you surprise me with the semi-comunist country, in that case may be you are considered in your country like rigth-wing even being social-liberal, for the comunist your ideas are not "left-ideas" .
i dont agree with you partially: the comunism usually do the same but their hate is political correct: the nationalist/fascist/nazi discriminate people for nationality, religion etc, the comunist did the same against the people their coinsiderer "the powerfull", like bussinesman, the "bourgeoisie", the "right" (in my country they usually use that derogative form), so like their anger is against people for another reason of "exist", their hate is more acepted.
In my country they have the last 12 years goverment (using the peronism party, a party with people of all the politicals forms you can imagine) and i really dont want to see them returning, the comunist have many weaks partys here and the nazi/fascist only one, very weak too and with the jewish (they are the second minority) like priority.......