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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Thankfully not many cycling fans seem to support Team Sky/Ineos evil empire. Their "jiffy bags" are suspicious as hell indeed.
  2. Klosterhalfen is literally irrelevant on the grand scheme of things. Germany has completely tailed off in athletics, 400m and middle distance running is gone and most field events have sunked too. Only javelin remains at relatively good level. Discus, shot and hammer are nowhere. If we assume the DDR doping system was behind the sprinting success, Germany still competed at solid international level for the next 20 years. And now they have Mihambo, men's javelin and nothing else.
  3. Does US TV - ESPN or whatever - actually show much athletics anyway? These European meetings ain't held in US prime time so Idk if athletics ever gets a big spot on US TV these days?
  4. Kvitova always struggled in the US summer heat even though it's Montreal. Giorgi keeps the good form from Olympics, it seems like not having her father around really helps her game (like everyone suspected for years).
  5. BALCO scandal unearthed the facts that USA is as dirty as East Germany & co. And federal law was immune to Nike & Big Tech money plus Marion Jones lied to the FBI. It was a spectacular collapse in the end. It's no wonder Carl Lewis keeps it relatively low-key these days, he knows he got away with major doping issues and USTF knows that too. It's better to keep him in the basement while Michael Johnson remains the most visible former US athlete out there.
  6. Carl Lewis failed three doping tests during 1988 US Olympic Trials. He admitted it back in 2003 already. It's common knowledge he was a cheater too.
  7. Law & Justice doesn't have a majority in Senate At the end of the day Americans will still own TVN so this is much ado about nothing.
  8. Neah, Law & Justice kicked out some satellite party members from the government but can still rely on support from the rock singer Kukiz & his buddies. So the Parliament majority is still there to upset out liberal opposition
  9. The Americans haven't left Afghanistan yet and Talibans are making heavy gains. 20 years of war and things will return to pre-2001 reality in a matter of months. Kabul should fall sometime in 2022 unless the government completely caves in and strikes a deal with Taliban.
  10. Actually the exact number of posts is gone too (you have to scroll over the rounded value), so are the medals and the reaction score
  11. People don't really care about rhytmic gymnastics at all outside of the former Soviet Union/Eastern bloc countries. This is a far cry from the figure skating 2002 OG fiasco. Yeah, there are some Americans competing here but they are merely also-runs. I'm pretty sure Russia will bounce back to win more golds in Paris since they have most depth overall. It's only a matter of time. Remember how that won table tennis gold in Athens? That was supposed to be the end of dominance. It was anything but
  12. This is some serious bullshit alright
  13. They only give away free passports to Jews, you live in Brazil so might not be aware there are a lot of Russian/Ukrainian Jews out there. This also applies to figure skating - effectively every sport where Russia/former USSR has been a historical powerhouse. They also have a mixture of American Jews competing for Israel in figure skating but most are Russian/Ukrainian. Galit Chait was the only ethnic Israeli Jew that achieved international success in figure skating IIRC.
  14. Dolgopyat is from Ukraine? I also read he lives in Israel but he isn't even a Jew by the law since his mother wasn't Jewish. And he is dating a Belarussian girl so I assume he stays in the Russian-speaking language world anyway. But he can't get married in Israel since he isn't actually Jewish by the religion law
  15. Well, it won't stop Israel from handing out nationality to Russian Jews though. I feel like 90% of Israeli gymnasts and figure skaters are basically Russian or Ukrainian Jews to begin with
  16. Geraghty-Moats only hit 3/15 in the standing in both races? I suppose she won't return to biathlon full-time anytime soon.
  17. Marcus Ericsson won the Nashville street race despite going airborne on lap 5 The race was a total shitfest overall.
  18. Likewise Trampoline gymnastics. The goal for Paris: get over 30 comments In athletics the Barshim/Tamberi/Jacobs gold combo got like 30+ comments in less than 10 minutes
  19. Even if the posts are negative (see my sport climbing format comments) it actually shows interest (i.e. how to make things better). It's rather clear women's 3x3 basketball was the least followed sport on TO Men's 3x3 escaped that fate due to a) lack of USA b) bitching about Poland's failure
  20. Ledwo co zgasł znicz, a już jakaś dziennikarzyna zaczyna narzekania.,d87b6cc4 Gdyby faktycznie mielibyśmy się skoncentrować na kilku najbardziej obiecujących sportach, a resztę olać to za 5-6 lat następny dziennikarz na 100% wyskoczyłby z tezą, że takie podejście zabija wiele talentów i powinno się wrócić do szerokiego frontu finansowania dyscyplin olimpijskich. Tu się nie da wygrać z takimi malkontentami. Generalnie u nas upadły sporty walki, ale takie czasy, że zapasy i judo to dyscypliny niszowe, które bez wsparcia komunistycznego państwa sobie nie radzą. W Atlancie i Sydney jeszcze jechaliśmy siłą rozpędu, ale to się skończyło. W boksie każdy byle nastolatek już łypie okiem na zawodowy kontrakt, a nie żadne tam olimpijskie medale. Pływanie nam odjechało globalnie, ale tu nigdy nie zdobywaliśmy worka medali. Jedyny sport gdzie faktycznie nie wykorzystujemy potencjału to moim zdaniem kolarstwo torowe, bo posiadanie toru to już połowa sukcesu. Tam spokojnie moglibyśmy przywozić 3-4 medale z każdych IO. No ale tam jest problem w samym związku. Domyślam się, że torowcy są traktowani jako kategoria "B", komornik tor w Pruszkowie zajął, a leśne dziady w zarządzie kłócą się o byle co. Ze dwa lata temu wyskoczyli na Langa, bo chcieli dostawać jakieś pieniądze za to, że Lang niby powoduje straty poprzez trzymanie Tour de Pologne w swoim ręku i sponsorzy przychodzą do Langa a nie do związku. Co za mendy. Sam wszystko zbudował i bardzo dobrze, że tam działacze nie mają podjazdu. A Lang na pewno ma chody w UCI i mało go obchodzą jakieś przyspawane do stołków lokalne dinozaury.
  21. Well, the Spanish walker Tur was still in 3rd place one minute before the finish. That's the ultimate killer in an event that lasts 3 hours and 50 minutes! Kinda sums up the OG performance.
  22. Four months after my previous post here and sure enough, we keep getting those wild cards again Handball is truly an European-centric sport! Also congrats to Slovakia, that seems like a completely random choice picked out of the hat
  23. It's obvious he did that on purpose. We're not in court so the word "appears" is moot.
  24. The limits were there before anyway so no country could field athletes in all weight classes. Imagine if IOC told Japan they can't field an athlete in every judo category? As usual, double standards is king
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