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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. They shipped the snow from World Team Challenge in Gelsenkirchen over to Oberhof
  2. Fourcade, Jacquelin & Kuehn on the podium. Good day for Doherty 21st, Nordgren 26th. ( @RobtheAggie should be satisfied?). Great day for Strolia 20th, Dombrovski 36th.
  3. I didn't realize we have two Lithuanian biathlon fans in this thread Tomasz Sikora noticed Strolia's result and calls it the biggest shock of the race so far For obvious reasons Karol Dombrovski used to get a quick mention from time to time (and Diana Rasimovicuite when she was still racing but mainly due to her marriage to Bricis).
  4. Boe basically lost one minute on going back to complete the loop. Still better than the 2 min penalty if he skipped it alltogether. Don't look now but has a shot at some WC points. Vytautas Strolia only 1:50 behind Fourcade with 1 miss! @Werloc will be satisfied
  5. Tarjei Boe forgot to do the penalty loop and went back to do complete it
  6. / Said Karimulla Khalili with bib #102. Maybe he gets some extended TV time like Porshneva yesterday
  7. 2,5 km & 7,5 km. There was rain in the night so they had to bring in the fresh snow. Women's morning training was cancelled today.
  8. She should make it. Yurlova, Hauser and Preuss were missing from the sprint so they probably skipped the round alltogether which means Eder and Innerhofer will get a bump into Top 25 list and Dunklee will make the MS along with Lunder. Hojnisz, Zuk & Hinz. That's if I didn't confuse the qual rules Btw, the men will race on the women's 2,5 km loop instead of the 3,3 km they'd planned.
  9. Nove Mesto wasn't even a regular feature on the tour during Koukalova's heyday. It's DOA now. Likewise the French round which was non-existent for majority of Fourcade's dominance and the women's team winning a lot too. IBU is lucky enough the Russian round is off the calendar due to all the doping crap or else we wouldn't see Annecy on the schedule whatsoever.
  10. Well, Arber is in Bavaria and that would rather replace Ruhpolding which won't really happen. Besides Idk how the economy works there, the alpine skiing World Cup in Zwiesel has been discontinued some time ago and it's basically in the same mountain valley where the biathlon takes place IIRC.
  11. Well, German rounds are notoriously focused on the best athletes from top nations and ignore the minor nations until the final group when it's all usually decided. Obviously Kamila Zuk got zero coverage on the range and Hojnisz would have been the same if she had a lower bib. Hell, they barely showed Wierer as well until the last loop.
  12. Funnily enough Porshneva got plenty of coverage in today's sprint since she was the only one in contention for a good result from that final group. She finished 29th. Heavy fog in Oberhof today. Only 3/100 shot 10/10 - Marte Olsbu, Emma Lunder and F.Tachizaki. Olsbu won by 33 secs. ahead of Herrmann and 47 secs. ahead of J.Simon. Wierer 4th , Eckhoff 5th, Lunder 7th which could be her PB? Monika Hojnisz 8th, Kamila Zuk 9th so first time two get a Top 10 in the same race this season and also secure a spot in Mass Start on Sunday.
  13. Time is money. Any news becomes old faster than anytime before these days. News spreads around like a disease on social media. No wonder paper versions of media outlets are dying. It takes too much time and money to release them. YT or IG is faster than TV news and it goes on & on. You don't have time to check the facts and do research anymore. Either leak the news now or forget about it because 1,500 people will do it for you within 2 minutes. TV killed the radio and internet and social media will kill both paper news AND TV sooner or later. Hell, Netflix and all the streaming platforms will kill the traditional cinemas as well. I mean, whomever goes to the movies these days when you can watch the shit online? None of my friends go to the cinemas anymore
  14. It's all about opinion making & manipulation now. The number of columnists go up & up. They're role is not to inform the society but manipulate them into their own vision of the world. The information part of journalism has devalued faster than triple-double in NBA. People don't have to wait for the evening news on TV to find out what's going on. The rise of internet has ripped that sucker to the bone. Everyone with a social media account can become an "aspiring" journalist today.
  15. [hide] Nation Captains Dorothea Wierer Tarjei Boe Nation Women Marketa Davidova Denise Herrmann Lena Haecki Ingrid L. Tandrevold Nation Men Antonin Guigonnat Sebastian Samuelsson Simon Schempp Dominik Windisch [/hide]
  16. Ghost-writers are still writers, session musicians and roadies are still musicians despite someone else taking the name credit. Let's don't pretend communications & journalism have nothing in common
  17. Then why every god damn political department or office needs a "public relations" branch? One can argue some politicians are just prisoners of their own PR advice. It's the neck that makes the head turn. I wonder how many of these PR bozos graduated from "journalism & communications"?
  18. Replacing the old resources with new ones is just part of the deal. Hell, McDonalds sells meat-free burgers "that taste just like meat" but comes from plants. The money stays the same but someone else makes them. Shutting down coal mines results in wind farms making money instead. The problem is, replacing crude oil will be difficult. Without oil. the entire Middle East is just one giant desert with nothing else to sell to the world. The Venezuelan oil is controlled by Russians & Chinese already. Industry used to be dominated by trade unions. Margaret Thatcher didn't want to blow up the coal system as much as she wanted to struck down the trade unionists which were a major political force one way or another. I'm not even gonna mention the organized crime that gets involved in these trade unions here and there. The downfall of the industrial steel & coal market is a massive gain for ANY politician so of course they will support the eco nonsense. Not for the sake of the planet (boo hoo) but for their own good. Trade unions as a society tool to put pressure on politics has basically evaporated in XXI century.
  19. "Needs"? Says who? Unless you just follow the same bullshit as everyone? I've said before, politicians, journalists and clergymen want to control the masses. They're doing so for centuries. So, whom do you follow personally?
  20. Oh yeah, but whoever listens to that idiot Jedrzejewski? It's such a waste of time. The only people who listen to him are the ones who want to use these words for own political purpose. Environementalism has became political decades ago and negative campaign is obviously standard in politics all across the board. Obviously bushfires in Australia are political as well
  21. That means even eco-maniacs and their ideas won't stop natural fires from happening going forward.
  22. So? I bet in 250 years wildfires will keep happening again and again The eco-maniacs sell a lie that moving away from coal and crude oil will supposedly stop the climate change. I call that BS. Nature will always get the better of human influence.
  23. [hide] Preliminary Round January 9th - January 15th, 2020 24 Nations, 6 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Main Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 9th 2020, h. 18:15 Croatia 4 Montenegro January 9th 2020, h. 20:30 Belarus 2 Serbia January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Montenegro 6 Serbia January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Croatia 10 Belarus January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Serbia 9 Croatia January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Montenegro 3 Belarus Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 Czech Republic 1 Austria January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 North Macedonia 8 Ukraine January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Austria 5 Ukraine January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 Czech Republic 5 North Macedonia January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Ukraine 7 Czech Republic January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Austria 4 North Macedonia Group C Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 9th 2020, h. 18:15 Spain 13 Latvia January 9th 2020, h. 20:30 Germany 6 Netherlands January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Latvia 7 Netherlands January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Spain 2 Germany January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Netherlands 8 Spain January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Latvia 11 Germany Group D Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 France 8 Portugal January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 Norway 7 Bosnia and Herz. January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Portugal 1 Bosnia and Herz. January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 France 2 Norway January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Bosnia and Herz. 10 France January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Portugal 12 Norway Group E Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Denmark 6 Iceland January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Hungary 1 Russia January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Iceland 0 Russia January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Denmark 7 Hungary January 15th 2020, h. 18:15 Russia 8 Denmark January 15th 2020, h. 20:30 Iceland 1 Hungary Group F Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 Sweden 12 Switzerland January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 Slovenia 3 Poland January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Switzerland 5 Poland January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 Sweden 4 Slovenia January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Poland 7 Sweden January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Switzerland 9 Slovenia [/hide]
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