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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. Can someone tell me if I’m right about allocation quotas: “North America” comprises N.A. and the Caribbean, and “South America” englobes S.A. and Central America?
  2. Indeed a great contest in the laser run, as Mexico was only fourth before the event. Great run for our two pentathletes qualified to Paris and an exciting competition for the rest of the teams. Heartbreak for Chile as they were ahead of Ecuador before that last shoot. Besides Mexican gold haul, the most impressive performance came from the Ecuadorians which were definitely not a contender in the odds, and went with a batch of medals.
  3. Another gold for Mexico in shooting and another one in boxing… The 40 mark is reachable.
  4. In fact, November 1st is also All Saints Day in Mexico, which has a more Catholic religious element, and in recent times, the commemoration is dedicated to children, while proper Day of the Dead is November 2nd, originally also with religious tones mixed with pre Hispanic rituals in rural and indigenous communities, which have turned (thanks to James Bond & Disney) into a more carnival type of festival in big cities, like a Carmen Miranda Halloween special.
  5. First gold of the day for Mexico, after both teams qualify for gold medal match in mixed pistol team. Also a sure silver in track cycling, who wuth some hope and luck, could be gold.
  6. Thanks for your concern, and fortunately, neither me nor my friends or family, live near Acapulco. What’s sad is that this is one of the states that is a stronghold for MORENA, the governing “welfare leftist” party, which just a month ago suppressed and took all the money from the federal fund for disasters because “it wasn’t necessary”, when in reality it is being funneled into the presidential campaign of the president’s dauphine, same woman who in her previous two government posts did nothing during the 2017 Mexico City earthquake and the collapse of the “metro” lines two years later.
  7. Oh I thought you said Cuba, my bad. Yes Chile could potentially upset Argentina, not as likely though.
  8. Así es, una pena que en esta ocasión no pudieran dominar los juegos. Como dices, es un relevo generacional que es necesario y natural, creo que en mujeres vienen progresando mejor. Si a eso sumas que en los últimos años hubo un par de jugadores mexicanos de buen nivel que cambiaron de nacionalidad por la estadounidense, entonces habrá que tener paciencia. En otros deportes, increíble doblete de Alejandra Zavala en pistola. Espero que pueda mantener ese nivel el próximo año y llegue a estar en la final olímpica. Y que decir del dominio en clavados. Considero que si, el Comité Olímpico con Alcalá y Platas introduce un buen programa de clavados, pronto podrían desplazar a Gran Bretaña como el gran rival de China en competencias internacionales.
  9. Not in the last 20 years. In fact, I think it was in Toronto 2015 when half their teams defected before the direct elimination rounds.
  10. They will get back in track when roller sports and compound archery appear.
  11. I know, Cuba will struggle to get past 25 even with those sports still to come Sad, because they're athletes get better opportunities in other countries.
  12. Impressive Brazilian performance in Boxing, with 12 medals out of 13 events
  13. Deinifite, they lost in MTB and now beach volleyball, probably they were hoping for a full sweep in women's rowing and more medals in water skiing. If they don't take 2 in tennis, they may strugle to get above 12 golds in total.
  14. Mostly Karate and Tennis, I don't think they're that strong in Roller Skating.
  15. Actually she already has a quota after winning gold in 25m pistol, so quota for Lagan
  16. You explianed pretty good what kind of songs could be used in a "Día de los Muertos" themed contested, because "Dios de los Muertos" (God of the Dead) would be better celebrated with songs regarding Hades, Anubis and such underworld deities.
  17. I'll send my votes on Thursday. I'm a little behind schedule, but Thursday will be fine to avoid any potential mishap.
  18. Well it's the same old tale in every Latin American election: the douche v. the turd sandwich. There's no political party in the region with a left, centre, right or any other ideology or a political compass. They're just a bunch of morons, pimps, drug dealers, terrorists and white collar criminals looking every bit of power for themselves. In summary: there's no left or right parties in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and the rest of Latin American. They're all getting too similar to Italian Fascist Party or German National Socialist Party. So sad that Argentina now has to look to a clown like Milei as al alternative, same as Mexico did back in 2018.
  19. Promising first weekend for Mexico. However I remain cautious rather than optimistic. The medals in swimming are totally unexpected, we already have 2 silvers and a bronze, which should be all, unless another good surprise comes in the next few days.
  20. Otro buen día para los mexicanos: Dos oros en tae kwon dom uno en parejas mixtas de formas y el otro para Leslie Soltero en menos de 67kg. Una lástima que el resto de los atletas sigan con una actuación muy pobre. Oro en clavados sincronizados para Willars y Berlín, aunque aún necesitan pulir más su técnica si es que quieren ganar medalla en París. La sorpresa, viniendo de atrás, Citlali Cristian demuestra por qué fue la primera atleta en clasificar a los Olímpicos, con todo y nuevo récord Panamericano. Una nueva plaza olímpica en tiro, y una plata que se vuelve casi oro para Gabriela Rodríguez, bastante meritorio. Otro fracaso en clavados femeninos de trampolín, Arantxa y Carolina siguen sin poder mantener una buena forma, y se pierde un posible bronce. Una pena la lesión de Alexa, que definitivamente fue factor para que México se quedara sin pelear por un podio en equipos. Racquetball se mantiene con buen paso y puede dar medallas, aunque no creo que llegue a barrer como en ediciones anteriores. También mañana el pentatlón puede dar nuevas medallas y un par de plazas adicionales, si evitan malos caballos durante la parte de salto ecuestre. Creo se pueden esperar un par de medallas en remo, aunque sin color de momento.
  21. Not yet. She's got to compete in final "B" where she can improve her result.
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