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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. I haven't heard about it so it probably wasn't any special
  2. The chase is more important than the catch. Too many politicians and activists on both sides of the fence would lose their fuel if the Second Amendment gets struck down. The non-stop arguments & winning the dispute is more important than human life. Poland is obviously dismissed as conservative trash country which doesn't support gay rights but hey, there's like one chance in a zillion we have a mass shooting anytime soon since it's extremely difficult to obtain a gun permit let alone buy a semi-automatic assault rifle. You'd basically have to be a member of organized crime to have access to this kind of weapons over here.
  3. There's one obvious comeback I'd count here regardless. Probably the most impressive one since the 2005 UCL final:
  4. It's USA. Mariano Rivera would stand a better chance of winning this poll than either Messi or Ronaldo
  5. Until the Second Amendment gets revoked, it's a lost battle for all these twitter talking heads
  6. Yeah, that's why I pay little attention to ESPN or AP polls. You have to be a global icon like Bolt or Federer to be even considered over some baseball player nobody in Europe has even heard of. Tennis is the rich man's sport like no other. It's not even close. And the funny thing is, it's the richest paying sport for women aka the rich are only getting richer. Megan Rapinoe should have played tennis, she'd be a billionaire by now instead of complaining about salary in soccer
  7. Social media impact is more important than actual sporting result. That's why Kim Kardashian is getting paid millions for "promoting brands". LeBron is a product of the social media generation, gone are the days with only one game on live TV over the weekend. Sports has become business more than anything in 21st century.
  8. Tennis remains a sport for the privileged. You have to invest millions early on and then maybe your kid becomes a great player and you get all that money back. It's one sport I'd never bring up when talking about social changes. You'll never see orphans or homeless kids getting a career in tennis. LeBron is LeBron but Roger Federer has had more success in this decade and I'm not even gonna mention people like Messi or C.Ronaldo which dominated the last decade. Then again, soccer is a second rate sport in USA so obviously they stood no chance of competing vs NBA star like James.
  9. Stumbled upon the results sheet when browsing channels. 5 Norwegians inside Top 7. I see the National Championship drill is doing fine and well
  10. Nobody cares about mass shootings anymore. Top story on CNN is Sharon Stone dating app profile getting blocked
  11. US sports media is guilty of tunnel vision. I'm pretty sure other than Federer and Bolt they'd ignore any non-US athlete possible.
  12. You're too young to remember 50 km interval starts so I don't blame you. How can you like something you've never watched? 10 km mass start is utter bullshit, period.
  13. Tour de Ski has completely lost its lore. Plus the Norwegian dominance doesn't attract new fans whatsoever. Obviously I'm not gonna watch even 5 secs of this crap this season. I've been critical of mass starts since day one and 10km mass starts is the most stupid idea ever. However it's all down to TV and FIS tries to sell crap that "fans love mass starts". It's complete bullshit. PS. Long individual races in Tour de Ski make no sense since half of the starters (and sprinters) would withdraw before that stage.
  14. It's simple. Do you have a favorite football club? You don't have to attend all its matches to be a fan. Hell, you can go to like one match per season and call yourself a fan
  15. Plus a lot of people only attends the mass during Christmas & Easter. Even heywoodu must realize Christmas is kinda more important than a casual Sunday during the year
  16. Home Alone 3 is a long, long way behind the Caulkin double stunt. It's not even close. Joe Pesci alone makes it a no contest.
  17. No surprise here, KPD was outright communist party, SPD represented the Weimar Republic which Hitler hated. Obviously they both were doomed once Hilter became the Chancellor. Strasser was a victim of in-house NSDAP power struggle similar to Trockiy in Soviet Union.
  18. Let's don't overthink the room here. What did the 'S' stand for in NSDAP name?
  19. I'm a Raiders fan (due to Janikowski playing there for so long) but yeah, it's the most popular NFL cap in Poland even though gridiron itself isn't that popular by any means (I've seen Cowboys & Packers gear too). The Yankees logo is way more popular than Knicks for instance and it's a brand alright identified with USA in general rather than actual baseball club. Then again I remember how in the 90s Chicago Bulls was a popular cap theme (due to Jordan of course) but the second most popular was Charlotte Hornets who weren't all that good (and I'm sure nobody would recognize Alonzo Mourning that easily either). This was a social myth for a while why so many Hornets gear was there and the most common answer was that their logo was pretty cool and made up for a good marketing PS. I probably wouldn't recognize Jeter without the cap either
  20. Reminds me of this: (Hint #1 everyone in Europe knows how Michael Jordan looks like ). All these LeBron vs Jordan debates you have in USA are moot, Europe votes for Jordan all the time. Hint #2 nobody over here knows a damn thing about baseball, even a guy wearing a Yankee cap can't recognize Jeter
  21. Oh, you can try optimism until life bites you in the ass Don't tell me you're one of these who will be paying off student loans for the next 25 years or sth? Yeah, Christmas Eve is effectively more cherished in Poland than Christmas Day itself
  22. You're the idealist and I'm a cynical realist. That never matches well. I told you that once you reach a certain age, you'll drop the idealistic BS. I've crossed that river already
  23. Right. You're a judo fan but not good with names like Bilodid? It's like saying someone is a basketball fan but hasn't heard about James Harden I don't watch skateboarding and probably never will
  24. Americans don't care about judo so it's not a surprise
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