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[PREDICTION CONTEST] Water Polo at the FINA World Aquatics Championships 2022

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Provisional Standing after Day 2


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 LEVARTOZ :ESP 210 102 108                          
2 Xarles :ESP 196 96 100                          
3 africaboy :ROU 171 73 98                          
4 Daygo :ESP 166 92 74                          
4 neveritt84 :ESP 166 82 84                          
6 CiroMennella99 :ITA 163 72 91                          
7 Herberth10 :BRA 160 81 79                          
8 Henry_Leon :ITA 155 72 83                          
9 maestro :GRE 154 69 85                          
10 JOSE SEIJO :ESP 151 68 83                          
11 Pablita :ITA 150 61 89                          
12 Wanderer :NZL 146 69 77                          
13 Federer91 :BUL 145 77 68                          
14 titicow :BRA 144 70 74                          
15 hckosice :SVK 142 64 78                          
16 Topicmaster1010 :CAN 136 79 57                          
16 Monzanator :POL 136 70 66                          
18 Hipooo :CZE 133 73 60                          
18 MCMXC :GBR 133 68 65                          
18 varnoldr :HUN 133 64 69                          
21 vlad :ROU 131 58 73                          
22 ady48 :ROU 130 64 66                          
23 SteveParker :ITA 126 66 60                          
24 Jinzha :NED 120 68 52                          
25 NikolaB :SRB 117 54 63                          
26 Ufilov :POL 112 53 59                          
27 PakoNaxto :ESP 106 57 49                          

01: June 20th - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

02: June 21st - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

03: June 22nd - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

04: June 23rd - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

05: June 24th - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

06: June 25th - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

07: June 26th - Knockout Round - Women's Playoffs

08: June 27th - Knockout Round - Men's Playoffs

09: June 28th - Knockout Round - Women's Quarterfinals

10: June 29th - Knockout Round - Men's Quarterfinals

11: June 30th - Knockout Round - Women's Semifinals

12: July 1st- Knockout Round - Men's Semifinals

13: July 2nd - Knockout Round - Women's Medal Matches

14: July 3rd - Knockout Round - Men's Medal Matches

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Top Posters In This Topic

Provisional Standing after Day 3


Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 TB
1 LEVARTOZ :ESP 292 102 108 82                        
2 Xarles :ESP 269 96 100 73                        
3 africaboy :ROU 237 73 98 66                        
4 CiroMennella99 :ITA 232 72 91 69                        
5 Henry_Leon :ITA 231 72 83 76                        
5 Daygo :ESP 231 92 74 65                        
7 neveritt84 :ESP 228 82 84 62                        
8 Herberth10 :BRA 224 81 79 64                        
9 maestro :GRE 222 69 85 68                        
10 Federer91 :BUL 219 77 68 74                        
11 hckosice :SVK 216 64 78 74                        
12 titicow :BRA 213 70 74 69                        
12 Wanderer :NZL 213 69 77 67                        
14 JOSE SEIJO :ESP 209 68 83 58                        
15 Pablita :ITA 206 61 89 56                        
16 Topicmaster1010 :CAN 204 79 57 68                        
17 Monzanator :POL 200 70 66 64                        
18 varnoldr :HUN 196 64 69 63                        
19 vlad :ROU 192 58 73 61                        
19 PakoNaxto :ESP 192 57 49 86                        
21 Hipooo :CZE 191 73 60 58                        
21 ady48 :ROU 191 64 66 61                        
23 Jinzha :NED 189 68 52 69                        
24 Ufilov :POL 188 53 59 76                        
25 SteveParker :ITA 180 66 60 54                        
25 NikolaB :SRB 180 54 63 63                        
27 MCMXC :GBR 178 68 65 45                        


01: June 20th - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

02: June 21st - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

03: June 22nd - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

04: June 23rd - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

05: June 24th - Preliminary Round - Women's Group A, B, C and D

06: June 25th - Preliminary Round - Men's Group A, B, C and D

07: June 26th - Knockout Round - Women's Playoffs

08: June 27th - Knockout Round - Men's Playoffs

09: June 28th - Knockout Round - Women's Quarterfinals

10: June 29th - Knockout Round - Men's Quarterfinals

11: June 30th - Knockout Round - Women's Semifinals

12: July 1st- Knockout Round - Men's Semifinals

13: July 2nd - Knockout Round - Women's Medal Matches

14: July 3rd - Knockout Round - Men's Medal Matches

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Women's Tournament

June 26th, 2022
8 Nations, the 4 winning Nations will qualify for the Quarterfinals


Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2
June 26th 2022, h. 14:00 Canada :CAN     :NED Netherlands
June 26th 2022, h. 17:00

New Zealand :NZL

    :FRA France
June 26th 2022, h. 17:00

Kazakhstan :KAZ

    :ESP Spain
June 26th 2022, h. 18:30 Hungary :HUN     :ARG Argentina

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7 hours ago, Sindo said:



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10 hours ago, Sindo said:



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10 hours ago, Sindo said:



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