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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Ovo je bas sokantan povratak. Zna li se da li ce se takmiciti i dalje?
  2. Marcel only 46th So far, his comeback resembles Ahonen's comeback.
  3. I support this decision, 100%. Small note, even the strongest nations like Uzbekistan, USA, are using many Russian born athletes. Others (ones from MHSN's post) are really pushing their limits. If only this decision could be applied to all other sports. We wouldn't have Asian championships in Europe in table tennis.
  4. I still remember that travesty from oppening of Paris 24. If anyone could turn the games (oppening and closing included) back into sport thing rather than some travesty of all sorts (political, woke culture, religious blasphemies), i could only approve that.
  5. Vec je uveliko jesen. Inace, kosarkasice lagano idu kroz kvalifikacije za EP, dok su rukometasi izgubili. Od Italije.
  6. I liked April Ross a lot. She had a great career.
  7. As long as LGBT community is happy... Sport is obviously irrelevant here. Long live ultraliberalism.
  8. Vast majority of Americans will disagree with you. That's all that counts. I dont see many differences in so called fascism between democrats and republicans. Both were bombing any country they picked, both were ruining systems they wanted to. I prefer reds more because they are at least honest about it. Also, i dont like what this ultraliberalism brought to our whole Earth. Whoever opposes this level of insanity will have my vote.
  9. Its so funny and amusing to read hate comments from "democrats" on web. Celebrities especially. Just read some stupidity from Cara Delevingne. Of course, typical lingo - fascists and so on. Without a single decent sentence. Hillarious.
  10. Obviously, not a woman. That's all to know about it. NOT a woman, competing against women. Idiotic woke 21st century, at its finest.
  11. This is a great news. Always a nice thing to have a conservative winning.
  12. I agree, but having 2 (in 2016) or 4 weight categories wont help the noble cause. Why UWW limited this WC to only non olympic wrestlers? Why only 4 weights? And so on. I saw some great bouts but they were overshadowed by these facts. At least IMO.
  13. Only WCh 2016 was worse than this one. I saw some great bouts but overall, this Ch was unnecessary.
  14. Radmila Zagorac osvojila srebro u totalu na EP U23.
  15. Na EP u boksu za mladje seniore 7 medalja, 2 zlata.
  16. Zenski dubl Lupulesku - Surjan u 1/2 EP! Strasan rezultat!
  17. Odlican mec Adele Maksuti i pobjeda nad Matelovom. Sastaje se sa Izabelom, imacemo predstavnicu u 1/8 finala.
  18. Also in Serbian End of an era. Great Rafa, thanks for all!
  19. Another Kenyan athlete died. Apparently, 6th death in a few weeks. This time African champion in 3000 m SC from 2015. Apparent suicide.
  20. Racunam da ce standard biti oko 1.28. Ima dosta vremena da spusti svoj rekord za 10 minuta. I sad ga je spustila za minut.
  21. Pogledaj i ovo O njoj se dosta govorilo na forumu. Bila je svjetska juniorska prvakinja. Promasena prognoza novinara...
  22. Mina Stankovic je srusila rekord na 20 km u brzom hodanju. Za minut je bila brza od Dusice Topic, 1.38 je novi rekord. Ima 18 godina. Za Pariz je standard bio 1.29.
  23. Kratak osvrt na tekvondo. Galeb i Jovic su vec duze u silaznoj putanji. Sva 3 predstavnika u Parizu su iz drugih klubova. A Galeb je bio baza za reprezentaciju. Obelix i ostali rade dobro ali opet, treba vremena za pravljenje sistema u mladjim kategorijama. Nisam preveliki optimista za buducnost ali se uzdam u to da ce uvijek iskociti neka Milica, Tijana ili Aleksandra. Tekvondo je takav sport, od ciklusa do ciklusa se pojavljuju i nestaju vrhunski borci. Pa i Aleksandra je izgubila od klinke koja ima 18 godina. A ko zna gdje ce ta Marton biti pred LA.
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