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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. I was also hoping for that. But seems once you are confirmed positive, you have to do 10 day quarantine no matter what. Even if you 5 consecutive negative tests...
  2. AIU has got reports about "suspicious" performances to qualify to Tokyo and cancelled 8 performances so far. They recieved 31 reports from 16 countries. More may come. So far, no names mantioned ....
  3. The thing he did is out of imagination. Ministry of health has started investigation.... This is the peak of irresponsibility ..... Well, on board, there was archer Marie Horackova, road cycling team, epee fencer Jakub Jurka, all table tennis players, beach volley pairs. Should be all ..... Charter flight so obviously many took is so easy and the result is as it is ....
  4. Ale tak doufejme, ze pres uvodni negativa nam pribude behem OH o to vice pozitiv ?
  5. Čekal jsem, kdy se nekdo vyjadri v nasem vlakne ??. Bohuzel skoda slov..... I pres veskere tituly a zkusenosti se nekdo muze zachovat jako tvrdohlavej rozmazlenej kokot, ktery nema zadne spolecenske zpusoby ..... Je to smutne, ze takovy povl mame na takove urovni....
  6. 5 ppl but 3 athletes ...... 2 from beach volleyball and one table tennis player..... Other 2 are the "famous" doctor and beach volley coach
  7. Now, he is a center of attention. Everyone blaims him .... You know, for example Nausch Sluková postponed getting pregnant cause of the Olympics ... And now this....
  9. Can't agree more. OC is now investigating all the circumstances and it will have a serious after play...
  10. Markéta Nausch Sluková - beach volleyball. 3rd Czech athlete covid positive. All from the same flight. I wish that "doctor" to burn in hell. The athletes don't deserve to end up like this cause of him being a major ass....
  11. Tell me about that.... You know, the doctor who is patient 0 in our team said he refused the vaccine and that he uses MOUTH WASH several times a day to get rid of viruses and it should prevent spreading covid ???. Partially ok. But you are god damn going to be the official tennis players doc at the Olympic and you behave like a jerk .....
  12. Hopefully they are not again from the team from the "famous covid flight" from which we already have 4 positive cases
  13. Can't really say "Heats" but tennis draws are available - except mixed doubles and just now, Judo draws finished .....
  14. +100kg Well, Teddy Rinner as qualified No.13 in case of his victories he will probably face the Pool A Final match against Bashaev as seed No. 1 Lukáš Krpálek may probably face Frey in the second round and there is expected a Pool D Final match against his probably most not favorite judoka Grol
  15. finally released who the very first case in our team. It is a doctor who was called in by Czech national tennis team and HAS NOT BEEN VACCINATED ??. How can you come to the Olympics as a doctor in this period and aren't vaccinated??????????
  16. Unfortunately Alex Quinonez's doping ban has been confirmed. If he does not get fast CAS appeal and turn over the case, he will surely miss the Games
  17. I feel we never have enough "good info" for these Games ...... K4 Kayak destroyed while reloading in Luxembourg by forklift I have no enough face palm to express ..... Tom Liebscher says: "Boats likes this are only 2 in the world. One is now destroyed. The other is in Duisburg which we used for trainings." Well, let's hope they will get it in time and will be able to fight for medal. These Games have already enough negativity ......
  18. Bro, they finished 4th in front of the home crowd ..... trust me, they will get the medal ....
  19. For me, I have 4 favourites as medal contestants - --- others may surprise
  20. Agreed, very decent chances to grab a first career medal, especially in 400 IM. Well, just for today, we 2 have at least 2 serious medal contestants out of the Olympics due to Covid - Borodin and skeet shooter Amber Hill. I am really praying for this shit to stop!
  21. Well, some top scorers will come from this game. This dutch girl has definitely a good potential to be the one.....
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