Hello everyone,
the post-Olympic year is going to finish and a new sports year is going to start, a year with the Winter Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup and the first Olympic Qualifications for Tokyo 2020, which hopefully you will all follow on Totallympics and more people will join us before, during and after the events.
A special thank you to the 6 users who last year subscribed to the Premium Membership, allowing me to have some extra motivations during the last year when my motivations to keep up the project were a bit low. So thank you @Prashanth, @nitinsanker, @OlympicIRL, @hukbrazil, @heywoodu and @Pavlo for your gesture.
Now that I have more motivations, I was able to reduce the costs of hosting the website and I am able to pay most of them with the money I receive from the ads (which is very few, but still enough to cover most of the costs), the Premium Membership and the donations are not necessary anymore and Totallympics is free for everyone again.
So you are all now allowed to add your own signature in your profile, which will be shown after each of your posts.
As always, everyone can help Totallympics to grow trying to get more users from his/her own nation on national forums/social networks/communities and a way to do so is to make your National Thread active (see Serbia and India, more users attract more users as everywhere around the web) and I wish in the future every national community on the forum can get bigger