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Everything posted by Wumo

  1. "The Queen of Soul", Aretha Franklin, has died at the age of 76
  2. 0-2 It looks like it's game over for Nepal
  3. Carlos Sainz replaces Fernando Alonso as McLaren driver for next season.
  4. Weirdly enough, according to Heritage, an American conservative public policy think tank, Denmark is a more economic free (capitalistic) country than USA. Denmark is 12 and USA is 18 For your information, Venezuela is number 179 out of 180. At least they are higher than North Korea
  5. Women's Individual Events Notice! I will create one post for every week and update it with new qualified athletes as they qualify in that week. Example : Update - Week 20 - May 13 to May 19 - 2019 You can search for the week number or days in that week and get an overview of that week's qualified athletes. I will also make a separate post for Diamond League events. The post will contain the words "DL, the name of the host city and year" Example: DL Shanghai 2019 Qualified Quotas Overview Total Quota: 476 Women's 100m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 29 Women's 200m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 25 Women's 400m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 24 Women's 800m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 21 Women's 1500m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 24 Women's 5000m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 32 Women's 10,000m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 20 Women's 100m Hurdles (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 21 Women's 400m Hurdles (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 21 Women's 3000m Steeplechase (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 18 Women's High Jump (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Women's Pole Vault (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Women's Long Jump (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 15 Women's Triple Jump (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 20 Women's Shot Put (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Women's Discus Throw (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Women's Hammer Throw (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Women's Javelin Throw (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 11 Women's Heptathlon (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 9 Women's 20km Race Walk (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 34 Women's Marathon (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 71
  6. Well I never been in Venezuela, but I have heard some rumours that it is not going too well. When I went to the supermarket today to buy sugar and flour for my cupcakes, the price was the same as last week. But what do I know? I'm just a student who wants to start a cupcake-cafe apparently
  7. Tough Champions League for Martve Kutasi women. 0-29 in goal difference, and 107 shots allowed in three games! But they had 6 shots and 1 on goal in three games
  8. Not a bad performance from Nepal.
  9. Denmark at the 2020 Olympics Qualified Athletes/Quotas Sailing quotas: Men's: 49er: 1 (2 athletes) Women's RS:X: 1 Laser Radial: 1 49erFX: 1 (2 athletes) Mixed Nacra 17: 1 (2 athletes) Total number of athletes qualified for 2020 Olympics: 8
  10. Two-time champion, Fernando Alonso, leaves F1 after this season
  11. Well I guessed the podium, but in wrong order
  12. Great final for Bube, new season best Unfortunately it was a fast final. His chance of a medal was gone after Bosse decided this needs to go faster.
  13. Results 11.08 Women's long distance: Gold:Tove Alexandersson 1:14:04 Silver:Maja Alm 1:15:31 Bronze:Sabine Hauswirth 1:16:30 Full result list: - Women.pdf Men's distance: Gold:Olav Lundanes 1:37:43 Silver:Ruslan Glibov 1:40:20 Bronze:Fabian Hertner 1:40:47 Full result list: - Men.pdf
  14. 3000 m steeplechase, my first perfect prediction!
  15. Results 09.08 Women's relay: Gold:Switzerland (Elena Roos, Julia Jakob, Judith Wyder) 1:45:03 Silver:Sweden (Helena Bergman, Karolin Ohlsson, Tove Alexandersson) 1:45:18 Bronze:Russia (Anastasia Rudnaya, Tatyana Riabkina, Natalia Gemperle) 1:47:20 Men's relay: Gold:Norway (Hallan Steiwer Gaute, Eskil Kinneberg, Magne Daehli) 1:47:26 Silver:Switzerland (Florian Howald, Daniel Hubmann, Matthias Kyburz) 1:47:30 Bronze:France (Nicolas Rio, Lucas Basset, Frederic Tranchand) 1:47:36
  16. Thoughts about men's and women's middle distance: (This will be a bit shorter, than last update) Women's middle distance: Before I come to the podium I first have to comment on a certain swedish woman. Tove Alexandersson is the talk of the town after her race. She made som HUGE mistakes in the beginning of the race. These mistakes costed her the chance for a podium place, so the dream of becoming the first woman/athlete to win 5 medals at the same WCH is over. Now to a more happier note, the podium. Nathalia Gemperle won her first individual gold medal after an impressive run. Another first time was the woman on the second place, Marika Teini. She also won her first individual medal in her career. All good things come in threes, also this podium. Isia Basset was the third woman, who could celebrate her first individual medal, which also was her first medal at a WCH. Her name will also be part of French Orienteering history by becoming the first French female runner to win a medal at a WCH. Men's middle distance. Where there is a forest, there is always someone from Norway winning a medal. Not surprinsingly, Norway shows their strenght when the distance is middle or long. This time it was Eskil Kinneberg who ran a well-deserved gold medal home to the land of fjords. He won his first medal at a WCH, and why not start with a gold. Daniel Hubmann continues his reign as King of Swiss orieentering by winning a new medal, this time silver. The bronze went to fellow Swiss competitor, Florian Howald, who continued the trend of the day by winning his first individual medal a WCH. The theme or trend of the day is first-time medallists. We have more races today. The relays are on the program. The women's relay is already over, and the men's are still going at the moment, so we will know the result in about half an hour. I will post the results from today's races when the men's relay is over, and I will come with an update, hopefully, before the long distance for men and women on saturday.
  17. And the weaher doesn't help. It's raining now Edit: 65.31 m is okay
  18. I would recommend forecasting, instead of the current result. Forecasting:
  19. In a interview she said, that she wanted to try something new. She wasn't satisfied with her morning heat. She said it was her owm decision, and sometimes you just have to try something new to test your limits. But I ask, why didn't you try to test your limit in the morning session where the chance of qualifying is higher!
  20. Highlights from today's races: Women's: Men's:
  21. Men's Individual Events Notice! I will create one post for every week and update it with new qualified athletes as they qualify in that week. Example : Update - Week 20 - May 13 to May 19 - 2019 You can search for the week number or days in that week and get an overview of that week's qualified athletes. I will also make a separate post for Diamond League events. The post will contain the words "DL, the name of the host city and year" Example: DL Shanghai 2019 Qualified Quotas Overview Total Quota: 499 Men's 100m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 31 Men's 200m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 26 Men's 400m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 15 Men's 800m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 26 Men's 1500m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 24 Men's 5000m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 23 Men´s 10000m (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 16 Men's 110m Hurdles (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Curent Quotas: 17 Men's 400m Hurdles (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 15 Men's 3000m Steeplechase (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 24 Men's High Jump (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 7 Men's Pole Vault (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 18 Men's Long Jump (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 17 Men's Triple Jump (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 18 Men's Shot Put (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 19 Men's Discus Throw (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 18 Men's Hammer Throw (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 14 Men's Javelin Throw (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 17 Men's Decathlon (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 7 Men's 20km Walk (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 34 Men's 50km Race Walk (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 20 Men's Marathon (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (3 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (2 athletes) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) (1 athlete) Current Quotas: 93
  22. I'm glad to see Colombia participate. An okay effort by Juan Carlos Bedoya Obando. His time was 2:18:26! 1 hour and 45 minutes behind the winner, and only 1 hour behind second last placed Gerardo Garcia. I'm a bit worried if he choose to run the long distance...
  23. Results 07.08 Women's middle distance: Gold:Natalia Gemperle 32:02 Silver:Marika Teini 33:32 Bronze:Isia Basset 33:56 Men's middle distance: Gold:Eskil Kinneberg 32:59 Silver:Daniel Hubmann 33:05 Bronze:Florian Howald 33:13
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