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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. SLOVAKIA Jury Spokesperson: hckosice Dobrý večer USA, Hlásia sa Košice, Hlási sa Slovensko, Na úvod, nam dovoľte sa poďakovať usporiadateľskému výboru za krásne privítanie. Je nám cťou a radosťou, že sa opäť môžeme zúčastniť tejto výnimočnej súťaže. A teraz pristúpme k hlasovaniu Slovenskej poroty : Good evening USA ! Košice calling ! Slovakia calling ! First, pleas let us to thank to the organizing committee for the great welcome we received, it´s really a pleisure and honor to be part of this exceptional competition. And now, we´ll present you the Slovak votes : France 10 Great Britain 9 Algeria 8 Ireland 7 Chile 6 Denmark 5 Argentina 4 Bulgaria 3 Indonesia 2 Portugal 1
  2. wait, hold a second, I am the next one, right ? Time to start searching the templates...
  3. Never heard it before as welll, but well never heard about the backstreet boys neither so...
  4. Too busy to sweeping the stone...because you know right now we´re in troubles...HAAAAAAARD !
  5. This already resume perfectly everything abot our performance during the whole day in this mixed event
  6. Outh team will no be completely out if Canada fail to receive point in this leg ?
  7. okay we lost to Russia 1-2, but was a good match, now back to TISC bar, who´s turn is now, Seamus ?
  8. Yay Slovak leg saved ! Team Atlantic surviving Thank you Indonesia ! Thank you @Griff88
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