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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. For 5th consecutive Juventus become Italian Champion
  2. Davide Manenti 200m - 20.50 whit +2.1 of wind. Is accepted? (i'm not sure for the wind...)
  3. Good results for extreme-right in Austria and Serbia Dark times are coming for Europe
  4. 3/3 for Spain in World Cup.. Whitout Gomez!
  5. Wow! Kipchoge wins the London Marathon whit 2:03:05
  6. Grazie delle delucidazioni. Ho corretto anche l'errore della pallanuoto, purtroppo ,utilizzando il cellulare, il T9 a volte fa brutti scherzi..
  7. Binder Amazing 2nd place for Bulega, for the 1st time on the podium (he has 16 years)
  8. Qualcuno sa se le quote del nuoto nella prima pagina sono corrette?
  9. After Italian Swimming Championship Italy have 215 quotas (according whit my count)
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