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  1. Tunisia Iran 12 Serbia 11 Indonesia 10 Greece 9 United States 8 Romania 7 Ireland 6 Slovenia 5 Italy 4 Portugal 3 Poland 2 France 1 نلتقي إن شاء الله بالبرازيل ! إلى اللقاء ------------------------------------------------------------ hope w'll meet next time in Brazil Goodbye
  2. Tunisia Serbia 11 Indonesia 10 Greece 9 United States 8 Romania 7 Ireland 6 Slovenia 5 Italy 4 Portugal 3 Poland 2 France 1
  3. Tunisia مرحبا بالناس الكل في تونس على مسرح قرطاج الأثري الأن حان دور لجنة التحكيم التونسية ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome everyone in Tunisia ! now it's time to present the Host jury Votes Indonesia 10 Greece 9 United States 8 Romania 7 Ireland 6 Slovenia 5 Italy 4 Portugal 3 Poland 2 France 1
  4. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 23 Italy 34 Romania 6 25 Ireland 10 81 India 37 Turkey 5 7 Malta 44 France 47 Colombia 12 80 New Zealand 35 Denmark 27 Greece 1 40 Spain 7 74 Canada 66 Slovenia 35 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 4 61 United States 85 Iran 13 Mexico 59 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 2 30 Serbia 21 Argentina 85 Chile 34 Poland 3 64 Czech Republic 8 Indonesia 25 Algeria 8 Croatia 11 47 Slovakia 8 44 Brazil 9 51 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 Argentina 85 2 United states 85 3 Ireland 81 4 Colombia 80 5 Spain 74
  5. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 23 Italy 34 Romania 29 Ireland 2 71 India 37 Turkey 2 Malta 10 44 France 5 47 Colombia 4 68 New Zealand 35 Denmark 27 Greece 39 Spain 67 Canada 12 66 Slovenia 6 35 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 57 United States 3 85 Iran 13 Mexico 11 59 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 28 Serbia 21 Argentina 1 85 Chile 34 Poland 61 Czech Republic 7 8 Indonesia 25 Algeria 8 8 Croatia 9 36 Slovakia 36 Brazil 42 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 Argentina 85 2 United states 85 3 Ireland 71 4 Colombia 68 5 Spain 67
  6. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 2 23 Italy 34 Romania 29 Ireland 69 India 37 Turkey 2 Malta 34 France 4 42 Colombia 64 New Zealand 6 35 Denmark 27 Greece 39 Spain 67 Canada 3 54 Slovenia 5 29 Great Britain 32 Netherlands 11 57 United States 8 82 Iran 13 Mexico 12 48 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 10 28 Serbia 1 21 Argentina 7 84 Chile 34 Poland 9 61 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 25 Algeria 0 Croatia 27 Slovakia 36 Brazil 42 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 Argentina 84 2 United states 82 3 Ireland 69 4 Spain 67 5 Colombia 64
  7. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 21 Italy 6 34 Romania 29 Ireland 69 India 4 37 Turkey 2 Malta 34 France 38 Colombia 64 New Zealand 9 29 Denmark 5 27 Greece 39 Spain 11 67 Canada 51 Slovenia 24 Great Britain 12 32 Netherlands 8 46 United States 74 Iran 13 Mexico 36 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 2 18 Serbia 20 Argentina 10 77 Chile 34 Poland 3 52 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 1 25 Algeria 0 Croatia 27 Slovakia 7 36 Brazil 42 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 Argentina 77 2 United states 74 3 Ireland 69 4 Spain 67 5 Colombia 64
  8. Czech Republic Great Britain 12 Spain 11 Argentina 10 New Zealand 9 Netherlands 8 Slovakia 7 Italy 6 Denmark 5 India 4 Poland 3 Portugal 2 Indonesia 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation
  9. Czech Republic Spain 11 Argentina 10 New Zealand 9 Netherlands 8 Slovakia 7 Italy 6 Denmark 5 India 4 Poland 3 Portugal 2 Indonesia 1
  10. Czech Republic Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation Argentina 10 New Zealand 9 Netherlands 8 Slovakia 7 Italy 6 Denmark 5 India 4 Poland 3 Portugal 2 Indonesia 1
  11. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 5 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 21 Italy 28 Romania 29 Ireland 12 69 India 33 Turkey 2 2 Malta 9 34 France 38 Colombia 64 New Zealand 20 Denmark 3 22 Greece 39 Spain 56 Canada 51 Slovenia 24 Great Britain 20 Netherlands 4 38 United States 74 Iran 13 Mexico 1 36 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 16 Serbia 10 20 Argentina 7 67 Chile 34 Poland 49 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 8 24 Algeria 0 Croatia 6 27 Slovakia 29 Brazil 11 42 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 74 2 Ireland 69 3 Argentina 67 4 Colombia 64 5 Spain 56
  12. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 8 21 Italy 28 Romania 2 29 Ireland 7 57 India 9 33 Turkey 0 Malta 4 25 France 38 Colombia 10 64 New Zealand 20 Denmark 19 Greece 11 39 Spain 5 56 Canada 3 51 Slovenia 24 Great Britain 20 Netherlands 34 United States 74 Iran 13 Mexico 6 35 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 16 Serbia 10 Argentina 12 60 Chile 34 Poland 1 49 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 21 Slovakia 29 Brazil 31 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 74 2 Colombia 64 3 Argentina 60 4 Ireland 57 5 Spain 56
  13. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 13 Tunisia 13 Italy 28 Romania 8 27 Ireland 50 India 24 Turkey 0 Malta 7 21 France 12 38 Colombia 11 54 New Zealand 20 Denmark 2 19 Greece 28 Spain 9 51 Canada 4 48 Slovenia 3 24 Great Britain 20 Netherlands 34 United States 5 74 Iran 13 Mexico 29 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 16 Serbia 10 Argentina 48 Chile 34 Poland 10 48 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 21 Slovakia 1 29 Brazil 6 31 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 74 2 Colombia 54 3 Spain 51 4 Ireland 50 5 Argentina 48
  14. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 Lithuania 1 13 Tunisia 13 Italy 28 Romania 2 19 Ireland 12 50 India 24 Turkey 0 Malta 14 France 26 Colombia 43 New Zealand 20 Denmark 17 Greece 28 Spain 3 42 Canada 6 44 Slovenia 21 Great Britain 9 20 Netherlands 34 United States 11 69 Iran 13 Mexico 29 Uruguay 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 16 Serbia 10 Argentina 10 48 Chile 34 Poland 7 38 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 5 21 Slovakia 8 28 Brazil 4 25 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 69 2 Ireland 50 3 Argentina 48 4 Canada 44 5 Colombia 43
  15. India Ireland 12 United States 11 Argentina 10 Great Britain 9 Slovakia 8 Poland 7 Canada 6 Croatia 5 Brazil 4 Spain 3 Romania 2 Lithuania 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation
  16. India United States 11 Argentina 10 Great Britain 9 Slovakia 8 Poland 7 Canada 6 Croatia 5 Brazil 4 Spain 3 Romania 2 Lithuania 1
  17. India Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ English Translation Argentina 10 Great Britain 9 Slovakia 8 Poland 7 Canada 6 Croatia 5 Brazil 4 Spain 3 Romania 2 Lithuania 1
  18. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 9 9 Lithuania 12 Tunisia 13 Italy 6 28 Romania 8 17 Ireland 38 India 2 24 Turkey 0 Malta 14 France 26 Colombia 43 New Zealand 20 Denmark 17 Greece 12 28 Spain 10 39 Canada 38 Slovenia 3 21 Great Britain 11 Netherlands 34 United States 58 Iran 13 Mexico 11 29 Uruguay 4 14 Estonia 31 Portugal 16 Serbia 5 10 Argentina 1 38 Chile 34 Poland 7 31 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 16 Slovakia 20 Brazil 21 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 58 2 Colomia 43 3 Spain 39 4 Canada 38 5 Argentina 38
  19. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 0 Lithuania 12 Tunisia 10 13 Italy 3 22 Romania 9 Ireland 38 India 8 22 Turkey 0 Malta 14 France 26 Colombia 5 43 New Zealand 20 Denmark 1 17 Greece 12 16 Spain 29 Canada 11 38 Slovenia 18 Great Britain 11 Netherlands 34 United States 7 58 Iran 2 13 Mexico 18 Uruguay 10 Estonia 4 31 Portugal 9 16 Serbia 5 Argentina 37 Chile 6 34 Poland 24 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 16 Slovakia 20 Brazil 21 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 58 2 Colombia 43 3 Ireland 38 4 Canada 38 5 Argentina 37
  20. TUNISIA 2017 Bulgaria 0 Lithuania 12 Tunisia 3 3 Italy 19 Romania 9 Ireland 38 India 14 Turkey 0 Malta 2 14 France 26 Colombia 38 New Zealand 7 20 Denmark 8 16 Greece 4 Spain 11 29 Canada 27 Slovenia 10 18 Great Britain 1 11 Netherlands 5 34 United States 12 51 Iran 11 Mexico 18 Uruguay 10 Estonia 27 Portugal 7 Serbia 5 Argentina 37 Chile 28 Poland 24 Czech Republic 1 Indonesia 4 16 Algeria 0 Croatia 6 16 Slovakia 9 20 Brazil 21 Current Top 5 Positions TUNISIA 2017 1 United States 51 2 Ireland 38 3 Colombia 38 4 Argentina 37 5 Netherlands 34
  21. Canada United States 12 Spain 11 Slovenia 10 Slovakia 9 Denmark 8 New Zealand 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Indonesia 4 Tunisia 3 Malta 2 Great Britain 1 Concluding Comments in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Canada Spain 11 Slovenia 10 Slovakia 9 Denmark 8 New Zealand 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Indonesia 4 Tunisia 3 Malta 2 Great Britain 1
  23. Canada Introduction in Native Language of that National Jury ------------------------------------------------------------ Slovenia 10 Slovakia 9 Denmark 8 New Zealand 7 Croatia 6 Netherlands 5 Indonesia 4 Tunisia 3 Malta 2 Great Britain 1
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