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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Thanks, very helpful document. I am happy FIS has released it that early as the qualification period started by the beginning of July 2021.
  2. If you are talking about the Tokyo 2020 Men's 4x100 m Relay. I suppose we will have to wait for a bit. I guess CJ Ujah's B sample has been retested but I think he is now trying to prove himself innocent as they all do by using some steps to express that the substances got to the body by contaminated food or from food supplement that did not have written the banned substances on the list. But if I am correct, CJ Ujah's sample had 3 banned substances and this is hardly defendable. So I suppose sooner or later, the will have to return the medal. I guess they will prove him guilty, silver will go to and bronze to . But I think the final decision will be made some time at the end of the year earliest. Now, it is still too early.
  3. I honestly don't think and would withdraw from the games. Yes, human rights issues. But the whole withdrawal would also at some point mean their are shitting on their own heads, especially ..... they may be trying to say shit to threaten but nothing is gonna happen and eventually they will come .... They don't have balls like this year ...
  4. I am not very sure we can find here enough Czech fans to have such priority. I have met here so far 3 more members from Czech who actively commented some threads ..... So maybe no need. But thanks for your effort :-)
  5. Agreed. But it's possible she found out at the games. The news just came out in here. Will try to get more specific info....
  6. I know it's sounds like bullshit, but my wife just told me that chinese media has reported that some "unnamed" foreign media has reported that Simone Biles has withdrawn due to the pregnancy. ????
  7. Well, based on Pavel Širůček's positive covid test, Powell has "bye" in the first round of table tennis men.... similar for women beach volleyball pairs who were supposed to play against the Czech pair.
  8. This reminds me Jaromir Jagr and his broken little finger during WCH ??
  9. Any idea when will be the draw for Men' foil and epee, both individual?
  10. Expected at least one boat straight to the semifinal. But all last spots in their heats does not give a good predictions for Repeachage.....
  11. Marie Horácková got doable opponent for the 1st round. Miki Nakamura as the worst ranked out of home archer is surely beatable!! Wish her to make it at least to the 2nd round!! Btw, really nice PB for Baranková and 12th spot in the ranking round ???
  12. Speaking of Tokyo site or World Rowing site?
  13. Does the official Tokyo webside really show live results? After 5mins no score ..... Or any other place to watch live results?
  14. Presne to jsem mel na mysli :-) Za 7 hod zaciname rozjizdkami veslaru :-)
  15. .. Petra Kvitová (tennis), Tomáš Satoranský (basketball)
  16. I was also hoping for that. But seems once you are confirmed positive, you have to do 10 day quarantine no matter what. Even if you 5 consecutive negative tests...
  17. AIU has got reports about "suspicious" performances to qualify to Tokyo and cancelled 8 performances so far. They recieved 31 reports from 16 countries. More may come. So far, no names mantioned ....
  18. The thing he did is out of imagination. Ministry of health has started investigation.... This is the peak of irresponsibility ..... Well, on board, there was archer Marie Horackova, road cycling team, epee fencer Jakub Jurka, all table tennis players, beach volley pairs. Should be all ..... Charter flight so obviously many took is so easy and the result is as it is ....
  19. Ale tak doufejme, ze pres uvodni negativa nam pribude behem OH o to vice pozitiv ?
  20. Čekal jsem, kdy se nekdo vyjadri v nasem vlakne ??. Bohuzel skoda slov..... I pres veskere tituly a zkusenosti se nekdo muze zachovat jako tvrdohlavej rozmazlenej kokot, ktery nema zadne spolecenske zpusoby ..... Je to smutne, ze takovy povl mame na takove urovni....
  21. 5 ppl but 3 athletes ...... 2 from beach volleyball and one table tennis player..... Other 2 are the "famous" doctor and beach volley coach
  22. Now, he is a center of attention. Everyone blaims him .... You know, for example Nausch Sluková postponed getting pregnant cause of the Olympics ... And now this....
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