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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. 59.57 Vetter I mean, why bother with first 5 events
  2. Vetter already a 1005 points throw on 1st attempt
  3. Lansiquot reinstated. Fair, she is not from Cuba !
  4. so how many countries commentators missed the introduction of half of the start list because talking about pot after introducing Richardson ?
  5. not the way Tsimanouskaya wanted to start for here
  6. and now time for my beloved Heptathlon Javelin Group A sub-35 meters competition Will miss Sulek´s dance this time though
  7. do not know what you speaking about, only yesterday they broke the relay WR
  8. imagine being the whole day in this heat in this mascot costume. the hero of the day
  9. Czech bronze made really miracles, Krsek just beat Deadmon
  10. meanwhile 2 new Q in Discus Group B 2nd series Vita and Tausaga
  11. easy NR 44.39 for Ingvaldsen. a true cross-country skiing powerhouse !
  12. Vondrová 50.92 and Paris standard for the new czech shinkanzen
  13. Brooks and Vetter both at risk, currently both with two fouls in LJ
  14. that Czech bronze made miracles, what a finish by Petržilková here
  15. Feng Bin 3rd to reach the Q mark in W Discus Group A with 65.68 in last attempt
  16. Miller-Uibo with a Slovak-like performance here
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