th place ! TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 106 2 Ireland 103 3 Argentina 96 4 Colombia 94 5 Canada 89
  17. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 3 25 Italy 38 Romania 32 Ireland 8 95 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 44 France 48 Colombia 9 89 New Zealand 35 Denmark 5 32 Greece 6 55 Spain 10 84 Canada 11 77 Slovenia 7 47 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 61 United States 4 97 Iran 25 Mexico 2 61 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 12 45 Serbia 32 Argentina 85 Chile 34 Poland 66 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 35 Algeria 8 Croatia 1 48 Slovakia 44 Brazil 51 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 97 2 Ireland 95 3 Colombia 89 4 Argentina 85 5 Spain 84
  18. Romania Portugal 12 Canada 11 Spain 10 Colombia 9 Ireland 8 Slovenia 7 Greece 6 Denmark 5 United States 4 Tunisia 3 Mexico 2 Croatia 1 Felicitari tuturor participantilor si o seara frumoasa in continuare. Congratulations to all the participants and have a great evening ! La revedere ! Good bye !
  19. Romania Canada 11 Spain 10 Colombia 9 Ireland 8 Slovenia 7 Greece 6 Denmark 5 United States 4 Tunisia 3 Mexico 2 Croatia 1
  20. Romania Buna ziua Europa ! Good day Europe ! Romania va saluta si va transmite toate cele bune . Ne bucuram sa fim parte a acestui superb concurs. voturile noastre sunt: Romania salutes you and it send you all the best wishes ! We are very glad to part of this great contest. These are our votes: .. Spain 10 Colombia 9 Ireland 8 Slovenia 7 Greece 6 Denmark 5 United States 4 Tunisia 3 Mexico 2 Croatia 1
  21. so officialy i'm ranked as 99% of users here as an emotional lady
  22. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 23 Italy 4 38 Romania 7 32 Ireland 6 87 India 37 Turkey 7 Malta 44 France 1 48 Colombia 80 New Zealand 35 Denmark 27 Greece 9 49 Spain 74 Canada 66 Slovenia 5 40 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 61 United States 8 93 Iran 12 25 Mexico 59 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 3 33 Serbia 11 32 Argentina 85 Chile 34 Poland 2 66 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 10 35 Algeria 8 Croatia 47 Slovakia 44 Brazil 51 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 93 2 Ireland 87 3 Argentina 85 4 Colombia 80 5 Spain 74
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