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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. I'll send my votes in the evening or late afternoon, it was tough to place the songs because I loved many of them equally.
  2. I'm waiting for either @EupenM or @Benolympique to post the song since it was their choice
  3. Thank you Tokyo for hosting these Games despite the difficult circumstances Can't wait for 2024, it will be the first time in so long that the events will all happen at a reasonable hour for me, finally! I hope I can go see some events, having the Olympics in France will probably be a once in a lifetime opportunity. No idea which events to prioritize though (NOT breakdance).
  4. J'ai pas pu trop suivre ces Jeux avec le boulot non plus, et j'avoue que l'ambiance générale m'avait un peu refroidie avant qu'ils commencent. Les rares moments que j'ai pu voir en direct sont la médaille d'or d'Agbegnenou, celle de Quiquampoix en tir, la fin de la finale de volley... Bon après il y a d'autres moments que j'ai pu voir en direct aussi mais qui étaient décevants, notamment le VTT. Donc bilan mitigé oui... Il faudrait se bouger pour revenir au niveau en athlé (depuis le temps qu'on attend ça et ils font toujours rien) et en natation (bon sang à Londres encore on avait tellement performé), le cyclisme sur piste je ne suis pas experte (enfin je suis experte en rien ) mais je dirais qu'il y a du progrès ? C'est un peu une période de reconstruction si je me trompe pas ? Vous avez prévu d'assister aux Jeux de 2024 ? Vous voudriez voir quelles épreuves en priorité ? Et perso j'ai Eurosport sur ma télé donc je regardais principalement sur cette chaîne (enfin ces chaînes puisqu'il y en a deux et ça permettait de suivre deux sports en même temps).
  5. In the end, France managed to win as many gold medals as in Rio, but 9 less medals in total, which is worrying since the next Olympics will be at home and usually the next host country starts improving at the previous Olympics... We are almost non-existent now in athletics and swimming which are 2 of the biggest medal providers so that doesn't help. Bring me back to 2012 when we were doing so well in swimming Anyway, onto the positive things: we had once again great results in judo, good in fencing too (despite some disappointments), and of course team sports, which saved our butts in the last days of the Games. It will be hard to beat these results next time (6 medals including 3 golds in team sports)!
  6. Holy s***??? Can't believe that our first EVER Olympic medal in volleyball is a gold medal, incredible
  7. Yeah Russia is gonna win this now and everyone (not me) will be happy Edit: nevermind
  8. Steven Da Costa who won gold in karate will be 's flag bearer
  9. He said a few days ago that he's very motivated for Paris 2024 to finally win this well deserved medal
  10. It's the only silver lining at these Olympics (we had good results in judo and fencing too but other than that way too many disappointments, we're gonna end up with approximately 7-10 less medals than in Rio)
  11. 3/3 de nos équipes masculines en finale, incroyable Heureusement que les sports co sont là !
  12. We are cursed in athletics this year this is a disaster...
  13. Our first gold medal in shooting since 2000
  14. Jean Quiquampoix won silver in Rio not gold
  15. We finally defeated Russia (sorry, "ROC") in a fencing final here
  16. Oui juste quand je dis qu'on a du retard les Bleus nous font une super journée
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