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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. which one ? there plenty in our TV. sometimes I feel like the biggest export article of Argentina and Colombia are telenovelas
  2. still pointless in this second session, that was a masterpiece decision to put us in the 1st and USA in the 2nd leg, great coaching
  3. Now I really feel like living under rocks...I never heard about the guy before. I swear
  4. 13 New Confirmed Cases yesterday, 2174 Tests So 728 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+13 Yesterday), 2174 Tests yesterday (25816 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0). 23 Healed (+0) 170 Hospitalized, 5 in serious condition (under ventilation), 2 ICU
  5. Czechoslovak Trophy 25 haha Pan-Slavic Championship and 27 25 23 22 21 14 haha
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