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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. well, thats unfortunate. I think the world ranking quotas are for names not NOCs so I do not think other dane can replace him, or maybe I am wrong ?
  2. 5-5-0 oh boy Sand...check water...check cement....check ok let´s go
  3. no worries, SCO will take the sweetiest of the revenges beating England at home, mark my words
  4. at least one Košice born player will win a match at this tournament. Král (CZE) was born here
  5. I do not believe in bad lack. You are either good or bad, luck has nothing to do on it. we are bad in sport, we used to be excellent in canoeing slalom and very strong in hockey, now we are decnet in CS and 2nd tier in hockey. Not evaluating other sports, apart some individuals it is just one misery without solution. The split up of Czechoslovakia hurts us too more than people realize.
  6. I hesitated between Schick and the whole team, I put the whole team, but Schick is obviously a monster itself
  7. Varga is first under. but ok. I have no problem with that
  8. yeah, my bad did not realize that. sorry M W
  9. They awarded 1 single tripartite in this sport to Syria and it was in expense of Slovakia I can´t Anyway I do not care too much, I know we are shitty in sport in general and probably do ot deserve the half of quotas we have (29 actually) but this first non-qualifed pattern is just hilarious -MTB Cycling, the whole 3 years maintaing the last qualifying place to finish first under the line after the very last race because for god konws why super motivated Dasalu needed to finish in the 20th place like there would be tomorrow -Street Sk8 Tury the whole time in qualifying position then crashed in the semifinal of the very last race to miss out -Gamsjager in W Canoeing Sprint first non-qualified -Gamsjager/Petrušová first non qualified in WK2 same sport -Salkazanov (European champion for god sake) lost the last qualifying match ... -Equestrian (Bugan) obviously first under the line but logically there no more chance that anyone else decline, but before there were no MERs or declined spots left and right lol etc..etc.. I do not continue, because football 2nd half is about to start but Triathlon cabn be added to the list now too and just for fun in the both events haha
  10. Slovakia failed to qualify first time since 2008 Gajdošová was in last position during the wole last 2 weeks just to throw the quota in the very last race I swear we will not even have 35 athletes, bunch of losers we are
  11. Stuff for our match packed ! Blue kit with the Tatra monutains peaks (aka paintball design) today
  12. so whats new ? did your team found the jackhammer ?
  13. crew of M K4-500 officially announced after todays "rainy" internal qualifier, hard luck for the young Csaba Zalka. so the crew is Samuel Baláž, Denis Myšák, Erik Vlček, Adam Botek Samuel Baláž & Adam Botek as announced will compete also in the M K2-1000m The name of the athlete who will compete in M K1-1000m is still not announced yet, our coaches will decide about it in the next hours/day(s) Erik Vlček by this became the new national record holder, Tokyo will be his 6th Olympics ! Any other Slovak athlete has competed in more than 5 Olympics (Summer or Winter) in history including the Czechoslovak era. Congrats Erik (2x Silver Beijing 2008 & Rio 2016, Bronze in Athens 2004, competed also in London 2012 & Sydney 2000) Denis Myšák will return to the Olympics after Rio 2016 (Silver in K4-1000m) Baláž & Botek will experience their olympic debut and in two events. For K1-1000m it is likely going to be a battle between Csaba Zalka or Peter Gelle (who won the quota but is in bad form actually), do not see anyone else who can steal that berth. The name should be announced soon
  14. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 UPDATED POST Nomination of 9th and 10th Qualified Athletes DENIS MYŠÁK + ERIK VLČEK SAMUEL BALÁŽ / DENIS MYŠÁK / ERIK VLČEK / ADAM BOTEK - CANOEING SPRINT (K4-500m M) Poznáme zloženie K4 v Tokiu Erik Vlček sa stane slovenským rekordérom, v Tokiu zažije šiestu olympiádu. Myšák si dá repete z Ria 2016 V dnešných interných pretekoch sa rozhodovalo, kto bude finálne sedieť v našej vlajkovej lodi K4 na olympijských hrách v Tokiu. Erik Vlček potvrdil svoju formu a keďže porazil Csabu Zalka, zloženie posádky, ktoré navrhne športový riaditeľ Filip Petrla na schválenie výkonnému výboru, bude takéto: Samuel Baláž, Denis Myšák, Erik Vlček a Adam Botek. Rýchlostný kanoista Erik Vlček sa stane prvým slovenským šesťnásobným olympionikom. Na OH 2020 v Tokiu bude štartovať v K4 na 500 m spoločne so Samuelom Balážom, Denisom Myšákom a Adamom Botekom. Vlček uspel v internej kvalifikácii na bratislavskom Zemníku v súboji s Csabom Zalkom, ktorý bol členom K4 na nedávnych ME v Poznani. "Erik dnes zdolal Csabu v internom dueli na 400 m trati. Výkonnému výboru tak predložíme na schválenie nomináciu v zložení Baláž, Myšák, Vlček, Botek. O tom, kto bude v Tokiu štartovať v K1 na 1000 m, sme zatiaľ nerozhodli, ešte si nechávame nejaký čas na definitívny verdikt," uviedol pre TASR Filip Petrla, športový riaditeľ sekcie hladkých vôd Slovenskej kanoistiky. Slovenský tím K4 skončil s Vlčekom v máji na podujatí Svetového pohára v Szegede šiesty. Na európskom šampionáte v Poznani, na ktorých Vlčeka nahradil v lodi Zalka, získali Slováci striebro. Najúspešnejší slovenský rýchlostný kanoista v histórii deklaroval, že do Tokiu chce ísť iba ako člen K4 a nemá záujem štartovať v K1. Nominačný rébus napokon vyriešila až interná kvalifikácia. Vlček je desaťnásobný majster sveta a trojnásobný olympijský medailista. Na OH 2016 v Riu de Janeiro i na OH 2008 v Pekingu získal striebro, na OH 2004 v Aténach bronz. Prvýkrát štartoval na OH v Sydney v roku 2000.
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