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  1. athlete in the start list
  2. Missed it somehow, but earned yesterday its 3rd medal of the games, 2nd silver. The W 20km Race Walk Team (from left Ema Hačundová, Hana Burzalová, Alžbeta Ragasová) finished second behind and ahead of However, It was also the only 3 teams entering the competition ... and yet they still awarded and counted the medals ... well, good for us, I guess
  3. Probably the lowest level field ever in a World Cup event, but who cares ? First ever WC podium , Silver in today´s sprint in Yeongdo for the Košice native Romana Gajdošová, yeah, the one who missed Tokyo by 1 place) so congrats Romana for writing the country history then Also 3 Slovaks in top 12, yeah, the level of the competiton was very clearly disastrously low lol
  4. 12th at the World Championships. That is just one fantastic debut. 2nd ever seniors international race in her career and already destroyed all previous NR PBs This girl is really going full gas ! Martina you rock star
  5. Not entirely convinced, the middle/long distances qualification will be now only on positions and not time rule is a good idea. Now when everyone will know that only top 6 qualify, and times from previous heats do not count, we can have some really slow long heats/semifinals runs, since everyone will save energy only for the finish...
  6. Viktória Forster má limit pre Paríž 2024 i zlato z univerziády Atlétka Viktória Forster vybojovala štvrtú miestenku pre Slovensko na olympijské hry 2024. Vo finále pretekov na 100 m prek. na svetovej univerziáde v čínskom Čchceng-tu nielenže vybojovala zlatú medailu, ale časom 12,72 s utvorila slovenský rekord a splnila aj olympijský kvalifikačný limit pre Paríž (12,77). Ján Volko obsadil vo finále na 200 metrov štvrtú priečku o 11 stotín za pódiom. Vo finále triumfovala Forster v národnom rekorde 12,72 s náskokom štyroch stotín pred domácou Číňankou Jen-ni Wu. Forster svoje doterajšie slovenské maximum z júnovej Zlatej tretry v Ostrave zlepšila o jednu desatinu sekundy. Pre 21-ročnú atlétku je to druhá medaila na prebiehajúcom podujatí, v stredu vybojovala striebro na hladkej stovke. „Je neuveriteľné, čo teraz prežívam. Zo zlata sa nesmierne teším a ďakujem všetkým. Znamená to pre mňa naozaj veľa. Na tejto univerziáde to boli pre mňa prioritné preteky a išla som do nich s tým, že tam nechám úplne všetko a buď to vyjde alebo nie. Som šťastná,“ povedala Forster. Volko vo finále na 200 m zabehol čas 20,66 s, čo mu stačilo na štvrtú priečku. Triumfoval Juhoafričan Tsebo Matsoso výkonom 20,36. Na univerziáde sa Volko do finále na tejto trati prebojoval tretíkrát - v roku 2017 v Tchaj-peji získal bronz (20,99) a v roku 2019 v Neapole skončil piaty (20,66).
  7. 2nd medal and 1st gold Viktória Forster (again) this time in the 100 Hurdles. Won with a time of 12.72 to set another her new NR and thanks legal wind +1.0, should be also the Paris 2024 standard. Way to go Viki ! We proud of you.
  8. and she did it at 16, in her WCh debut, she is in the semifinals ! Already Best ever result for Sport climbing way to go Martina ! step by step girl, maybe she really can bring us in this to the Olympics in LA ! because based on this season, only the sky will be her limit in the future it looks
  9. Barbora Mokošová (our flagbearer) did qualify to the finals in both her apparatus she competed in here (UB & BB). Medals are probably out of reach but still Happy for her that she achieved such nice results Another positive news arrived from Athletics: A couple of hours after her silver in the 100 dash, Viki Forster advanced in the 100 Hurdles to the semifinals, Also Ján Volko who came to Chengdu only for the 200m advanced from the heats to the semis. On other side, Quite hard luck for Daniela Ledecká who finished 4th in the W 400 Hurdles also Matej Balúch in the M 400 Hurdles missed the final very nearly finishing 9th (1st under the cut) and our W Tennis pair who lost to the host in the quarterfinal.
  10. [hide] Knockout Stage August 3rd - August 20th 2023 16 Nations, The Winners of each Round of 16 matches will qualify for the Quarterfinals. Round of 16 Date & Time (GMT +9:30-12) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 August 5th 2023, h. 17:00 Switzerland 0 1 Spain August 5th 2023, h. 20:00 Japan 2 0 Norway August 6th 2023, h. 12:00 Netherlands 2 0 South Africa August 6th 2023, h. 19:00 Sweden 1 1 United States August 7th 2023, h. 17:30 England 1 0 Nigeria August 7th 2023, h. 20:30 Australia 1 0 Denmark August 8th 2023, h. 18:00 Colombia 1 0 Jamaica August 8th 2023, h. 20:30 France 2 1 Morocco [/hide]
  11. Was asking because our Škvarková is 42nd in the road to Buda. 40 qualify, but since Tobi Amusan will not be likely allowed to compete, I was searching for one other who is listed but participation should be questionable, and I found Sember. So if not, then Škvarková should be the 40th then.. I know ! I know... quite selfish..
  12. Slovan Bratislava after eliminating 0:1 & 2:2 Zrinjski Mostar also made it to the 3rd Qualifying round. A stage they´ve never reached before in this competition btw. Next one is Maccabi Haifa. However, they also have secured at least the Conference League group stage, which is another 10 matches in Europe this fall and at minimum 3 Million EUR (which was obviously their goal of the season)
  13. What´s the situation with Cindy Sember, Is she going to compete ? She did not run the whole season as far as I know
  14. Well, unlucky for the kids for sure, however, this 2006 year is very weak. We knew it and had no expectations, Last 2 years classes were great and amazing, now we have to survive this one, the next year group should be a bit better than the 2006 one, however still not as great like the 2004-05 classes were though
  15. Great, thanks sir. How many will progress to the semis ? Is it by placing among best in different groups or by general ranking from all athletes ?
  16. and our first (hopefully not last ) medal is around the neck Odd Fun fact: Viki will compete also in the 100 Hurdles here. There no many athletes doing the 100 dash and Hurdles combination at a single multisport competition. Can not remember who was the last one to do it.
  17. Looking forward to see how our supertalented Martina Buršíková will do here at her first careers seniors world championship. Obviously, we are not going to enter the Olympic qualifiers (no reason for that, she has time until LA 28, she is barely 16 now) so the federation registered her only for the bouldering, If I understand correctly tomorrow late evening are the qualifiers, right ? Not sure if she can realistically aim for qualifying to the semifinals, but at her only World Cup appearance so far last month in Austria, she managed to make the semis, so let see, all in all, if she will succeed, that would be a ridiculous historic achievement for us.
  18. Medal We are again not returning empty-handed home. Medal winning streak at universiades continue again with another edition Viktória Forster (W 100m Silver) Congrats Viki
  19. Bored during your school summer break ? No problem One very well done history class video provided by Knowledgia.
  20. Team Slovakia Men - Recurve Juraj Duchoň Miroslav Duchoň Daniel Medveczky Men - Compound Jozef Bošanský Matúš Durný jr. Šimon Šedivý Women - Recurve Denisa Baránková Elena Bendíková Kristína Drusková Women - Compound Petra Kočutová
  21. That was one terrible defending of last corner action in a match lol
  22. At the end will have 2 riders in the M Road Race. federation announced today, we apparently received a reallocation (?) and thus Matúš Štoček will help Peter Sagan in the Glasgow roads
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